The Star Witness: AGM, The Prov'l. Board, and The CSHS PTA


Part of The Bicol Star

The Star Witness: AGM, The Prov'l. Board, and The CSHS PTA
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
2 if The BICOL STAR * Sept. 10, 1966 ptf Bolstered With ★ Whe Jitcnl J&ir Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at Post Office, City of Naga, Philippines on May 20, 1933. Published every Saturday D. A. ESCALANTE — Gen. Manager, Editor & Publisher ADVERTISING & PROMOTION: ROMY ASUNCION — *' GUMERSINDO DACER BENNY TAlVAGON — SILVERIO ALCALA Maria Acacia Escalante _ —- Circulation £i Subscription QUERUBIN B. FULO igb- t Layout & Printing Subscription Rates: P4 # -ger year; P2.50 6 months P. 0. Box 123, {,en t? City, Philippines CShS Old Tuition Fee Restored; Demonstrators Satisfied CS Prov’I Board Drew the IRE of the CSHS PTA MANILA — Transfer of four high speed patrol boats to the Philippines by the United States “will suhstan- luo wlUQB vouu> „luluoul. ............. ........... tially increase our Navy s 8ur Hl(jh gehoei from P85 made to assume additional capability in its see defense t0 effective this school load by the promulgation of efforis, says Alfonso Arella- r> tbe member8 of the said Resolution No. 381. no, Philippine Defense Un- PTAf tOg.ther with their derseoretary. children representing tbe enThe boats, called “swift- tire student body of tbe pro- Maleniza craft” for their high speed vncial high school here, stag- ’bers 0< tbe and maneuverability, were 3 ">’»''■« Hnmnna. m*m transferred in a ceremony In protest against the hiking aid from the provincial govof tbe tuition fee in Cam. ernment they would still be Apparently caught aaa ware, and a little bet embarrassed, Gov. Maleniza end other l ubl uuo.o m.' ike provincial Board could not do otherwise but to accede to the demand of tbe demonstrators for the amendment of the controversial resclution so as to restore the ecbeol tuition fee to its original amount of It was gathered, that the P85. Tbe provineial Board Iasi August 10th the revised ment ae to how they will ed a dramatic public demons,.« a uccmvuy tration against the Cam. Sur here August 31. Gen. James Provincial Beard last TuesR. Winn, chief ef the Joint da? morning. Governor MaU.S. Military Assistance lenIza 8ave «n explanation Group, turned them over to a.nd e*culpated tbe ProvinUnderseoretary Arellano. De- c'al ®oatd. livery Was made in resP3a*a Iv —as gameiuu, luai iue a ou. xue piuviuvta. to a requeet from the Phil- provineial Board in approving oow is stuck in a predicaippme Government. |ai| August 10th the revised ment ae to how they will Mr Arellano said the turn- Budget and Plantilia of the achieve the adjustment of over not only highlighted tbe Cann- 8ur High School pass- the C8Hs teachers salaries, close coopera'ion between tbe ed Resolution No. 381 which since no additional tuition fee two countries but ‘ more im- 10 effect else authorizes the is going to be collected conpertant'v the Navy’s acqui- increasing of tbe CSHS tui- trar.v to their expectations Sition of ’compact and fast tion fe® b? al,nost 25 P8’ and P|an8‘ patrol craft will now enable 08nt‘ Usua sources revealed it to wage a more determined that the biking of tbe tuition and unrelenting camDaisn f®* “as ueen resorted to on against those who uee ippine Government. Meanwhile, some officers of camDaltzn fe® has been re8ort®d to on *be r, PTA denounced tousts wuw ue“ be account of tbe demand of the he. Government for eea lanes "or thek Sefari^s G8HS faculty Nr tbe up-da- >ts >ad>f erence to their deends ” nefanous of t whj<;h „ODeiratlon a. manifested by “““S' are even very much below the policemen who vehemently m— i.------ » ...................................... . . refused to redirect at least the vehicular traffic witbin the route of . . . 7.7 - -- ;---- <.------- nnunu naw,, oian, jr., iq provincial oign scnooi eiu- th® demonstrators. Even with ogainsr the hiking of the tuition fee in the provin- preajdeat Ferdinand Mareos. dents is the faat that wbi e the »«ual presentation of the z-.z.! cz-r.^1 „«z»z.,..,z. xa .o oz-A^r ..Z.Z.- ----- . Tfae boats are outfitle<j wjth they are alre assumiQ the Mayor’s Permit to the po— j__ —x —--------L. j . ... Iieemen concerned, they still refused “because there was no order given them by immediate superior”, it was learned. As a result, tbe demonstrators have been broken-up several times out of their lines, and for several minutes tbe traffic and the demonstrators were stalled in Senate Minority Floor tbe streets near tbe frontage Leader Ambrosio Padilla *he lame excuse of the Bu- of the provincial capitol, and AGM, The Prov’i. Board, And The CSHS PTA Two other boats of similar tbe standard salary of an ele- ;--------- - - design were delivered last mentary school teacher. What tenjporarily« 'Th rcuc wa x a -x x* Mareh bv U.S. Ambassador angered the parents of the !E, jyillia.n Jr - 10 provincial bigh school etuHigh School effective this school year as con- ^uc uoais aic uumneu wim mey are aireaay assuming tne ........... -- --^inedjn the provision of Provincial Board resolution radar and radia equipmeHt entire financial burden of tbe l'«men concerned, they still No. 381. Thg PTA, members together with their aad heavy machine guns; ‘ children staged a public demonstration last Tuesday morning. Incidentally, that public demonstration of the CSHS PTA revealed some interesting facts quite unexpectedly. Firstly, it shows that tf: - is composed of and managed by parents _ ___ ____ afraid to stand up and speak for their rights; secondly, it revealed the attitute of the City Government towards public demonstrations such as that ra □ i i ! a ----------------- - ---------------- ---------or pruviuu,.. uap.xv., one, as manifested by the indifference of the traf- charged the Bureau of Public reou of Piblic Schools is th8 piaza Quezon. The only fic cops manning the traffic within the route of the Sehools in not’complying with lhat ReP« Act No- 4670 is member of the provineial demonstrators (notwithstanding the Permit granted Rep Aet No. 4670. otber- not *et in ,oroe- supposedly Board who seems amused by the Mayor); thirdly, it shows some sort of de- wise kB0Wn as tbe “Magna l»e«ausc Sec. 30 thereof pro- about tbe CSHS PTA dec..k,»^i v 1 o3 for * rules find rep'iilft- »*<■»i«An riAvor. school operation without any BPS Not Complying With Rep. ?nts who are not Act 4670 Charges Senator Padilla tnagogism on the part of some of our provincial leaders. IVXcIgUEl Public School vides for tians ’ to Inasmuch as the Parents of the CSHS students are the ones actually providing for the finances of the CSHS operation out of the present tuition fee Of P85, they consider it UNFAIR, UNKIND, and IMPRUDENT on the part of the provincial Board in increasing the tuition fee to P105 without the parents’ knowledge and expressed consent. To our Witness, such act manifests INSULT added to INJURY. Why indeed? should the provincial Board impose additional burden to the parents of the CSHS students tvhen (the parents') are solely shouldering the budgetary responsibility in the CSHS without the aid of the provincial government. The Governor however, in the course of his response to the CSHS PTA demand, together with the other members of the provincial Board, have made it clear that their will be no change in the amount (P85.00) of the school tuition fee. Nevertheless, the original problem, the adjustment of the CSHS teachers’ salaries, is far from solved. XXX Altho the matter of how to attain the adjustment of the CSHS teachers’ salaries is not his own problem, our witness suggests that the would-be solution should start from the re-examination of the school as well as that of the provincial budget. Charts for Public School vides for ‘ rules and regula- monstration is Vice GoverTeachers.” tiens to be promulgated by ner Odiamar. Infornmed One of the bills passed by ^be Secretary of Education sources, disclosed that OdiaCongress duting the last shall take effect thirty (30) mar was not present when session and approved by days alter publication the provineial Board delibePreeident Marcos on June 18, ’8 elementary that rules ratea Ou and approved Re1966 is Hep Act No. 4670. aBd regulations cannot e n- golHtjon No. 381; it would This Act shall be known as travene tbe provisions of have been a different story the “Magna Charta fur Public tbe statute for they are pre- had be been present, the inBohool Teachers” (Sec; 2), Btse,y intended to implement formant said. ” * and ; ursuant to the “Decla- sa'd provisions merely ae to ration of Policy” (Sec. 1), it m‘DOr details. provides for “Tenure of Of- — -------—— fiftp** . “Stahility nn cm plnyment and security of tenure 1 ----- ------------J suuiues. uibUtUBCU turn uuiala6t ®ball take effect thirty (30) mar ^ra9 not present when — F.A. p.w.-co Acuurv u. w.- Republic Act No. 4670 was -------- ------------------fice” . ‘‘Stability on employ- enacted into law on June 18, ment and security of tenure 1966. Tbe Exeeutive Depart- and Samar, protesting against shall be assured the teaehers ment 18 duly bound to com- unauthorised transfer moti3 provided under existing P1* with tbe provisions of vated by. political consider5). said law. otherwise they may The particular provision of incur tho penal provision in dS P - _ ---- - ------laws”«(8ec. 5). ations which, under Seo. 6 of Rep. Act No.4670, are illegal, is being flagrantly violated by tbe Bureau of Public Schools thru its superintendents aoademic supervisors, district supervisors and principals iu-oharge in many provinces are tbe illegal transfers of teaehers mainly due ts political pressures and j vu u u. —- wo jz.wyw.v.w. . considerations. Obviously; Our witness believes that the reversion of some “not those trnsfer run counter to so important” items in the current budget from 8ection 6 of said Rep. Act its original proposal, to the adjustment of ~ ilR7n ------ --------teachers salaries, will not necessarily hamper normal operation of the Cam. Sur High School the provincial government. XXX The last resort however, after all avenues have been explored to attain that end, is to turn-over the administration of the Cam. Sur High School to the PARENT-TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. me particular provision oi ° • said Rep; Act No. 4670 that 8ee< 32 thereof wbieh reads: because a teacher cannot be is heir./ fl.".ntl. violated ’ - - transferred without his conthe the nor No. 4670, which provides— ‘‘See 32 Penal Provision, sent from one station to -'A person who shall wil- another, except for cause as fully interfere with, restrain provided for in said Act. or coerce any teacher in tbe exercise of bis rights I urge this administration, guaranteed by this Act or which professes adherence to wbo shall in any other tbe rule of law. to set tbe manner commit any act to example of complying with defeat any of the provisions of Rep. Act No. 4670. specially this Act shall, upon con- the officials of the Bureau vistion, be punished xxx.” of Public Schools and of the T , . Department of Education. I have received many com“Viva La Virgen de Penafrancia!’’ MAYOR AND MRS. Jesus Quinones Bombon Camarines Sur Compliments oj: DR. and MRS. JOSE BRIONES Calabanga Camarines Sur “Seo. 6. Consent for Trans- from t8a’b8TB in many (Sgd) AMBROsio PADILLA fer - Transportation Expen- province8’ Particularly Levte Senate Mmnritv u .. ses—Except for cause and as herein otherwise provided, no teacher shall be transferred without his consent from one station to another.” Some transfers also violate Beetion 11 cf said Rep Act No. 4670, more particularly on married teachers. Thus, Sec. 11 provides— “Sec. 11, Married Teachers — Whenever possible, the proper authorities shall take all steps to enable married couples both of whom are publ e school teaehers, to be employed in the same loea ity.” provinces, particularly Leyte Senate Minority Floor Leader Long Live the Penafrancia— the Biggest Regional Festival of Bicolandia! Senator & Mrs. Jose Roy Philippine Senate, Manila Greetings from— Retired Provincial Treasurer Mr. B Mrs. Tomas Velarde Calabanga Camarines Sur For your printing and bookbinding needs, please consult City of Naga v «><©<$> 604-D Zamora St., Sabang