Vice Governor Odiamar has no hand in Board's Resolution increasing the high school tuition fees


Part of The Bicol Star

Vice Governor Odiamar has no hand in Board's Resolution increasing the high school tuition fees
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3 Vice Governor Odiamar Has No Hand In Board's Resolution Increasing Tuition Fees pitol, here, in front of Annex B dg. Nor 2 where the office of the provincial governor) roe governor and board members are losatei. The board members V. Da Lima, V. Bonot, N. FornilIob and vice governor were absent. Governor Apolonio G. Malenize arrived at 10 a.m; when the students were already gathered in front of the Annex Bldg; Ai the poroh of the annex building, Maleniza made the externpo r a n ecus impassioned speech defending the action of the board and blaming the law which requires the province of giving the Tobacco Subsidy, thus outting the income of the province by almost half miliion pesos. However, Maleniza said that be will ask the cooperation of the board members in repealing the following resolution: The High School Resolution No. 381 approved bv the Provincial Board of Camarines Sur last August 16,1966, raising the tuition fess of the studsets in the Camarines Sur high school from P85 to 1*105 each for tha eurreut icbool year which wee the cause of the high school students’ rally last Tuesday with the support and cooperation of the high school PTA was approved by the board while Vice Governor Filemon Odiamar was abseat Mr. Odiamar said be eould not be blamed by the high school students and the PTA in the increase of the tuition fees in the high school for he did not participate in the deliberation and passage of said resolution. Last Tuesday, the high school student body with placards marched to the saEXCERPT THE MINUTES OF THE PROVINCIAL BOARD OF CAMARINES SUR IN ITS SPECIAL SESSION HELD ON AUGUST 10, 1966, AT THE PROVINCIAL CAPITOL, NAGA CITY PRESENT: Hon. Apolonio G. Maleniza, Hon. Vicente B. de Lima, Hon. Vicente T. Bonot, Ho b. Nicomedes N. Pornillos, Governor Member Member Member ABSENT." Ho b. FelimJu M; Odiamar, Vice-Governor XXX XXX XXX RESOLUTION NO. 381 "On motion duly seconded) be it"RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved; to approved the revised Budget and Plaatilla of the Camarines Sur High School for the eurreat school year' 1966 67 as prepared in accordance with resolution No. 202. eurrent serie*', of thie Board increasing the tuition fees of students from 1*85.00 to I* 105.00 for the whole school year, "KE8OLVED FURTHER, That copies of this resolution be turniehod the Provincial Treasurer, and the Provincial Auditor, and the Principal, Camarines Sur High School, all of Naga City, for their information, guidance aod implementation. “APPROVED. xxx xxx xxx I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the above-quoted resolution. (Sgd) LUIS P BISANA Secretary, Provincial Board Compliments oj: MAYOR AND MRS, Alejo Jallores Ocampo Camarines Sur Welcome Penafrancia Pilgrims! Greetings from— Vice-Governor & Mrs. FELIMON M. ODIAMAR and Family U.S. Has No Plans to Increase Vietnam Troops to 600,000 SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS -High-level U S. military commanders in Vietnam have not recommended that U.S ulBoauuiucul troop strength in South Viet- fioerg and 8p#eial nam bi raised to 600 000. ... Sept. 10, 1966 ¥ The BICOL STAR PFM Orders Disbandment of Non-Salaried Policemen his order a'l eueh personnel still in harness and confiscate their firearms and proseoute them for "usurpation of authority, illegal passes sion of firearms” or other violations of the law. The President also directed local officials to bear down bard on legitimate police officers found to be haresing motorists, truck drivers, merchants and the public at __ _ __ _ _ _ largo, on the country's highcharged with the long range oat ’tbat the actual" order ways, planning of the war effort, disbanding these fuictiooa. are thinking in terms of bull- rie9 was iglued a9 far back a9 ding a force of 600,000 troops Apri| 13> 1960i wben Mala. ... cafiang issued a provincial Mr. Christian said, in res- cifcu|ar to all provincial, citv ponse to the question." and municipal executives to this effect. The President in bis present ...................... i that the President Marcos ordered the disbandment of police of__2 l_l aeeots working without compensation, even as he took steps *h,s Au?ust to solve tbe problem of pa26 by Whits House Pres lioe abu8es on tbe natiOn’s idential Aesstant George highways whioh have victiChristian at a mornlug news mized truck drivers and idential Ass’stant ul(,UWBy8 Wuiuu ue.vD Christian at a mornlug news mized truck dr,vere briefing. ether motorists. He was asked about a In oaniDg for the dissoluprees report from Saigon that ji8n of a]| “special" policeleading military strategists, m the pregident pointed charged with the long range out that the ■ • ----■The Secretary of Defense iue riBB1U0UU ,u (Robert 8. McNamara), has direetiT4 declared -- ?......................... .. ......... advised us he has net received “pregeBt and past perfnr- of the Land Transportation any recommendation" for the •• -• — -------- -«« --J -r...oil nniina reported escalation of troop strength. NOTICE tertian and abuse of authority. He said that the activities of many of these men have proved to be inimical to the present "peace and order drive." In the same order, be instructed the Philippine Cons, tabulary chief to arrest within 30 days after receipt of manoe’’ of these pease officers "leave much to be desired .” He underlined the many indiscretions committed by the said special law enforcement officers, including exploitation by politicians, local Pursuant to Seo. 1. Rule vested interests, and on their 74 of the Rules of Court, »wn initiative in involvement notice is hereby given that with cases of mulcting, exthe estate of EUGENIO ‘ ——*« “u**“ VERAN and CLAUDIA SERASPS of Binabian, Sipocot. Camarines Sur and covered by ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. RP - 449 (471) has been extrajudioially settled bv their legal and sole heirs 8ILV1NA VERAN, ET AL. under Extrajudicial Settlement of Etale dated September 6. 1966 and notarized by Roger P Carino of Camaligan, Camarines Sur and entered as Doo. No. 666; Page Nd. 26; Book No. 11; Series of 1966. He asked that governors and mayors exercise tighter control over their police forces, including the weeding out of inoompstents and undesirables from police ranks. He also directed that in the case of arrests or apprehensions for violations and Traffic Code, all police officers should comply strictly with the requirements of the law, particularly in submitting the oases to the Land Transportation commissioner and bis deputies within 24 hours of apprehension. In addition, he asked that traffic violation easses be endorsed immediately for action to the proper traffic courts or other eourts having jurisdiction. To further insure the proper utilization ef traffic violation receipts) or temporary operators permits the President asked that all suoh forms be validated with the LTC. Pub. Sept 10, 17, 24, 1966. Happy Greetings to Penafrancia Pilgrims & Visitors! MR. and MRS. Antonio M. Falcon Former Mayor — Calabanga, Cam. Sur Wishing all Devotees a Most Graceful Penafrancia Pilgrimage. Through the Intercession of His Virgin Mother, May the Lord Grant Us Good Health, Peace, Happiness & Long Life . . . To the Bicol Regional Penafrancia Exposition and Trade Fair We Wish Full Success. Senator AYTONA Senator Dominador Aytona & Family Quezon City Philippine Senate Manila ★ Philippines ★