A Christmas gift


Part of Philippine Educator

A Christmas gift
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
TH~ P~.ILIPPINE EDUCA".fOR · DIVISION SUPERINTENDENTS ON U.S. LEAVE 1. Mr. Emiliano C. ·Ramirez 2. ·Mr. lluminado G. de C~stro 3. . ¥.r ~ . D~~i.ngo Soriano 4 ... Mr. Leandro Lumba A CHRISTMA.S:Glf'T ONE DAY a little boy taught me the true meaning of Christmas. He was in the special class for sick cliilaren: · Like his mates, he was delicate and needed all the help,. spi;rjtµal and. physical, that his teacher could give him. He clung to. her .with a deep and abiding affection. Christmas was coming. The child~eii gathered in little groups whispering about the gifts they were. going to bring the teacher. Each child had something laid aside for the great occasion, somethil1-g very precious. All but little Paul. He had nothing to offer. As Christmas Day came nearer, little Paul's big eyes grew sorrowful. Again and again he went over the list of his possessions, hoping that one might do. The china elephant? No, his trunk was broken. His dog? His beloved dog? No. The teacher would never· take him. There was nothing, nothing in the world that. h~ could give -. he who loved her most. At last the day came. The children clamored about the teacher, each claiming her attention for his gift and for himself. Each of them happy in the teacher's smile, rejoicing in' her thanks. All but the one sitting in the corner hidden· from sight. The teacher miss~d him ~~~ _tr:ied to draw him into _t~~. ~~ou~'. · "No, no, I want to be left alone," he said, and bid his face 'on his arms. The ·teacher took the children· to· the.Christmas ·pla~ '.. a~d _leaving them there hurried back t~ the. ~~ttle ~~y. who seemed 80 unhappy. · ··· : '. · To· h.er surprise ·and delight he met her· :a:t the door, his face glowing, his eyes alight· with joy. . .. : .. ,,· r .. ·.·. -~. ·:·' .. '.··'_.,-{ ~as feeling· unhappy because I could find nothing to give you for Christmas. But I found· it. It is a prayer. I have asked God to tell you how much I love you, and to please take care of you and keel)..YQU ~appy eve:r;y day you live, Amen .. _Do_ }'OU like that?" >41I>ear1 'little Paul, that is· the loveliest gift that ever I could have. You have made me very very happy." So little Paul found the truth about Christmas. And I am passing it along·to·rou'this happy Chri_stmas· season .. That is my prayer foJi you .~:P~ .~Q:f those who love you.. . . . . . . : . . . . . " . .. . . .. . '7.~G~~Q PATRI • Reprinted from NEA .JOURNAL, Deeemba, l~L