Come, worship the Lord


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

Come, worship the Lord
Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas Volume XLIV (No.498) November, 1970
Catholic Church--Philippines
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
COME, WORSHIP THE LORD Multi-purpose Chapel This is the second of a series of chapels designs prepared by the students of the College of Architecture and Fine Arts of the University of Santo Tomas. The present plan is a contribution of Raul Delmendo who has just graduated. The chapel has a contemporary form. It is an adaptation of the folded plate roof — a modem technological innovation that has enriched the urban architectural scene. This form lends adap­ tability to the utilization of indigenous materials such as nipa shingles and cogon commonly found in the hinterlands. How­ ever, to insure watertight joints plain galvanized iron sheets will be incorporated as ridge rolls, valley gutters and flashings. INTERIOR VIEW COME, WORSHIP THE LORD 787 The structural framework shall be of timber or lumber. Straight timber stripped of its bark will enhance its rustic aesthetic qualities, especially if polished. This will not require the installation of a ceiling. Concrete hollow blocks, clay bricks or adobe stones shall be used sparingly for structural functions only. The floor finish shall be plain concrete. It is best that this type of structure be sited in areas which is not frequented by typhoons. There wfiftwa be trees or other form of natural screen on the southeast portion of the lot. Estimated Cost: Pl5,000.00