More nations ask U Thant to stay in office


Part of The Bicol Star

More nations ask U Thant to stay in office
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
i ★ t h e bic o l st a r ★ Sept, io, t966 4 Filipinos to train in U.S. Appeal to the CSI1S Altin We Need Can Naga City Edu (By the CSIISAA Con The proposed Eduealional Canter will soon to be constructed in the City of Naga. This building will stand on the eastern side of tbe present Division Office at PenaFrancis Avenue inside the C 8. High school oompound. The present Provincial Beard bee donated a aix-bundred square-meter lot for this building with a frontage of tbirty-fivs meters. As eoon ae tbe donation papers are perfected, tbe construction will begin. The three associations C8HSAA, CASTEA and NAC1TEA will finanoe the construction estimated te cost more than one hunted fifty thousand pesos Why the Center? This Eduoaiional Center is necessary because it was felt that during tbe yearly alumni bome-soming of tbe G3HBAA, teachers conventions and other educational societies io Naga City aod in this province, the auditoriums of private institutions are used. Tbe present CSHS library is now too small for this affair Even tbe grandstands are not safe for tbe present needs. When tbe center building is constructed, tbe local chapters of national educational associations may have separate roams for their permanent beadquarters, for example, tbe Camarines Sur Home Economics leaobers AcsooistieB, tbe Future Homemakers of the Philippines, tbe Science Teachers Association ef the Philippines, tbe Philippine Family Life Workshops, etc Tbe important records of maDy olfiees needed for educatiaual research are only thrown away and there is no depository for these vital materials at present. School records are being lost every year due ta floods, fire, and ether calamities. Imagine tbe compiled records of Bikol folklore submitted after liberation by hundreds of lay men and teachers throughout tbe Division ef Oamsrinee bur which are nowhere to be found due te the lack of apace in tbe preseal Division Office building. This compilation of vital educational materials for Bikol culture will find a permanent home in our Center. Then comes tbe donation of hundreds of volumes of books, magazines, encyclopedias and other general reading somiBg from abroad solicited by teachers from educational foundations and from peaee corps volunteers who happened to be assigaed in this province. These vast materials are good for references and such materials may be used by our students, teachers, parents, and researchers Tbe big problem is where to bouse these voluminous reference mattrials AgaiD, this Center will answer this need. Donations from private individuals and colleetieDe coming from other sources may find tbeir place too in this edifice. While there arc public and private libraries in Naga City, tbe Center way ultimately bo used as elearieg bouse in tbe future. Can be a Show Window? The Center it is believed, marines Sur cational Center imiltee On Solicitation) may become the tourist attraction if properly advertized because tbe school projects especially tbe native handicrafts and other agri oaltural ae well as commer ciai products of tbe Bikol Region may be displayed. The Center may easily become tbe dieplay center for tbe Biool Development Board which up to cow has no headquarters, Incidentally inventors in this part of tbe Bikol Region may find this Center a place where they could find statistical data needed by those interested in business. Also a Rendezvous? Finally, tbe Center can be a meeting place for alumni who may desire to bold socials or provide rooms for tboso who during tbeir short visit to the City especially during tbe regional Perla Francia festivities cannot find adequate accommodation It oan be tbe meeting place for fellow alumni now scattered in many places in our oountry and those wbo are abroad. These are but a few of tbe services of tbe Center. But once constructed we can now look forward with confidence and pride for affording our alumni researchers and teachers a permanent beadquarters in the canter of Bioolandia. Our Appeal! Fellow alnmni, we are counting oa your generous support! This Center is a big challenge to our capacity to build bo w for tomorrow. Tbe six thousand wbo graduated and passed through tbe portals of tbe Camarines Sur High School eannot be wrong in supporting this worthy project. I he five thousand teachers in this school division have unanimously given tbeir share, How about yours? LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74, of the Rules of Court, tbe estate of the late Jose Pancho of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, consisting of three (3) parcels of land, situated at Castilla, Sorsogon, Philippines, under OCT No. 487 of tbe Registry of Sorsogon, has been tbe subject of Extrajudicial Settlement by tbeir heirs, CRISTINA DELLOSA, BENJAMIN PANCHO. AMPARO PANCHO. RO S 1 T A Pa n c h o & jo s e pa n c h o , Jr., executed on August 8, 1966, hefore Archimedes Frivaldo, Notary Publio of Sorsogon, and bearing bis Not, Reg. No. 8, Page No. 3, Not. Book No. I and Series of 1966. SorsogOD, Sorsogon, August 22, 1966. Pub. Sept. 10, 17, 24, '66. Objectives of... niciaDs. including tbe President's personal physician. Tbe complete list follows: 1. (President Ferdinand E Mareos, 2. Mrs, Imelda R. Marcos, 3 Amb. Benjamin Romualdez, 4. Bee. Narciso Ramos 5. Seo. Eduardo Z. Romualdez, 6. Sec. Jose D. Aspiras, 7. Underseo, Dioscoro Umali, 8 Brig. Gen, Hans Menzi. under NEC-U.S. Aid grants Two government officials and two faoulty members of a Manila medioal school departed recently for the United States to undergo specialized training, sponsored jointly by tbe National Economic Council (NEC) and U 8. Agency f e r International Development (U.S. AID). They are Jimmy D. Blas and Francisoo L' Llaguno, assigned to the Offise of the Executive Secretary, Mila eafiang, and Do tors Veronica C Agatep and Jesus E. Fojas of Monila Central University (MCU). A senior executive assistant, Blas will spend 6-1/2 months training in public records management at tbe University of Connecticut. He will also observed modern business management methode and techniques during visits to several federal aod state ageneies. L'aguno, a technical assistant for information, will participate in 15 months of schooling and field observations in mass communication, with emphasis on publications, radio aod TV media. He will attend a specialized course at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich Both Biss and Llaguno are lawyers and live in Quezon City. Blas is from Laoag City, Ilocos Norte; Llaguno is from Dataga, Albay. Dr. Agatep will receive specialized instruction in biochemistry at the Medical Collega of Virginia, Richmond, Va ; and Dr. Fojas in physiology at tbe Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston-8alem, N.C. Each coutse of study is for two years The two MCU instructors, who have been granted ft - lowsbips under the NECAID program, will also observe department organization and teaching techniques in medical schools, and attend national meetings and conferences related to their fields. After feverish preparations, and with tbe joint cooperation aod sponsorship of tbe Mun’oipal Government! Sipooot District of the Bureau ef Public Soboole. local office of tbe Commission on Elections, Agricultural Productivity Commissions, and tbe Presidential Assist ant on Community Development1 a five day semioar from September 5 1966, wos b-ld at tbe Sipocot North Central School, attended by delegates ooming from all barrios of Sipocot, principal teachers, bead teachers, teaober delegates, prominent citizens. Lusincssmea and other private citisene. Tbe opening ceremonies on tbe morning of Sept. 5 was bighiightend by tbe speech of Governor Apolonio G. Maleniza. Other numbers of tbe program were tbe short talks and remarks by members of tbe Municipal Council beaded by Mayor Jaime Q, Avengozs, Municipal Judge Rhodie Nidea, and other beads of offices of tbe municipality. Among those who spoke during tbe seminar were tbe following: September 5 • Essentials of Agricultural Development by Atty Alfredo Tria, Editor, Biool Mail; Rice and Corn Production by Nicanor Ciasio; Regional Director, Rice and Corn Production, APC, Naga City; 10% Barrio Share in Real Estate Taxes by Atty. Quirino Blaseo. Municipal Treasurer of Sipocot; September 6 ■ Agricultural Loans and Cooperatives by Atty. Dan Navarrette, Assistant Branch Credit Mannger, ACA, Naga City; Irrigation Service for Rural Areas by Eugr. Bienvenido Gutierrez, IsU; Naga City; Banking Institutions by Atty. ClodUalJo Z. Reyes DBP Branch, Naga City; Plant Pest and diseaa s control by Andres Sena, i’rovin o i a I Officer-In-Charge, Plant Pest and Disease Control BPI, Naga City.1 Organizing Farmers’ Cooperatives by Magno Ledesma. Provincial Coordinator on Cooperatives, Naga City; Higbl gbts of the Land Reform Program by Atty. Salvador Pejo, Regiooal Director, Land Authority, Naga City; September 7 Coconut Culture by Arsenio Requinting, Farm Manager, Caaang Cadang Research Foundation, Pili, Camarines Bur; Poultry and Swine Raising by Mr. Joveneio Bacalso, College Department Head. CSNAS; Pili; Fish Culture and Fishing Laws by Manuel ds Lima Fisheries Commission, Naga City; Tax Assess ment and Real Estate by Atty. Avelino Bayion, Asst, Provincial Assessor Naga City; Adult Education by Mr. Leoneio de la Torre, Division Adult Supervisor, Naga City ;September8-Overview of tbe Philippine ComMore Nations ask U Thant To Stay in Office UNITED NATIONS—Expressions of support tor U Thant and requests that he remains as Secretary General of tbe United Nations continue to pour in. On August 30, just two days before U Thant has promised to announce whether be will make himself available for another term, 14 nations of tbe African Malagasy Union expressed tbe hope that be would stay on. The fourteen nations in tbe union are Cameroun, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo (Braz zaville);Demoeratio Republic of the Congo, Dahomey, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Malagasy Republic, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo and Upper Veits. The same day, another communication was received from the foreign minister of Nepal, Mrti Nidbi Bista, expressing similar sentiments and asking U Thant to continue bis work. Representatives of nume rous other African and Asian eountriee as well as the Western European nations and the major powers of Franoe, United Kingdom, Soviet Union and the United States have previously requested that tbe Secretary General Hake himself available for another term in effjoe. Sipocot Holds Echo Seminar On Agricultural Development munily Dave opment gram. Group Development and Comprehensive Planning by Jacob Torres. Provincial Training aod Information Officer, PACD, Naga City. The workshop phase of the seminar entitled “What Shall We Do After Tbe Seminar” was followed by exhibits. demonstrations; at the closing programs, distribution of Certificates of Attendance and Distribution of Prizes. Tbe Chairman of the different oommittees that have worked together to briog about tbe realization of the seminar were.1 Program and Invitation: Dr. Wilfredo Pormento, Sipooot PACD Municipal Development Officer; Invitatiso of Dele gates; School Heads of tbs District. Mayor's Office and Mr. Maximo Gurioso; Aooomodation; Mr. Teopisto Ranin; Publicity and Information; Atty. Serero Daoanay', Jr ; Donations and Prizes.1 Selected Heads of Barrio Schools aod Mr. Maximo Curioso; Registration and Recaption Mrs. Neeita Caboltera; Refreshrntnt and Meals.1 Mias Catber>ne Robles; Socials and Sound System.1 Councilor Raymundo Pantalla; Social Mixer: Principal Marcelino Maras; and Steering Committee.1 Principal Filemon Regalado. Tbe moderators during tbe seminar ware Mr. Vioeate Nocos; M.S1 Maria Castilla, Mrs. Concepcion Navera. Messrs Catalino San Miguel Edwin Sanchez, Salvador1 Azuela, Juan Porit and Leandio Tesorero.—S.D. N.V. Rejection of Asian Peace Initiative Deplored WASHINGTON — Rejection of the Asian peaee initiative by North Vietnam places tha responsibility for continued sufferings of the Vietnamese people directly upon tbe communist leaders, says New Zealand Prime Minister Keith Holyoake. Mr Holyoake voiced disappointment that Notth Vietnam had denounced a recent peace initiative by Thailand, Malaysia and tbe Philippines. ‘‘I bad regarded this attempt to get negotiations under way ae ODe of tbe most promising development in resent months,” be said, He particularly welcomed tbe initiative eomiDg from a group of Asian countries. The latest move was the last in a long line of peace attempts to ba callously rejected or ignored by Hanoi and Peking. Dance Party Rio Ayora of Balintawak street this city tendered a party and dance last Sunday evening at tbeir residence on tbe occasion of his birthday anniversary. Among those wbo attended the affair were: Cora Batungbakal, France Rili, Raquel Rodriguez, Ril Galvan, Vibe Romero, Flor Pena, Zabel Soreta, Lya Latumbo, Gbit Romero, Roweno Lanada, and tbe Cooperative 6 and many others. They are among some 50 faculty members of tbe nation’s seven medical schools wbo have been sent to tbe U S. for post graduate training as part of a long-range program to improve the quality of medical education in tbs Philippines. Both ere alumni of MCU and live in Maaila. Dr. Agatrp is a native of Gattarani Cagayan, and Dr. Fojas is from Coreuera, Romblon. The four NEC-AID participant trainees will first go to Waibington, D.C. for a week’s orientation at the Washington Inter national Center* (( Advertise in . . . )) jj «_________ ))