Legal notices


Part of The Bicol Star

Legal notices
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6 ¥ The BICOL STAR * Sept. 10, 1966 • LEGAL O T I C E S • Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judioial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga ROBERTO MARTINEZ, Jr,. Mortgagee, —versus— SPOUSES ANDRES REYES & CONSORCIA P REYES. Mortgagor*. FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTY Under Act 3135 aa Amended X ----- X NOTIGE OF EXTRA JUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTY Under Aot 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in tbe deed of real estate mortgage exe euted by the Spouses ANDRES REYES and CONSORCIA P. REYES of Mina'abae, Camarines Sur, in favor of ROBERTO MARTINEZ, JR., of No. 3 Espafta Extension, Quezon City, dated the 30th day of June 1964 tor a consideration of FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (P6.G00.00), Philippine currency, for a term of three (3) months with interest at tbe rate of twelve per cent (12%) per annum and together with the additional sum of ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (Pl,500.00), Philippine currency, ae additioaal loan to the mortgagers by the herein mortgagee aa per amendment of real estate mortgage, dated the 14th day of July 1964, making a total loan of SIX THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P6.500.00) under the same terms as ef the first mortgage herein above-stated; whereas, the mortgagors have violated tbe terms and conditions stipulated in tbe deePs of mortgages and for tbe eatialastion of the sum of SIX THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P6 500 00). plus interest of 12 per cent per annum ob tbe amount of 1*6,500 as stipulated in tbe mortgages, plus the sheriff’s fees for the service ef this foreclosure and sale and other lawful expenses incident thereto, the undersigned ANNOUNCES that on September 20, 1916. between tbe . hours of 9 00 o'clock in tbe morning and 3:00 o’clock in tbe afternoon, in the office of tbe provincial sheriff, located on tbe Second Floor of the Provincial Capitol ef Camarines Sur in Naga City, be will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine currecey, all tbe rights, title, interest dominion and participation that the mortgagors Andres Reyes and CoDaorcia P, Reyes have or might have in and over the motgaged property together with all the improvements existing thereon which is described as follows, to wit: LIST OF MORTGAGED PROPERTY Original Certificate of Title No. 9905-CAM. SUR ‘‘A parcel of land together with all the improvements thereon, situated at San Roque, Milaor, Camarines Sur...Beginning at a point marked “1” of Lot 1 on plan Psu-169944, being N. 86-44 ’W, 1643.33m. from B.L.L M. 3 Mp. of Milaor, Camarines Sur, thence, xxx Containing an Republio of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Provinoe ef Albay LEGASPI PABLO MATIAS, Plaintiff, —versus — ANTONIO SABIDO, et al., Defendants. CivU Case No. 262 SHERIFF’S NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE WHEREAS, by virtue of the writ of execution issued by the Municipal Court of Polangui, Albay under date of February 28, 1966, in connection with the aboveentitled case, thereby order' ing the Provincial Sheriff of Albay or any of his lawful deputies to seize the goods and chattels or if nene suoh out of the lands and buildings of tbe spouses Antonio Sabido and Yolanda Diaz Sabido of Pelangui, Albay and cause to be made tbs sums of P900 plus interest thereon and oost of suit aside from the sheriff’s fees and expenses in connection with this execution sale, at the indication of tbe plaintiff, the[ undersigned Ex-offioio Provincial Sheriff ef A bay levied upon all the rights, title, interest and participaNOTICE Pursuant to Sec. 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that a deed of extrajudicial settlement of the intestate estate of late VICENLegal Notice NOTICE Tinago PTA anNoi!x0t’is,di,-bij'sitHn lha! of^R^ Elects Officers h»i ®*trajudlc,aJ Settlement (s /{erejy given that a deed of , , , Jeir. K I''. a™tD«llhe extrajudicial settlement of the During the regular eleotien he rs of the late Pantaleon intestate estate of late VICEN- meeting on August 25, 1966 n L Vdo Tn BrUD“ TE DOROTAN who died in ot the Tinago Elementary fLT.idyi ind HDuWaD’ Irosi”> Sorsogon on Nov. 8, School PTA. Mr. Justine E. Patrin i ..d P ? Ju 1963‘ ll)as ™ecuted ^Lorloo was re elected presTurnam.d n. / ‘ I % ^irs, namely, Beata G. Doro- ident. The other officers al.o dkatinvd ?ntng /an wid°w^ Jolly, Rogue, re-elected were: Ireneo Morewith subseauent sale of the Vicente’ Jr ' Amable’ Nelia' B0' '.cc-Prssident Mis. Lina e lrti. ?n„.,‘.d nrr Adelfa, Manuel. Romeo, Da- B. Antero, Secretary, n «.■ ----220 and 213 in accordance with the provis one ef Sec. tun ^iiit wiuow), ooiiy, iiui/uc, rc-cisv.c ------- - ---Vicente, Jr, Amable, Nelia, no, vice-President, Mt b. Lina Mrs. Antonina Baileoer, Treasurer, Dominzdor Napa, Auditor, Pablo Belen, Delegate. Elected Directors were Maria Guy, Carles Garrido: Abraham Mi Dy, Carmen Nicolasora, Jose Arcilla, Domineta Dominguiano and Pedro Alforte. The teacher directors; M'S. Carmen B Peria, Mrs. Luz C. Neo. Mrs. Josefina Camand Jose, all surnamed Dorotan (the last nine are minors) w ho me provis om or bee. .......: ............... / 1. Rule 74 of the Rules of par^S Court Said Instrument was 17 Parcels ir! Sla. acknowledged before Notary M^dalena; 30 parcels in IroPublic Mr. Maximinn R; s'7 ™d24 Parcels Matnog, Able, of Sorsogon. Sorsogon, Provjn,cf' and under Doc No 1733; Page adJudlcatjng Ibf first 16 parNo. 24. Book No. VIII. C£ ^tBc^a G‘ D,0r^l0,!hands Series ot 1966. ' c asl 55 parcels to the 8 „ , . _ above-named children in equal Pub. Aug 27, Sept. 3, 10, *63 shares pro-indiviso. The docu- ______________ - _ ment was subscribed and ac- baliza, Mrs. Araceli Calleja; knowledged before Notaiy Pu- Mrs. Salvacion Casile, Mrsi tion that said spouses An- bJic Estcban Escalante, Sr. in Adelina Imperial, Mra. Martonio Sabido aod Yolanda ,90pSJn’n P0C^N?: a"'03 Parco’ Dl.z ..bld. b.v. I. ..d 1-1; Book 33 S. th_’._Joll.ow.,Dg ProP.erty _ serving bis third term aod Ih.'N.s'.'cTy’lj'.tnU PTA League. more particularly described Pub. Aug. 27, Sept. 3, 10, 66 u'K^incumbent auditor of as follows; --------------- _ ____________ rstv District PTA area of TWO HUNDRED THIRTY NINE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY EIGHT (239,778) SQUARE METERS Bounded on tbe NE., along lines 1-2-3, by Nicomedes Pado; along lines 3 4 5, by Fundado Creek; on tbe E., along lines 5 6-7, by Lot 3 Psu169944 (Gerardo Polon); on tbe 3 . along lines 7 89-10 11, by Quinale Creek; on tbe W., aloBg lines 1112-13, by Serafin Novallej along lines 13-14-15, by Sotera Tongco;on tbe NW., along line 15 16, by Narciso Flores; on tbe N , along line 16-17, by Maxima Cadez; and along lines, 17-18-19 and 19-1, by Bibiano Tongco.” This notiee of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged property wiil be published in tbe BICOL STAR, a regional weekly newspaper, published and edited in the City of Naga having a wide general circulation in tbe Bicol provinces and in Camarines Sur, once a week for three consecutive weeks, tbe first publication shall take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of tbe auction sale. Likewise, three copies of thia notice shall he posted on three publio and conspicuous places in Milaor, Camarines Bur where tbe above ■ described property is located and another three copies eball be posted in the City of Naga and an the Bulletin Board of the Provincial Capitol of Camarines Sur where the auction sale shall be conducted. Prospective bidders or buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the property and encumbrances thereon, incase there be any. Done in Naga City, Philippines, this August 24, 1966. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ix-Offieio Provincial Sheriff of Camarines Bur Pub. Aug. 27, Sept. 3, 10, 1966, “A house consisting of one and a half storey build of mixed materials worth T* 15,000 and is situated on a 68 square meters of re- ..........................................„„„vu aidential lot» located at NERISSA RICAFORT, Magurang, Polangui, Albay. ROGACIANO PUEBLO and Hounded on tbe North by S11VIN* i vnoTUMn San Passual St ; on the 81 UN0' Eait by San Diega St ; on the 8ouih by the property ot Andres 8abido and ou tbe West by Andres Sabido. This residential lot is declared under Tax No. 10446 in the name • - Sabido and Pl.340.” WHEREAS. I 0 "18 said writ of execution o'd, now residing at Naga Republio of tbe Phi’ippines IN THE CITY COURT OF NAGA 10th Judicial District IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF THE MINOR Republic of tbe Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR ADOPTION OF THE MINOR VICTOR ROBERTO ARABE BASILIO ARABE & ISABEL P. ARABE, Petitioners. PEC. PROCS. NO. 1042 x ---------------------X ORDER A verified petition having been filed and presented bec fore this Court by Basilio ..Id Arabs and Isabel P. Arabe, lhe afr/lavit <>f tbru counsel, seeking ths be^ adopted-aren lhC C d adoption of the minor Vie“ s it tor Roberto Arabe, it is the hereby ordered that the pePetitioners. Special Proceeding No. 39 ORDER ...------- A petition having been presi nt.d of Antonio to !L*1IS Court by the spouses Huaseeased at ?“cian° Pueblo and Silvina I. Forai tun Qf ( ag FiHpinos and residents of Naga City, praying ■ ‘ fof/^r> ai0Ption of NERISSA o iri ... V r7--------- ~ ICAFORT, aboat.Four (4)montbs ths said writ of execution o'd. now residing at Naga City, and an.d in accordance with Philippines who'se parents are Neri Section 16, Rule 39 of tbe and Angustia Pueblo, so H.I.. ol Court, the signed Ex-officio Provincial petition is sufficient “n form an< Sheriff of Albay aDooutices substance, with il - ■ that on the J 6th day of eonser.t =f :l,v p September, 1966, at I0;00 toLete thA°^i: k :;:',.ui.‘.“is\,b.“A%"i,,v ■1 nf<; -- - - u: r “ »<««« /Tr lb“ n:,.. u----- _..l _ . the session Hall of this Court persons intarsstea 1 n me on which date, time and place, adoption Of said minor all persons having opposition may cited to appear a t I IDDCar ■ to Siinu/ nniica niln> ♦ k « ■ • • . ■ _ . easni Citv he will <s<-ll n * -**= nan oi mis court, h ------- --------— .— nnhlio flilPt on tn th. hLhLt on, wlllch date' time and place. adoption ot said minor be "i. t0 lhe hD^, St a'-1 persons having opposition may cited to appear at 8:30 bidder for cash and in Philip- Appear tp show cause why the o’clock in the morning of pine currency, the aforedes- petition should not be granted, before eribed property to satisfy the k ret lAls °>rdcr be Pushed September 22, .966, Delore import of the said writ n f be[°re th® date °T hearing, at thiB Court, at Naga City. execution f Mh?*'%£pense’ once aweck a* which time and place, then ih THE BICOl ’st Tr Ve Week s a a d l ber B t 0Bh 0W c a u 9e > *f WHEREAS, this notice of paper edited in the City of N^ga aD? th®y have wby 8aid peli' - lr.tinn Aala will ho and nf General circuiaKOn jn this tion should not be granted. leWSDa- P.r,ov,nce’ for, the information of . ... . . h ™ Let thlB DOt,CB be Publ,Bhed beH^J SCerI'6 ^te^b’A22J VJ6± bGitrve petitioner’s expense, once a'^week at which time and pfaoe, the'n n'THE6BicofC°sTAHlve weeks and ther0 to show cause, if „ u news- . Q„„ mhv Sflid Detiauction sale wiil be published and of General circulation ii in the Bicol Star, a newsps; - ■ per of general circulation ia the Province of Albay as well .s in the ether provinces of tbe Bicol Region and edited at the City o f Naga, Philippines, oace a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty days before the date of auction sale. Copies of th s notice will be posted on conspicuous publio places in the Municipality o f Polangui, Albay where the property is located and likewise copiesi of same will be posted od tbe Bulletin Board of the Albay Provincial Capitol Building, Legaspi City where the auction sale shall take place. WHEREFORE, prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title to the said property and tbe encumbrances existing there on, if any there be. Done at Legaspi City, this 22nd day of August, 1966. JOSE G: BALIN Ex officio Provincial Sheriff THE BICOL STAR: Pub. Aug 27, Sept 3 & 10 '66 and of General circulation in this ___ _______ ____ -- - province, for the information of l ,- L_j all eoneerned. Lei ini. uunv. . at petitioner’s expense once 23rtIVJ a &.’r &T''"’ a w !'k ••I!" weeks in the Bicol Star a JOSE r . LUNTOK weekly newspaper edited in „ , uty Judge this province for the informPub. Aug. 27. Sept. 3.- 10, 1966. atieQ ef all concerned. Naga City, Philippines, August 25, 1966. RAFAEL DE LA CRUZ Judge Pub. Sept. 3i 10. 17 '66 Head ■ - - ®fje UStcol g>tar n ew er a l abo r u n io n President - Vice President Secretary Treasurer Auditor Business Manager Esteban S. Beguia Santiago Dayto Isauro dsl Villar Ju'io Azutea Ester Beguia Pio Nacional UNIVERSAL OPTICAL Dr. Adelina R. Odiamar Clinic- OPTOMETRIST P °K»®Msf • 1 ® "Ts’i 12 ST8"' jSir -Naga ty Dr. Marietta F. Mesia Lady Dentist - DENTAL CLINIC - . Diaz Building, Igualdad St., City of Naga LEGAL NOTICE Sept. 10, 1966 * The BICOL STAR * 7 • LEGAL NOTICES • Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Mortgagee, FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 —versus— SP8. EMILIO ALVAREZ & ASUNCION LAGAN, Mortgagors. X — — — — — X NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES Under Act 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in tbe deed of real estate mo'tgage executed by the Spouses EMILIO ALVAREZ and ASUNCION LAGAN, of Pefiafrancia Avenue, City of Naga, in favor ef the PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK at Naga City, dated February 25, 1960 and for the satisfaction of the debt of SEVEN THOUSAND 8IX HUNDRED FIFTY FOUR PESOS AND TWENTN-THREE CENTAVOS (1*7,654 23) as of July 28, 1966. plus 10% of the amount due for and as attorney’s fees and together with the sheriff’s fees and ether lawful expenses incident to this sale plus a daily interest ef 1’1.38 from July 29, 1966 to tbe date of sale, on the amountfiof 1*5,600, the undersigned Provincial Sheriff Ex Officio of the province of Camarines 3ur. ANNOUNCES that on September 23. 1966, between the hours of 9:00 a m. and 3:00 p m., he will sell at publit auction at tbe sbeiiff’s office located on the Second Floor of tbe Provincial Cppitol of Camarines Sur, in Naga City, all the rights, title, interest, dominion and participation that the mortgagors hereof have or might have in apd over the following described properl'es together with a 1 tbe improvements thereon, to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine currency, to wit; LIST OF PROPERTIES MORTGAGED TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 2915—CAMARINES SUR Lot C.-4, Psd-53390 - Land Tax Dec No. 4124, Assd Vulued F2.950 1. A parcel of land, together with the improvements thereon, situated in tbe barrio ef San Jose, municipality of Minalabao, province of Camarines 8nr, containing an area ef TWO HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND (P230.000) SQUARE METERS. Bounded on tbe N and E., along lines 12 3 by property of Salvacion Arejols, et al.; on tbe S., along lines 3-4-5-6 by Lit C-3 of tbe subdivision plan; on the W . alOBg lines 6 7 8-9-10 11-12 13-14-15 by propertv of Proccpio Albala; and on tbe N. along line 15-16- by Lot C 6; along lines 16-17-18, by Lot C-5. both of tbe subdivision phn; along line 181 by property of Salvaeioa Arejola. et al. 2 LOT C-6, PSU-53390—LAND TAX DEC. NO.4126. ASSESSED AfPl.490 A paroel of land, together with tbe improvements thereon, situated in tbe barrio of San Jose, municipality of Minalabao, province of Camarines Sir, containing an area of ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY (1*118 230) SQUARE METERS. Bounded on the S., along lines 1-2 by property of Proeopio Albala; on tbe N , a'ong 2 3 by Bicol River; on the N., along lines 3-4-5-6-7-8, by property of Candido Espinosa; on the E., along lines 8 9-10 by Lot C-5; and on tbe S . along line 10-1, by Lot C 4, both of the subdivision plan, x x x” This notice of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged properties will Le published in the BICOL STAR, a reaional weekly newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide circulation in tbe province of Camarines Sur as well as in all the other Biool previnces once a week for three conseoutive weeks, tbe first publication shall take place at least twenty (20) days before the dste of the auction sale. Likewise, for tbe same period of time, three copies of this notice shall be posted on three public and conspicuous plaees in Mioalabao Camarines Sur where tbe foregoing described properties are located and another three copies of same will be posted on the Bulletin Board at tbe Provincial Capitol cf Cam. Sur. in Nago City, where tbe auction sale will be conducted. Prospective bidders or buyers of the foregoing described properties are he>eby enjoined to investigate the titles of tbe properties and the eneumbranoee thereon, in case City, Philippines, this 29th day of August, 1966. ma u RO B. FAJARDO Ex Officio Provincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur Pub. September 3, 10 17, 1966. For your printing and bookbinding needs, please consult |t’iicol J&ar 604-D Zamora St., Sabang City of Naga Republio of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST IN8TANCE OF GAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial Distrlot OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, — versus— CONSOLACION VDA. DE REALUYO, Mortgagor. FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 X — — — —---------X NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAED PROPERTIES Under Act 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of mortgage executed by CONSOLACION VDA. DE REALUYO; Filipine, of legal age, widow, with residence and postal address at Oas, Albay, Philippines, in favor of the DEVELOP MENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES under dates of May 23 1961 and May 31, 1963 and for the satisfaction of the debt of EIGHTY THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED EIGHT 88/100 PESOS (4*80,308.88;, Philippine currency, plus 6 per eent (6%) and 7 per oent (7%) annual interest on tbe amount of P8O.308.88 from May 10, 1966, plus attorney’s fees in the amount of P8.030.89 and expenses in connection with this sale seoured by said mortgage, the undersigned Provincial Sheriff ef Cernarides Sur announces that on September 26, 1966. between tbe hours of 9 00 a.m and 4:00 p.m. at the Sheriff s Office located on tbe Second Floor of tbe Provincial Capitol of Camarines Sur in Naga City, he will sell at publio auction fer cash iu Philippine currency | te the highest bidder the following real properties, together with all tbe improvements thereon, to wit: TRANSFER CERTIFICATE of TIILE NO. 3357-CAMS. SDR Tax Declaration No. 4247 — Assessed at P3.810 A tract of agricultural land situated in tbe sitio cf Magsignit. barrio of Baliwagk municipality of Minalabao, province ot Camarines 8ur, Island of Luzon, Philippines. Bounded on the N.i by bank protection of Magsignit creek; on tbe Northeast, bjr public land; on tbe East, and Southeast, by baok protection of Magacong creek; and on the West, by public land and Bank protection of Magsigoit ereek, xxx containing an area of 12.4970 hectares. TRANSFER CERTIFICATE of TITLE NO. 3382-CAMS. SUR Tax Deelaration No. 4253 — Assessed at P6,490 A paroel of land (Plan Pau-100828, situated in the barrio of Antipolo, muni cipality of Mmalabac, Camarines Sur. Bounded on tbe NE.. by property of Carlos Camus and an irrigation ditch; on tbe E., by properties of Joaquin Azana and Carlos Camus; on the SE , by properties of Claro Apolinar and Carlos Camus; on the SW.i by properties of Carlos Camus, an irrigation ditch and property of Juan R, Daluro; and on tbe NW,, by property of Carles Camus and creek (no name), xxx containing an area of Republic of the Philippi COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Mortgagee, —versus— SPOUSES MARCIAL AGUDERA & CEFERINA CATANGUE, Mortgagors. FORECLOSURE OF MOTRGAGE Under Ast 3135 X —— — — — X NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES Under Ast 3135 As amended By virtue ef tbe power of attorney inserted in tbe deed of real estate mortgage executed by tbe Spouses MARCIAL AGUDERA and CEFEKINA CATANGUE of San Roque, Buhi, Camarines Surin favor of the PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK at Naga City; dated the 18th day of November 1957, and for tbe satisfaction of tbe debt of TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIXTYBIX 30/100 PESOS (P2.966.39) as of July 22, 1966 plus a daily interest of P0.1726 from July 23, 1966 to tbe date of sale, plus ten percent (10%) of the total amount due for and as attorney's fees, together with the sheriff’s fees and other lawful expenses incident to this foreclosure-sale, secured by said mortgage, tbe undersigned Provincial Sheriff Ex Officio of Camarines Sur, announces that on September 23, 1966, between tbe hours of 9.00 o’clock in tbe morning and 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon, he will sell a public auction at the sheriff’s office, located on tbe Second Floor of tbe Provincial Ca ONE HUNDRED FORTY FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED and THIRTY-TWO (144,132) Suquare Meters, more or less. This notice of extra-judicial sale of mortgaged properties will be published in the BICOL STAR, a weekly regional newspaper published and edited in tbe City Naga, having a wide general circu lation in tbe province of Camarines Sur and in all the other provinces of the Bicol region, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication shall take place at least twenty (20) days before tbe date of the auction sale. Likewise, for the same period of time, three copies oi this notice will be rceted on three publio and conspicuous places in tbe municipality of Minalabao, Camarinee Sur where the abovedescribed properties are located; and other three copies of same will be posted on tbe Bulletin Board at the Provincial Capitol of Camarines Sur in Naga City where tbe auction sate will be conducted. Prospective bidders or buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves tbe title of the property and encumbrances thereon, incase there be any. Done in Naga City, Philippines, this August 24, 1966, MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex-Officio Provincial Sheriff ot Camarines Bur Pub. Sept. 3, 10, 17, 1986, pitol of Camarines Bur in Naga City, to ths highest bidder for cash in Philippine currency, all tbe rights, title, interest, dominion and participation that tbe mortgagors hereof have or might have in and over the following described properties together with all the improvements existing thereon, to wit: LI8T OF PROPERTIES MORTGAGED ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 4470 — CAM. SUR Land Eax Dee. No. 713, Buhi, Cam. Sur, Plan Pen —116941 - FPV- 52864 1. A parcel of residential land together with all the improvements thereon, situated in the barrio of San Roque, Municipality o f Buhi, Province of Camarints Sur, containing an area ef 15 ares, 58 centares. Bounded o b the SW , along line 1-2, by Fullon Street; along line 2-4, by property of Felipe Adorable; along line 4 5, by property o f Marciano Adorable; along line 5 6, by property of Roman Catholic Church of Nueva Caceres; and along lines 6-7 and 7-1, by Balcedo Street. Of which premises, the mortgagors are the registered owner in accordance with the Land Registration Law, tbeir title thereto being evideneed by OCT No. 4470 of tbe Land Record of the Province of Camarines Sur. 2. LAND TAX DECLARATION NO, 807-ASSESS 2ID AT P35O A parcel ef ricelandj with all the improvements thereon, situated at Cabognag, Antipolo, Buhi, Cam. Sur. Bounded on the North by Canal; on tbe East, by Fn Mariano Infante; on the South, by Pedro Broncauo and Francisco Infante; and on tbe West, by Hsire of Apolonio Buenaflor and Jose Iparba, now Veaancin Olano; eontaining an area of 1.0000 Ha., more nr less. 3. LAND TAX DECLARATIQN NO. 808-ASSESSED AT P35O A parcel of rieeland with all tbe improvements thereon, situated at Catimbasan, Antipolo Buhi, Cam, Sur. Bounded on the North by Agapito Tria and Lorenzo Sta. Rosa; on tbe East, by Guillermo Aguilar, on tbe South, by Hrs. of Constaneio Wenceslao, and on the West, by Venancio Infante; containing an area of 1.0000 Ha. more er lose. 4. LAND TAX DECLARATION NO. 809-ASSESSED AT P35O A pareel of riceland with all the improvements thereon, situated at Quigading, Aotipolo, Buhi, Camarines Sur. Boundsd on the North, by Hrs. of Cornelio Noble and Pablo Portugal; on tbe East, by Felipe Ibarbia; on tbe South, by Heirs of Escelastieo Aguilar; and on the West, by Heirs of Juan Quirante; containing an area of 1.5000 hectares, more or less. 5. LAND TAX DECLARATION NO. 810-ASSESsED AT Pl 050 A parcel of rieeland with all the improvements thereon, situated at Quigading, Aotipolo, Buhi, Camarines Sur. Bounded on the North, by Canals, on the East, by Paterno Navera and Macario Maneanol) on tho South, by Darsga River; and on the West, by Pabio Pertuga)|eontaining an (Continued on Page 8) 8 * THE BICOL STAR * Sept. 10, 1966 $ “■'.Sf"" MBMMnBHMBi^^nanMMMaaMHi^nBBHaDBEaaE^WEnna Natural Resources • LEGAL NOTICES • RCA Probe Ordered By President Marcos BUREAU OE MINES Manila NOTICE OF APPLICATION OF “GAVINO BARCENA” FORA LODE MINING LEASE Republio of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District. IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR PHILIPPINE CITIZENSHIP, JAIME BICHARA, Petitioner. NATURALISATION CASE Ne. 169 X _____ X N0TI8E OF PETITION For PHILIPPINE CITIZENSHIP Te the Solicitor General, Manila, to Mr. Jaime Bichars, Naga City, to Attys Borja & Naval, counsels for tbe petitioner, Naga City and to all whom it may concern: WHEREAS, a petition for Philippine citizenship pur auant to the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 473. as amended, has been filed in this Couit by JAIME BICHARA who alleges that hie full name is JAIME BICHARA; that his present and previous or formsr place of residence is at Naga City, Philippines; that his oecupatien is that cf a businessman, being the operator of tbe “JAMES THEATRE’’ ai Calabanga, Camarines dur, Philippines from which he derives an average annual income of P3.5OO.OO, mere or less, and that he is also tbe manager of tbe theatres owned by the BICI1ARA & SONS frt m which he derives an annual compensation of P6,000.00; that aside from the afore mentioned source of income, he is one of tbe co-owners of the estate left by his deceased father Victor Biebara aud that bis share in tbe estate, consisting mostly of real properties, is P7.0C0.OO, more or lees; that be was born on September 21, 1926 at Naga. Camarines Sur. now Naga City, Philippines and be is at present a citizen or subject of Lebanon, under whose laws Filipinos may beeome citizens or subject thereof; that be is married and that bis wife’s name is Nimfa Midel. a Filipino citizen by birtb wbo was born on November 29, 1939; that he has two children and the names; dates and places of tbeir residence are as follows: 1. Joan Bicbara* born on April 9, 1964 at Naga City and 2. Joseph Biobara-born on August 4, 1965 at Naga City, all of whom are residing at Naga City with him; that when his afore-named children reaeb school age) be will enroll them in a public school duly recognized by tbe government, where Philippine history, government and civics are taught as part of the school curriculum, and w'bose enrollment shall be open to anyone, irrespective cf race nationality or religion; that he has resided continuously in the Philippines for more than 40 years already immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit: since 1926, the year of his birtb, end in the City of Nage, for a term of more than one year immediately proceeding tbe date of tbe petition, to wit: since 1926 that he has net heretofore made any petition for citizenship tc any court; that lie is exempted from the filing a declaration of intention because he waa born in tbe Republic of the Philippines IN THE CITY COURT OF NAGA 19th Judicial District SERAFIN U. TOLEDO, Plaintiff —versus— PEDRO ROXAS and FRANCISCO BABILONIA, Defendants. Civil Case No. 2351 X ----------------------- ------- X SUMMONS WHEREAS, on July 5, 1966, plaintiff thru counsel filed a motion for leave of Court to effect service of summons upon defendant PEDRO ROXAS by pub io ation pursuant to the p civisions of Rule 14 of tbe Revised Rules of Caud, and tbe Court on August 1, 1966 granted tbe said mution. NOW THEREFORE, defendant PEDRO ROXAS is hereby summoned and required to file with the Office of tbe Clerk of Court, at the Cily Hall, First Floor, his answer to the complaint filed against him in the instant case on or befare November 7, 1966, serving at tne same time a copy (hereof upon tbe plaintiff, e/o Atty. Martin Badong, Jr, GSIS Bldg . Naga City, and fail ure on bis part to file his answer as aforesaid, plaintiff will take judgment against him by default and may demand from tbe said Court the reliefs prayed for in said complaint. Let this summous be published, at the expense of tbe plaintiff,in the BICOL STAR published and edited in the City of Naga. 9tiB8 a week for three consecutive weeks, and let also a copy of same as well as of tbe somp'aint be deposited in the Naga City Post Office postage prepaid and by Registered Mail, addressed to the said defendant. PEDRO ROXAS. at bis last known address. WITNESS THE Honorable JOSE R. LUNTOK, judge of said Court this 2nd day of September, 1966, at Naga City, RICARDO R. ONTENGCO Clerk of Court Pub. Sept. 3, 10. 17, 1966. 17, 1966. P.LPIDlO C Asst. Director li ARCE NA' • Public Land & prii> Buenaflor * Philif ration Co. 11-3117. Philippine Explorali 11-3117 : 9.0000 hectares Date Regisl Location Sit Luk Panganib Affidavit of Adjudication of intestate Estate of Deceased Person Pursuant to Seo. 1, Rule 74 of the Fules of Court, notice is herein given GREGORIA D PON, Filipino, of legal age, widow, with residence and postal address at 309 C Quintana, St», Mesa, Mani a, who alleges to be the only and so e heir of the decease I epousts BERNABE DIPON wbo died in Pilar, Sorscgin in 1944 and VENANCIA BELAN DO who died in Manila in 1947, executed tn affidavit adjudicating unto herself the intestate estate left by the deceased spouses located is Pilar, Sorsogon with an area of 76,717 sq. m.' covered by OCT No. 4996, under Tax Dec. No. 737, assessed at P2.390. The affidavit was acknowledged before Notary Public Esteban Escalante, Sr. at Sorsogon, Sorsogon on August 22 1966; Doc. No. 1624; Page 51; Book 43, a. 1966 Philippines and he bAsstudiel and finished his primary and secondary education in schools duly recognized by the government, where Philippine history, government and eivios are taught as part of the sohool curriculum and where the enrollment is not limited to any particular race or nationality, to wit: Primary course at Colegio de Sta. Isabel at Naga Gity; Intermediate course at Naga Elementary School; Secondary education at the Cam*rinee Sur High School and Electrical Engineering course at tbe Mapua Institute of Teobnoloy; that in support of his petition, be cites Dr. Antonio P.iSibulo* of legal age residing at Naga City and Mr. Rieardo Ontengco, als-» of legal arid residing at Naga City, who are Filipino citizens wbo will appear and testify as his witnesses at the bearing of the petition; WHEREFORE, you are hereby given notice that tbe said petition ’Till be heard on March 31, 1967 at 8;30 e’elock in the morning, in Pub. Sept. 3, 10, 17, 1966. Pres. Marcos today ordered tbe relief of personnel ef the Rice and Corn Adminis tration found to have been involved in any irregularities, including electioneering for any political party in the last elections. The President called for this further action in addition to the charges already filed by the RCA against employes found to have illegally profited from fictitious purchases of cereal estimated in tbe amount of P30 million. Tbe order to weed out corrupt employes in the rice and corn firm was issued by the President after persistent representations from various sectors, including senators and congressmen, for the proeeeution of officials and employes in the ce eal agency wbo were involved in irregularities in tbe distribution of rice and oom causing huge losses to tbe government. PNB vs. Spouses Marcial Agudera . . . Con’t. from page 7) of 3 hectares, more or less; 6. LAND TAX DECLARATION NO. 871-ASSESSED AT P630 A parcel of rioeland with all tbe improvements thereon, situated at Anonan, Antipolo, Buhi, Camarines Snr. Bounded on th> Norib, by Dionisio Nadal and Marcial Agudera; on the East, by Purificacion Claveria; on the South, by Angel Buendia; and on tbe West, by Simeon Portugal. Containing an aiea of 1.8930 hectares, more or less; The above-described properties are not registered under tbe Spanish Mortgage Law nor under the Torrens Title Act and the parties concerned agreed te register this present instrument under Act 3344 as amended by tbe Philippine Legislature. the Third Branch of this Court at tbe Provincial Capitol, Naga City, Philippines; Let this notice be published at petitioner’s expense once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks in tbe Official Gazette and in “Thek Bicol Star’’, a newspaper edited io the City of Naga, Philippines, and of general circulation in this province where the petitioner resides, and that copies of tbe petition and this notice be posted io a publio and conspicuous place in the Office of the Clerk of this Court. Witness the Honorable RAFAEL DE LA CRUZ, Judge of tbe Court of First Instance of CamariDes Sur, at Naga City, tbia 29th day of August 1966. MAURO B. FAJARDO Clerk of Court Pub. Sept. 3, 10, 17, 1966 This notice of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged properties wiil be published in tbe BICOL, STAR, a regional weekly newspaper, published and edited in tbe City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in tbe provinces of tbe Bieol Region including the. province of Camarines Sur, once a week for three consecutive weeks, tbe first publication shall take place at least twenty (20) days before tbe date of tbe auction sale. Likewise, fer tbe same period of time, three copies of tbia notice shall be posted on three publio and conspicuous places in Buhi, Camarines Sur where the foregoing described properties are located, and another three copies of same will be posted in the City of Naga and at t b e Bulletin Board in the Provin eial Capitol of Camarines Sur in Naga City where the anc tion sale will be conducted. Prospective bidders or buyers of the above - described properties are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves tbe titles of tbe properties and the encumbrances thereo d, in case there be any. Done in Naga City, Philip, pines, this August 29, 1966. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex-officio Provincial Sheriff of Gam. bur Pub. Sept. 3, 10, 17, 1966. “You are directed to screen tbe officials and employes of the Rice and Corn Administration and weed out all those involved in irregularities) the President told Colonel Osmundo Mondonedo, RCA administrator; The President told Meodofiedo that Malacanang has been furnished with reports of tbe investigations eondu, ted to ascertain the capability of RCA personnel. The reports indicated that many employes were found to be liable to proseeution or dismissal from the agency. The President required immediate compliance with the order and asked for a report on tbe action taken by Moudonedo within 30 days of receipt of his order. In the meantime, the Presidentset a minimum oharge of ten centavos for tbe transmission of complaints and grievances of citizens to the Land Authority governor, in connaetion with the implementation of the land reform program. The minimum charge of ten centavos will apply to wires or other telegraphic services sent through or rendered by the Bureau of Telecommunications. Tbe President said that because of the importance of the land reform program, and due to tbe “manifold problems” that may be encountered in implementing it, it was essential for tbe proper authorities to pay tbe closest attention to any complaints or grievances from the public . Tbe benefits from the program, be added, can only be fully realizad if the government sector diligently attended to all the complexities involved. He asked the authorities concerned to make it eesv for these eomplaiuts to reach their desk. | CITY LOT FOR SALE A COMMERCIAL-RESIDENTIAL [l o t , 198 SQUARE METERS LOCATED NEAR THE NAGA ClTY [mar k et at P. Zamo r a St ., [f r o n t in g THE NEWLY CEMENTED STREET FOR QUICK SALE. 1*25,000. NO AGENT, DIRECT DEAL WITH OWNER. SEE OR WRITE ARc/o Bicol Star Zamora St. [P.O. Box 123, Naga City For a decent and high-level discussion of current public issues— Listen to Felix A. Abejero in his "HOROP-HOROPA DAW!” (Think It Over) over DZGE 850 Kes on your dial every Sunday aL 10:00 - 10:30 AM; and Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday at 6:45 - 7:00 P.M. (( Advertise in . . . )) j>®l]e J® ten I J&arK « . )> 10 ¥ Th® BICOL STAR ★ Sept. 10, 1966 • LEGAL NOTICES • Repub'io ot the Philippines Dep»’lmrpt of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Province of A'bay LEGASPI REPUBLIC BANK. Mortgagee. — versus-— LILIA VILLAREAL, Mortgagor. EXTRAJUDICIAL FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (Under Ael 3135) X ----- X Sheriffs Notice of E-rtraiudicial Sale of Mot Hasted Property L'nder Act 3135 At Amended WHEREAS, by virtue ot tbe power of attorney inserted in tbe deed of mortgage exeouted by Lilia L. Villareal, married to Guillermo Oonialee, with residence and postal address at 2507 Interior, Arellano Avenue, Singalong, Manila in favor of tbe Republio Bank, under date ol August 6, 1962. aed (or the satisfaction ol the mortgage-loan indebtedneee of P8.691 75 as of March IS 1966, plus daily interest and expenses thereafter, plus 10% per cent of tbe total amount of indebtedness for aod as attorney's fees aside from tbe sheriff's fees and expenses in connection with tbis foreelosuro eale all secured by said mortgage, at the indication ot tbe mortgagee bank, tbe undersigned Ex-office Provincial Sheriff of Albay levied upoo all the right, title, interest and participation that mortgagor Lilia L. Villareal has in and over tbe following reel propeity more yartioularly described as foliews.' Transfer Certificate of Title No. T~11739- Guinobatan, Albay A paroel of land (Lot No. 1937 B of tbe subdivision plan Ped-50502, being a portion of Lot No. 1987 of tbe Cadastral Burvey of Guinobatan. LRC. Cadastral Record No. 1100), situated in tbe Barrio of Mepaco, Munieipa* lily of Guinohetao. Province of Albov. Bounded on tbe Southeast along lines i2-3-4 by Lot Ne. 1987 B of the subdivision plan; on tbe Southwest along lines 4-5-6 by Lot No. 6528; isloog lines 6-7 8-9 by Lot No 5301; end aleng line 9-10 by Let No. 5513; on the West along lines 10-11-12 by Lol No. 5312| on the Nnrtb and West along lines 12-13-1415 16-17-18-I9-20-21-22 by Lot No. 5304; and on tbe West and South along lines 22-23 24-25-26-27 by Lol No. 5306; and on the West along linss 27-18-2930 by Lot No. 5308; all of Guinobatan Cadastre; on tbe North along lines 3031-32 by Let No. 1987-C ef tbe subdivision planalong lioes 32-33-34 35 36; 37-38-39 by Creek; and along lines 39 40-41-42 4344 by Let No. 1988; on tbe East and Northeast along lines 44 45 46 47-48 49-50 by Lot No. 1986 and na tbe Eaat and Southeast along lines 50 51-52-53-541 by a Reed, xxx Containing an area of FOUR HUNDRED NINETY 8IX THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED THREE (496,303) SQUARE METERS, more or less. WHEREAS, porsoant to Pub. Sept. 10, 17 & 14, 1986' SEPTEMBER 10. 17, A 24, 1966 Rapublic ot tbe Philippine* Department nr Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Province nf Albay LEGASPI DEVELOPMENT HANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, —versus— S1MFOROSO GONZALES AND MARIA S. DE GONZALES, Mortgagers EXTRAJUDICIAL FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (Under Act 3135) X —— — — — X SHERIFF’S NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES Uoder Act 3135 aa Amended WHBREAS. by virtue nf the power of attorney inserted io tbe deed of mortg'ge executed by tbe spoueee Simforsn Gaozales and Maria S. de Gonzales of Legaspi City in favnr of tbe Development Beak of tbe Philippines formerly Rehabilitation Finance Corporation under dale of Deeember 29. 1961 aod June 25, 1962, aod for the mort gage-lesn indebtedaeee of P219.597 75 as of April 30, 1966, plus daily interest and expenses thereafter, pine ten percent (10%) of tbe total amount of iodebtednes a e attorney'a fees elide from tbe sboritf’e fees aod e'l expenses in connection with thio foreclosure sale all secured by said mortgage, the undersigned Ex-officio Provino‘al tbe said real estate mortgage aod io accordance with Section 3 and 4 ef tbe said Aot 3135 as amended, the undere-gnerl F.e -offisio Provin eial She>i'f of Albay ANNOUNCES that *n tbe 30th day of September. 1966, st 10:00 o'clock io the m roing et bis office in the Albay Provincial Capitol Building, Legaspi City, he will ee’L al publio auction to tbe highest bidder for eaob and in Philippine currency, tbe aforedeacribed property to eatisfy tbe total » mount of iodeb tednesa in the said real estate mortgage WHEREAS, tbis notice of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged property will be published in tbe Bicol Star, a newspaper of general circulation in the Province ef Albay ae well as in all the provinces of tbe Bicol Region and edited at tbe City of Nega, Camarines Sur, Philippines, once a week for three consecutive weeks, tbe first publication to take place at least twenty days before tbe dele of auction sale. Copies ef this notice ef sale will be posted on conspicuous publio places in tba Municipality of Guinobatan, Albay where tbe properly is loeated and likewise copies ef same will be posted on tbe Bulletin Board of the Albay Provincial Capitol Bui'ding, Legaspi City, where tbe auction sale shall tak^ place. WHEREFORE, Prospective bu>ers or bidders are hereby enjoined tn 'investigate for themselves tbe title to the said property and the encumbrances existing thereon, if any there be. Done at Legaspi City, tbis 5lb day of .Soptembor, 1966 JOSE G, BALIN Ex-Officio Provincial Sheriff THE BICOL STAR. Sheriff of Albay at the Indicetion of tbe mortgagee-bank, levied upon ell the right, title, interest mid partioipall in that mortgagors spouses Simfmse Gonsales end Maria S. de Gonsales have in and over the following real pro perties more particularly described at fallows: TRANSFER CERTIFICATE of TITLE NO. (T-6416) 171 LEGASPI CITY A parcel of land (Let No. 9841 ot tbe Cadastral Survey of Lvgaepi). situated in tbe Municipality of Legaspi. Hounded an the Northeast by Calle Pefiaranda; on tbe Southeast by Lot No. 1560, on tbe Southwest by Calle Magallanes; and on the Northwest hy Lot No. 9841. xxx Containing an tree of TWO HUNDRED FOUR'IY FIVE (245) SQUARE METERS, more or less. TRANSFER CERTIFICATE of TITLE AO. (T-6415) 170 LEGASPI CITY A parcel of land (Lot. No. 9840 of the Cadastral Survey ot Legaspi), situated in the Municipality of Legaspi. Province of Albay. Bounded on the Northeast by Calle Peftaranda; on the Southeast by Lot No. 9841; on the Seutbweet by Calle Magallanes; and on tbe Noribw<st by Lot No 9839 xxx Containing an an area nf TWO HUNDRED FOURTY FIVE SQUIBB METERS and THIRTY (245.30) SQUARE METERA, more or less. WHEREA8. pursuant to tbe said real estate mortgaged aod in accordance with Section 3 and 4 of Ibe said Act 3135 sa amended, the said undersigned Ex officio Provincial Sheriff of Albay ANNOUNCES that on tbe 30th day of September. 1966. st 10.00 o’elook in tbe morning at bis office io (be Albay Provincial Capitol Building, Legaspi City, be will sell al public suolion to tbe highest bidder for cash and in Philippine Currency tbe abovedescribed real properties to satisfy the total amount of indebtedness io tbs eaid real estate mortgage. WHEREAS, this notice of exlrajudiofal sale of mortgage properties will be published in tbe Bieol Star, a newspaper of general circulation in tbe Provinee of Albay as well as in ell tbe provinces of Ibe Bicol Region aod edited at tbe City of Nega, Camarines Sur, Philippines, onee a week for three three consecutive weeks, tbe first publisation to take place st least twenty days before tba date ef auction sale. Copies of this notice will be posted for tbe same period of time on conspicuous publio places in the City of Legaspi where tbe properties sre located and likewise eopies of same will be posted on tbe Bulletin Beard of tbe Albay Provincial Capitnl Building, Legaspi City where tbe auction sale shall lake place. WHEREFORE, prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves tbs titles to tbe aforedescribed real properties and the enoumbransrs existing thereon, if any there be. Done at Legesdi City, tbis 5th day of September, 1966. JOSE G. BALIN Ex-o(fioio Provincial Sheriff THE BICOL STAR: Republio of tbe Philippines Department of Justice CITY COURT of MANILA Braosb VI LUNETA MOTOR COMPANY. Plaintiff. — versus— TIR8O YRURE1A, et al Defendants. EIECUT1ON Civil Case No 113168 x ----------------- ------- - X SHERIFF’S NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION SALE WHEREAS, hy virtue of Writ of Exeoution issued in the above entitled case hy tbe City Court of Manila Branch VI, dated July 19, 1966, thereby commanding tbe Provincial Sheriff o< Sorsogon or aoy ol his lawful deputy ta make or evuse to be made tbe sum of FOUR HUNDRED PESOS (P400.0 ) ae attornney’e fees and further sum of THREE HUNDRED FORTY N1NB end 7 / 100 PESOS (T349 07) far costs ol suits and the lawful and other incidental expenses for tbe service of this execution and sale, all in Philippine Currency, tbe Provinoial Sheriff nf Sorsogon, Borsogon levied upou all tbe rights, titles, interests, dominions and participations that of the defendants has ur might have in ovar tbe following described properties, to wit: Parcel I ■ A parcel of coconut laud situated in Guituan, Tubig, Bags c a y, Gubst. Sorsogon. contain iog an area nf 62,830 Square Meters more or less, bounded oa tbe North by Guituang Tubig River; East by Mario Testo; South, by Brook; and West, by Julio Espioetla. Tbis land is uoder Tax D»ol, No 14517 and Assessed f o r P3 270 in tbe name of Tireo Yiureta Coconuts are tbe permanent improvements aod coocrete posts of tbe BL are tbe visible boundaries. Parcel 2 • parcel of rice land situated at Bagacay, Gubat, Sorsogon. containing an area of 14 673 Square Meters more or lees, bounded on tbe North, by Alejo Destano; East, by Gubat-Prieto Diaz Road; South by, Gaudeocio Dugan; and West, by Bolero Eseander. Tbis land is under Tax Deel. No. 14517 and Assessed for Pl,280 Tbore is no permanent improvement and BL poets aro tbe visible boundaries WHEREAS, pursuant to tbe said Writ of Exeoution and in accordance with Section 16 of Rule 39 of tbe Rules of Court, tbe undersigned Provincial 8beriff ExOfioio of Sorsogon, Sorsogon ANNOUNCES that on September 29, 1906. at 10:00 o’eloek in tbe morning at bis Olfice of tbe Provincial She riff below tbe Courthouse at 8orsogon. Sorsogon, be will sell al public auction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine Currency, tbe above described teal properties in order to satisfy tbe total amount of indebteditse claimed in tbe said Writ of Exeoution. WHEREAS, tbis notion of public suetion sale will be published in tbe 'BICOLSTAR' a newspaper of general oireu lation in tbe Bicol Region including the province of Sorsogon and edited in the Ctty of Naga, once a week for throe consecutive weeks, tbe first publication to take * LEGAL N O T 1 G E * LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE io hereby given that pursuant to Section I, Rule 74, of the Rules of Court, the estate' ol the late Jose Pancho of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, eousietlng of three (3) parcels ol land, situated at Castilla, Sorsogon. Philip pines, under OCT No. 487 of tbe Registry of Sorsogon, bas been tbe subject of Extrajudic al Settlement by their heirs, CR19 1 I NA DELLOS A. BENJAMIN PANCHO, AMPARO PANCHO. Host TA PANCHO A JOSE PANCHO. Jr,, executed on August 8, 13W, before Archimedes Frivaldo, Notary Publio of Sorsogon, and bearing bie Not Reg. No. 8. Page No. 3, Not. Book No. I and Series ot 1966. Sorsogon, Sorsogon, August 22. I960. Pub. Sept. 10, 17, 24, '66. NOTICE Pursuant to 8oo. I. Rule 74 ef tbe Rules ol Court, notioe ie hereby given that the estate of EUGENIO VERAN and CLAUDIA SEHA8PE of Bioabiau, Sipocot. CsmarinM Sur and covered by O UGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO, RP - 449 (471) has been extrajudtoially settled by tbeir Fgal and sole heirs 8ILV1NA VERAN, ET AL. uoder Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate dated September 6. 1966 and notarized by Roger P Carifio of Camaligen, Camarines Sur end entered as Doe. No. 666; Pago No. 26; Book No. 11; Series of 1966. Pub. Sept 10. 17, 24, 1966. place ot least twenty days before the date of auotion sale. Copies of tbis notice will be posted at Gubat, Sorsogon where the properties are located and same copies will be postod at Borsogon. Sorsogon where the auction sale will take place. WHEREFORE, prospective buyers or l iddera are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the titles of fhe propertiesaod tbe encumbrances thereto if there be any . for their own protection. Done at Sorsogon. Sorsogon this 27lh day ol August. 1966 ARTURO R. ARGUELLES Ex-Offioio Provincial Sheriff Pub. Sept. 10, 17. 24, 1966. Buhi G.S.P. Leaders Elect their Officers The leaders of tbe Girl Seouts of tbe Philippines nf tbe town ef Buhi, had recently eleoted tbeir oHioere who are as foHo’ye: Mrs Josefa I. Constancio, president; Mrs. Diana 9 Saes. vice president; Mrs. Socorro Dimagante, secretary; Mrs. Loreta Moran d a r t o. treasurer; Mrs. Lourdes Langcsoo, Mrs. Alioia Nachor. bus. managers; Mies Nancy T. Panga, P.R.O; Mias Delia Caparanga, muse. (( Advertise in . . . )) ((___________________ ))