Gov. Maleniza, board members accede to PTA, student demands


Part of The Bicol Star

Gov. Maleniza, board members accede to PTA, student demands
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WELCOME PILGRIMS AND VISITORS Rinibong Tao Nagdalao can Traslacion kan Imagen ni Virgen de Penafrancia, Divino Rostro Siring Sa dsti si paghalyo schools asin ibang escuelas (traslacion) casoodmang ha- privadas digdi sa Naga asin pan can mga imagen ni sa ibang banuaan palm mga Virgen de Panafrancia asin lacn-laen na asociaciones reDivino Rostro, hale sa capll- Hgiosas nacatao nin daculang la nin Pefialrapcia pasiring'de^ostracion can solemnidad diyan sa Catedrui digdi sa c' hfiesta regional nin PefiaNaga City, ribi-ribong tao ucia, na nacacapagirahao an nagdalao asijQ nagiba sa. Jbarahibo asin nacacapaprocesion. Minsah inoran ai . Id sa puso nin, mga devoprocesion, alagad ta ini dai tos asin paradalao. lamang uacapaluya sa boot can mga devotos sa pagiba sa procesion. An sabi can mga gurang an pagoran na iyan na dayaday nangyax;ari, toyong traslacion sarong secreto daa nin mahal na Dios* o milagro kan imagen ni Virgen Maria asin Divino Rostro sa pagprobar kan caigotan can boot nin mga devotos. Si mga estudiantes sa mga colegios, universidad, high (Dagos sa pagina 12) Gnonian na Sabado mapoon an novenario can Virgen de penafrancia sa Catcdral asin sagkod sa icawalong aldao sa sunod na Sabado, aldao nin pagsakay (procesion fluvial sa NAga River) can mga imagenes na ini sa paghatod sainda duman sa capilia sa Pefiafrancia, na iyo an bilang pinacadaculang aldao can - ‘ nin Pefiafrancia, sosog Southern Arms & Equipment Co. Tel. 21-11 P.O. Box 136 326 Renacimiento St. Naga City “EUTECTIC” low-heat welding solders for cast iron, stainless steel, copper bronze, aluminum, line. A nickel. •BUKH” and • SOUTHERN CROSS" diesel engines; Various water pumps; Lathes: Drills: and other “MESMA" machineries. Year 34—Vol. 31. No. 29-City of Naga. Sept. 10-17, 1966- 10 Ctvos. 16 Pages (----------------------------Penafrancia Number With Supplement i Prov. Board To Restore Old H. S. Fee • • • • • • • • • Objectives of Pres. Marcos U.S. Visit Bared; Working Entourage Limited Extra Train To Run On P'francia F esta Malacanang declared that the Presidential state visit to the United States, scheduled for September 12, will be working visit, as borne out by the spare list of official members of the party, each carefully handpicked for maximun service during the visit. The official party, including President Marcos, the First Lady Mrs. Imelda R. Marcos, number exactly 8. members. The unofficial members include six assistants and aides and representatives of various Manila newspapers who were chosen by their respective editors and publishers. Malacafiaog further said that the President himself will be busy throughout the visit, which has been closely programmed to deal with the urgent problems which necessitated the trip to Washington. The President bad earlier specified the reasons for tha state visit, topped by discussions on the policy level of matters affecting Phihppine-US relations. Notable among these are the updating of the agreement on the US military bases here, implementation of the military assistance Pact in the light of recent de velopments. the mutual delense treaty, and other basic policies that only the two heads of state could decide. The unofficial members were similarly selected for maximun assistance to the President, s nd consist of aides and special teeb(Continued on page 4) Nicanor T. Jimenez, general manager of the Philippine National Railways announced yesterday the schedule of special trains on September 16 to 18 from Manila to Naga and other extra trains in the Bicol region effective September 15 to 21 during the feast of Our Lady of Pefiafrancia On Friday September 16 extra train MA-1 will run from Manila to Naga as first section of the Bicol Night Express train 514. leaving Manila at 5:30 p.m. to arrive Naga at 3:45 a.m. the next morning. On Sunday Sept, 18. extra train NG-4 will run from Naga to Manila as first section of Night Express train 514, leaving Naga at 7:00p.m. to arrive Manila at 5*30 a.m. the following day In the Bicol region, extra trains , will observe the following schedule during the festivities of Our Lady of Pefiafrancia. from leptember 15 to 21. Southbound trains- Ex(Continued on page 12) Gov. Maleniza, Board Members Accede to PTA, Students Demands Provincial Governor Apolonio G. Maleniza and majority of the board members acceded to tbe demands of the Cam. Sur high school PTA and students to restore the old tuition fee of P85 in the high school here. Last August 10, the C.S. provincial board in its regular session approved Resolution No. 381 rais ing the tuition fee in the high school from P85 to F105 or more than 20 per cent raise. Vice Gov. Felimon Odiamar was absent, thus tbe high school PTA ar I students protested which culminated to the march of the PTA and students to the capitol with placards demanding from the Prov. Board to reduce the tution fee or restore the old rate and also to raise the salaries of tbe C.S. high sehool teachers who are receiving less than P200 a mantb. Gov. Maleniza arrived at t h e Capitol Annex Bldg, whep the big crowd of parents and students were already gathered on the ground in (Continued on page 12) Sorsogon Fire Victims Continue To Receive Aids Sorsogon's P5-million fire victims continued to recei ve more assistance from a sympathetic community than from' their government. Yesterdav the Legaspi Oil donated 100 sacks of rice. Yesterday Vic Cruz, district governor of Lions Internalionfl sent in T*2O0 to kick-off a Lions drive to help the fire victims. This was in answer to the appeal by Gov. J aan G. Frivaldo. a Lion himself, for the permanent rehabilitation center Among last week s donors were Sorsogon Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Pulan Chinese hamber of Commerce. Roman Chua. (Continued on page 12) Joint Legislative Executive Tax Commission To Make Finance Survey Here Sept 12-28 The local finance survey under the sponsorship and direction of the Joint Legislative-Executive Tax Commission with the cooperation of the provincial and municipal governments of Albay and th gazpi and Naga will be held Naga starting September 12 28, 1966. Before the province of Albay and the cities of Legazpi and Naga, the survey was conducted in the province of Tarlac from August 18 to 31, 1966. The general objective of the survey is to delve into the complicated problems of local finance and decentralization; and the specific ones are 1) to obtain opinions of local officials on the decentralization proposal and to e city governments of Lein the cities of Legazpi and and ending on September gather other ideas not embodied in the Senate Bill No. 1; 2) to obtain opinions oa the proposed automatic retention scheme and apportionment of internal revenue collection-,* 3) to determine the effectiveness of present assessment and collection methods in real property taxation, and to get views on possible reforms; 4) to obtain information on the present (Continued on page 12) The picture above shows Prov. Governor A. G. Maleniza of Cam. Sur speaking at the porch of the Prov. Capitol Annex II, to the Cam. Sur high school students who made a public rally last Tuesday against the raising of the C.S. high school tuition fee from P85 to PIOS Maleniza and the board members agreed to maintain the old tuition fee of P85. by repealing the board's resolution No. 381 which was approved last August 10. 12 * THE BICOL STAR ★ Sept. 10, 1966 Huelga Sa Na; An Sa Si huelga can mga empleados sa banco nacional husay na; an diyan sa DPB dai pa. Sa Lunes dadagnogon ni Jvez Areenio I. Martinez caa Court of Industrial Relations an petition can mga taga DBP. An sabi ni Chairman Gregorio Lioares can DBP kun dai magralaog an mga nag* Special Train . . . tra train TN-I leaves Tagkawayan at Jj:10 a. m. te arrive Bato at 10:44 a. m.; extra train COT I leaves Sipoeot at 6:30 a. m. to arrive Ligao at 10:34; extra train GOT-3 leaves Sipocot at 12;40 p. na. to arrive Ligao at 4:31; extra train COT-5 leaves Sipocot at 4.45 p. m. to arrive 'Naga at 6:06 p. m. Northbound trains - Bxtra train LIG-2 loaves Ligao at 6:30 a. m. to arrive Sipocot at 10:20 a. m-; extra train BTO-2 leaves Bato at 2;30 p. m. to arrive Tagkawayan at 8.09 p. m.; extra train L1G 4 leaves Ligao at 12:30 p. m. to arrive Sipocot at 4.16 p.m.; extra train NG 2 leaves Naga at 6:25 p m. to arrive Sipocot at 7:36 p.m. Jimenez directed station personnel and security men to coordinate in the proper handling of passengers and provide them maximum safety and security. He also ordered the suspension of all privilege passes of PNR employees and their dependents in order to give more accomodations to paying passengers. The PNR. head likewise suspended all leaves of absences ol train personnel during tbe Penafrancia festivities to ensure availability of manpower in the lines. Sorsogon Fire . . . Catholic Relief Services donated 10.000 lbs. of relief clothing, Seventh Day Adventists and tbe Armed Forces of tbe Philippines gave clothing, food and medicines and several others. Urgent appeals have been made to the b»se eommander of tbe U.S. Navy in Subic Bay and in Sangley Point, to the Sorsogon Association, Bicol Development Planning Board, Jaycees, Philippine Chamber of Commerce. On tbe government side, the Social Welfare Administration has given P8.000, the provincial Beard appropriated P10.000 to buy a lot. The municipal council hae promised another P10, 000 counterpart while Congressmen Vicente L. Peral. ta has reportedly sought P200.000 from President Marcos for the fire victims: Plans for tbe victims is to purchase a 3-hectare area in Balogo te be subdivided at ISO to 180-square-meter lots payable at Pl per year for ten to 20 years They wlli be assisted with the framework and tbe roof bat they will complete the building themselves Construction ot roads, sewerage, social ball, school, market will be undertaken by eivic groups; Food for-Peace and tha government. By and large, rehabilitation for tbe fire victims will lie mere closely on tbe self-help basis. PNB Ta pus DBP Dai Pa huelga sa DBP sa lunes puede sindang suspenderon aeia ribayan. Binabasar ni Licaros an saiyang pagboot sa opinion ni Sub Secretario Claudio Taehankee can Jueticia na an mga taga DBP dai nin catanosan na maghuelga ia an banco na ini an trabajo para sa gobierno, baeong arog oan iba na de negocio. An sabi man can mga empleados sa DBP si enot na opinion caidto ni Sec. Marino baeeng ‘'governmental function" an naturaleza can trabajo can DBP caya igua nin razon na maghuelga An sabi man kan mga taga BBP oa huelgieta an opinion ean secretario de jueticia dai msnigo na marevocar Can opinion nin sarong sub-secretario sane arog ni Teehankee. Si huelga sa PNB na nagpoon ean viernes na aga nahusay toloe. An huelga sa DBP nagpoon can jueves. Gov. Maleniza . . . front of the building last Monday at 10 a. m. (shown by the picture herewith). He made an explanation that the province ia financially io the red; He said that tbe Tabasoo Subsidy Act which requires the province to contribute haif a million pesos or 1.8 % is one of the causes why the board deemed it wise to raise tbe tuition fee in the high school ...However, he said, aa tbe students and their parents want to restore the old tuition fee, the ho and tbe board members would accede to their demands, but tbe case of tbe salaries of tbe te^ohers it would be still tbe subject of further studies by the board so that proper adjustment could be made and then their salaries may be raised. Gov Maleniza was loudly applauded when he made tbis pledge and he together with the board members wore Joint Legislative... system of looal revenue administration, and to get the ideas ef local official on possible reforms; and 5) to determine tbe actual extent of tbe implementation of taxing power granted under the Local Autonomy Law and the Revised Barrio Charter; Tba information will be sought by the survey team from the governors, provincial treasurers, assessors, provincial health officers, agriculturists, school superintendents, city end municipal mayors, city and municipal treasurers, municipal health officers, municipal agriculturists, distriot school supervisors and barrio officials, particularly barrio captains and treasurers;. Ths survey will cover tbe two cities of Naga and Legazpi: the province of Albay and the municipalities of Darsga, Manito. Oas; Ligae, Tiwi, Malinao, Polangui, Jovellar, Camalig, Guinobatan; congratulated and lavishly thanked hy Mrs. Conetancia D. Hidalgo, tbe PTA president. Rinibong Tao . . . sa tradiciou asin ginigibo taon-taen. Sa sunod na domingo, Ssptiembre 18. iyo an ultimo dia can novenario na duman na gigibohon sa eimbahan nin Penafranoia. Magpoen soodma asin sagkod sa maabot na sabado dai na nin ontoc an abot nin peligresee hale sa laenlaen na lugar ean Bicol asin ibang rona can Pilipinas. An tren igua nin extrang viajes belong Manila asin digdi sa Bicol magpoon sa viernes, Septiembre 16 sagkod sa Domingo, 18. An mga autos, buses, lancbas, igua man Din mga viajes espeoiales pasiring sa Naga asin pabalie. Tabace, Malilipot, Bacacay, Sto. DomiDgo, Libon and Pio Duran. Two local finance seminars mill be conducted by the survey team, ooe at Legazpi City on September 13 ana the other at Naga City on September 19, 1966.