Hanoi V. Cong "terrified of elections" prospect


Part of The Bicol Star

Hanoi V. Cong "terrified of elections" prospect
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Sept. 10, 1966 ¥ The BICOL STAR ★ 9 Hanoi V. Cong "Terrified Of Elections" Prospect WASHINGTON- Secretary ol State Rusk says tba Hanoi regime and the Viet Cong are “terrified of the eleetians” to ba held by the South Vietnamese September It to ebooee a constituent assembly. Tbe communists, said Mr. Rusk, know “any expression of solidarity among tbe South Vietnamese” will exjlorethe falsity of tbe “National Liberation Front's claim to speak for the South Vietnamese. Mr. Rusk, addressing the American Legion Auxiliary, composed of wives of American legiooairee, warned on August 31 that Americans must not “suppose that if we turn our backs somebody else will act” to prevent communist aggression in Asia. He emphasized, too, that a paramount purpose of tbe Johnson administration’s foreign policy was “to secure Back-to-the-Farm . . tended similar priority because we eanoot live on a rice and fisb diet alone. Increasing our milk and meat production is one way to reduce our rice consumption, balance our diet, and improve our economy, Frivaldo said. tbe blessings of liberty to ourselves and our poaterity. "If a bard choice baa to be made between the liberty and peaoe, we shall obeoce liberty just aa we have done in the past,” tbe Secretary said. Mr. Rusk said he was “quite aware’’ that Chinese communist party leader Mao Tse-Tung “is not Hitler” and that Peking's Defense Minister Lin Piao’s September 1965, article “Is not Mein Kampf .’’ “But the differences,” he cautioned, "should not bo allowed to conceal tbe heart of the matter." Tbe Secretary of State said it would be “a tragedy for mankind if we were to forget the most important lessons leading up to World War Two, (or we are not going to have tbe chance to draw the lessons from World War Three. Mr. Rusk reiterated ,that the U.S. presence in South Vietnam is te repel North Vietnamese aggression and to assure tbe 8outh Vietnamese people tbe choice of their own future. ‘When those objectives have been achieved, then we will withdraw,” be said. Senator ZIGA Happy Greetings and Best Wishes to All Penafrancia Devotees and Visitors— Compliments oj: MAYOR AND MRS. Dominador Medroso Calabartga Camarines Sur Congressman VENANCIO P. ZIGA First District of Albay and Sen. TECLA S. ZIGA - • - PILGRIMAGE to the Lady of Penafrancia ★ ★★★★★ Each year sees thousands of Devotees flocking to the City of Naga to pay homage to the VIRGIN of PENAFRANCIA, the Patroness of the Bicol Region. This year, join the Pilgrimage. Do it right - the easy, safest waygo via the PNR under a new competent Management. PHILIPPINE NATIONAL RA ILWAYS Tutuban Station, C. M. Recto Ave., Manila OTHER Benguet Auto Line SERVICES Luzon But Line Tel. 2-00-11 connecting all departments We take this opportunity to welcome all our good customers and patrons... and to extend to them our heartfelt gratitude for their valuable sustained patronage in the past, today and in the future . . .