RCA probe ordered by President Marcos


Part of The Bicol Star

RCA probe ordered by President Marcos
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
8 * THE BICOL STAR * Sept. 10, 1966 $ “■'.Sf"" MBMMnBHMBi^^nanMMMaaMHi^nBBHaDBEaaE^WEnna Natural Resources • LEGAL NOTICES • RCA Probe Ordered By President Marcos BUREAU OE MINES Manila NOTICE OF APPLICATION OF “GAVINO BARCENA” FORA LODE MINING LEASE Republio of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District. IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR PHILIPPINE CITIZENSHIP, JAIME BICHARA, Petitioner. NATURALISATION CASE Ne. 169 X _____ X N0TI8E OF PETITION For PHILIPPINE CITIZENSHIP Te the Solicitor General, Manila, to Mr. Jaime Bichars, Naga City, to Attys Borja & Naval, counsels for tbe petitioner, Naga City and to all whom it may concern: WHEREAS, a petition for Philippine citizenship pur auant to the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 473. as amended, has been filed in this Couit by JAIME BICHARA who alleges that hie full name is JAIME BICHARA; that his present and previous or formsr place of residence is at Naga City, Philippines; that his oecupatien is that cf a businessman, being the operator of tbe “JAMES THEATRE’’ ai Calabanga, Camarines dur, Philippines from which he derives an average annual income of P3.5OO.OO, mere or less, and that he is also tbe manager of tbe theatres owned by the BICI1ARA & SONS frt m which he derives an annual compensation of P6,000.00; that aside from the afore mentioned source of income, he is one of tbe co-owners of the estate left by his deceased father Victor Biebara aud that bis share in tbe estate, consisting mostly of real properties, is P7.0C0.OO, more or lees; that be was born on September 21, 1926 at Naga. Camarines Sur. now Naga City, Philippines and be is at present a citizen or subject of Lebanon, under whose laws Filipinos may beeome citizens or subject thereof; that be is married and that bis wife’s name is Nimfa Midel. a Filipino citizen by birtb wbo was born on November 29, 1939; that he has two children and the names; dates and places of tbeir residence are as follows: 1. Joan Bicbara* born on April 9, 1964 at Naga City and 2. Joseph Biobara-born on August 4, 1965 at Naga City, all of whom are residing at Naga City with him; that when his afore-named children reaeb school age) be will enroll them in a public school duly recognized by tbe government, where Philippine history, government and civics are taught as part of the school curriculum, and w'bose enrollment shall be open to anyone, irrespective cf race nationality or religion; that he has resided continuously in the Philippines for more than 40 years already immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit: since 1926, the year of his birtb, end in the City of Nage, for a term of more than one year immediately proceeding tbe date of tbe petition, to wit: since 1926 that he has net heretofore made any petition for citizenship tc any court; that lie is exempted from the filing a declaration of intention because he waa born in tbe Republic of the Philippines IN THE CITY COURT OF NAGA 19th Judicial District SERAFIN U. TOLEDO, Plaintiff —versus— PEDRO ROXAS and FRANCISCO BABILONIA, Defendants. Civil Case No. 2351 X ----------------------- ------- X SUMMONS WHEREAS, on July 5, 1966, plaintiff thru counsel filed a motion for leave of Court to effect service of summons upon defendant PEDRO ROXAS by pub io ation pursuant to the p civisions of Rule 14 of tbe Revised Rules of Caud, and tbe Court on August 1, 1966 granted tbe said mution. NOW THEREFORE, defendant PEDRO ROXAS is hereby summoned and required to file with the Office of tbe Clerk of Court, at the Cily Hall, First Floor, his answer to the complaint filed against him in the instant case on or befare November 7, 1966, serving at tne same time a copy (hereof upon tbe plaintiff, e/o Atty. Martin Badong, Jr, GSIS Bldg . Naga City, and fail ure on bis part to file his answer as aforesaid, plaintiff will take judgment against him by default and may demand from tbe said Court the reliefs prayed for in said complaint. Let this summous be published, at the expense of tbe plaintiff,in the BICOL STAR published and edited in the City of Naga. 9tiB8 a week for three consecutive weeks, and let also a copy of same as well as of tbe somp'aint be deposited in the Naga City Post Office postage prepaid and by Registered Mail, addressed to the said defendant. PEDRO ROXAS. at bis last known address. WITNESS THE Honorable JOSE R. LUNTOK, judge of said Court this 2nd day of September, 1966, at Naga City, RICARDO R. ONTENGCO Clerk of Court Pub. Sept. 3, 10. 17, 1966. 17, 1966. P.LPIDlO C Asst. Director li ARCE NA' • Public Land & prii> Buenaflor * Philif ration Co. 11-3117. Philippine Explorali 11-3117 : 9.0000 hectares Date Regisl Location Sit Luk Panganib Affidavit of Adjudication of intestate Estate of Deceased Person Pursuant to Seo. 1, Rule 74 of the Fules of Court, notice is herein given GREGORIA D PON, Filipino, of legal age, widow, with residence and postal address at 309 C Quintana, St», Mesa, Mani a, who alleges to be the only and so e heir of the decease I epousts BERNABE DIPON wbo died in Pilar, Sorscgin in 1944 and VENANCIA BELAN DO who died in Manila in 1947, executed tn affidavit adjudicating unto herself the intestate estate left by the deceased spouses located is Pilar, Sorsogon with an area of 76,717 sq. m.' covered by OCT No. 4996, under Tax Dec. No. 737, assessed at P2.390. The affidavit was acknowledged before Notary Public Esteban Escalante, Sr. at Sorsogon, Sorsogon on August 22 1966; Doc. No. 1624; Page 51; Book 43, a. 1966 Philippines and he bAsstudiel and finished his primary and secondary education in schools duly recognized by the government, where Philippine history, government and eivios are taught as part of the sohool curriculum and where the enrollment is not limited to any particular race or nationality, to wit: Primary course at Colegio de Sta. Isabel at Naga Gity; Intermediate course at Naga Elementary School; Secondary education at the Cam*rinee Sur High School and Electrical Engineering course at tbe Mapua Institute of Teobnoloy; that in support of his petition, be cites Dr. Antonio P.iSibulo* of legal age residing at Naga City and Mr. Rieardo Ontengco, als-» of legal arid residing at Naga City, who are Filipino citizens wbo will appear and testify as his witnesses at the bearing of the petition; WHEREFORE, you are hereby given notice that tbe said petition ’Till be heard on March 31, 1967 at 8;30 e’elock in the morning, in Pub. Sept. 3, 10, 17, 1966. Pres. Marcos today ordered tbe relief of personnel ef the Rice and Corn Adminis tration found to have been involved in any irregularities, including electioneering for any political party in the last elections. The President called for this further action in addition to the charges already filed by the RCA against employes found to have illegally profited from fictitious purchases of cereal estimated in tbe amount of P30 million. Tbe order to weed out corrupt employes in the rice and corn firm was issued by the President after persistent representations from various sectors, including senators and congressmen, for the proeeeution of officials and employes in the ce eal agency wbo were involved in irregularities in tbe distribution of rice and oom causing huge losses to tbe government. PNB vs. Spouses Marcial Agudera . . . Con’t. from page 7) of 3 hectares, more or less; 6. LAND TAX DECLARATION NO. 871-ASSESSED AT P630 A parcel of rioeland with all tbe improvements thereon, situated at Anonan, Antipolo, Buhi, Camarines Snr. Bounded on th> Norib, by Dionisio Nadal and Marcial Agudera; on the East, by Purificacion Claveria; on the South, by Angel Buendia; and on tbe West, by Simeon Portugal. Containing an aiea of 1.8930 hectares, more or less; The above-described properties are not registered under tbe Spanish Mortgage Law nor under the Torrens Title Act and the parties concerned agreed te register this present instrument under Act 3344 as amended by tbe Philippine Legislature. the Third Branch of this Court at tbe Provincial Capitol, Naga City, Philippines; Let this notice be published at petitioner’s expense once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks in tbe Official Gazette and in “Thek Bicol Star’’, a newspaper edited io the City of Naga, Philippines, and of general circulation in this province where the petitioner resides, and that copies of tbe petition and this notice be posted io a publio and conspicuous place in the Office of the Clerk of this Court. Witness the Honorable RAFAEL DE LA CRUZ, Judge of tbe Court of First Instance of CamariDes Sur, at Naga City, tbia 29th day of August 1966. MAURO B. FAJARDO Clerk of Court Pub. Sept. 3, 10, 17, 1966 This notice of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged properties wiil be published in tbe BICOL, STAR, a regional weekly newspaper, published and edited in tbe City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in tbe provinces of tbe Bieol Region including the. province of Camarines Sur, once a week for three consecutive weeks, tbe first publication shall take place at least twenty (20) days before tbe date of tbe auction sale. Likewise, fer tbe same period of time, three copies of tbia notice shall be posted on three publio and conspicuous places in Buhi, Camarines Sur where the foregoing described properties are located, and another three copies of same will be posted in the City of Naga and at t b e Bulletin Board in the Provin eial Capitol of Camarines Sur in Naga City where the anc tion sale will be conducted. Prospective bidders or buyers of the above - described properties are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves tbe titles of tbe properties and the encumbrances thereo d, in case there be any. Done in Naga City, Philip, pines, this August 29, 1966. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex-officio Provincial Sheriff of Gam. bur Pub. Sept. 3, 10, 17, 1966. “You are directed to screen tbe officials and employes of the Rice and Corn Administration and weed out all those involved in irregularities) the President told Colonel Osmundo Mondonedo, RCA administrator; The President told Meodofiedo that Malacanang has been furnished with reports of tbe investigations eondu, ted to ascertain the capability of RCA personnel. The reports indicated that many employes were found to be liable to proseeution or dismissal from the agency. The President required immediate compliance with the order and asked for a report on tbe action taken by Moudonedo within 30 days of receipt of his order. In the meantime, the Presidentset a minimum oharge of ten centavos for tbe transmission of complaints and grievances of citizens to the Land Authority governor, in connaetion with the implementation of the land reform program. The minimum charge of ten centavos will apply to wires or other telegraphic services sent through or rendered by the Bureau of Telecommunications. Tbe President said that because of the importance of the land reform program, and due to tbe “manifold problems” that may be encountered in implementing it, it was essential for tbe proper authorities to pay tbe closest attention to any complaints or grievances from the public . Tbe benefits from the program, be added, can only be fully realizad if the government sector diligently attended to all the complexities involved. He asked the authorities concerned to make it eesv for these eomplaiuts to reach their desk. | CITY LOT FOR SALE A COMMERCIAL-RESIDENTIAL [l o t , 198 SQUARE METERS LOCATED NEAR THE NAGA ClTY [mar k et at P. Zamo r a St ., [f r o n t in g THE NEWLY CEMENTED STREET FOR QUICK SALE. 1*25,000. NO AGENT, DIRECT DEAL WITH OWNER. SEE OR WRITE ARc/o Bicol Star Zamora St. [P.O. Box 123, Naga City For a decent and high-level discussion of current public issues— Listen to Felix A. Abejero in his "HOROP-HOROPA DAW!” (Think It Over) over DZGE 850 Kes on your dial every Sunday aL 10:00 - 10:30 AM; and Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday at 6:45 - 7:00 P.M. (( Advertise in . . . )) j>®l]e J® ten I J&arK « . )>