Justice delayed


Part of Panorama

Justice delayed
Bentham, Jeremy
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
tive. Sometimes two lovers dueled — unknown to the husband. Nowadays men in public life no longer settle differen­ ces on the field of honor, not even in Spain, which lost its last glamorous duelist in the person of the great liberal novelist, Blasco Ibafiez. The duel, with all its tragic, comic, and unexpec­ ted aspects, has been well exploited in literature and particularly in the theater. Melodrama has thrived on it. There are plenty of duels in Hamlet and in nearly all the plays of the Elizabethan dramatists. How many dramas, how many plays could never have been concluded without a duel! Today, dueling has almost disappeared, even among the student corps at Heidelberg. It has been forbidden by Mussolini in Fascist Italy, and in France other sports have taken its place. The young men of our generation have fought too much to begin again killing each other off in twos. Democra­ cy has given the death thrust to dueling — By Paul Morand, condensed from Vanity Fair (September, ’30). JUSTICE DELAYED The most galling and oppressive of all griev­ ances is that complicated mass of evil which is com­ posed of the uncertainty, delay, expense, and vexa­ tion in the administration of justice. — Jetemy Bentham 34 Panorama