B.F. Notes


Part of Forestry Leaves

B.F. Notes
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
--B. F. FORESTRY TEAM WINS "KNOWLEDGE UNLIMITED" CONTEST In the "Knowledge Unlimited" Program held on Wednesday, May 24, 1950, over Station DZRH under the sponsorship of Palmolive-Peet C.Jmpany, the Fore:;try team won over the National Economic Council team by a point score of 110 against 95. The members d the winning Forestry team are Mr. Isidoro Francisco, captain, Mr. Anastacio Litonjua, Mr. Jaime Serra, Mr. Ramon Fernandez and Mr. Prudenci.J Jizmundo. * * * * Dagupan City:-Provincial Forester D. Allas was honored by .members of the faculty and students of the Tayug High School of Pangasinan as one of the speakers in connection with the celebration of Vocational Guidance Week Pr.Jgram on April 10, 1950. * * * * Lucena, Quezon:-Provincial Forester Rafael San Pedro was honored with an invitation to join the members of the Provincial Board of the province on February 23-26, 1950 to visit the island of Alabat. In their itinerary, three t.Jwns were visited by the party, namely, Perez, Alabat and Quezon in · which meetings were held. Forester San Pedro spoke on the conservation of the forest resources particularly the Alabat Forest Reserve and the Communal forests of each municipality. Squatters of portion .Jf the Alabat Forest Reserve were advise4 to vacate. * * * * Capiz, ~apiz:-Provincial Forester Alfredo de los Reyes ably represented the Bureau of Forestry in the Mayors' Convention held at Capiz Provincial Capitol on February 23-24, 1950 in c.Jnnection with problems of ameAUGUST, 1950 Notes __ - - - - - - - - - - - - iiorating the poor, food production and peace and order of the province. From his written address, it is reveakd tliat Ivisan, Dumalag and Altavas. are taking steps in curving illegal kaiiigin, illegal cutting and reforestation in their communal forests. The mayors concerned were c.Jngratulated publicly by the Provincial Forester during the Convocation. * * * Fabrica, Negros Occidental: - Vice-Presi.dent Fernando Lopez and members of his party composed of Ambassadors and their wives of the United States, Britain, Holland, Italy, China, Congressmen, Provincial and Municipal Officials led by G.Jvernor Rafael Lacson and press reporters, visited Fabrica on February 4, 1950. The party looked into the operation of the Insular Lumber Co. Mr. H. C. Pope, Manager of Insular Lumber Co. was the host of the party. * * * * Provincial F.Jrester Melecio Lopez attended the Fifteenth Anniversary of the founding of Tabla Valley, Cauayan, Negros Occidental. His presence in the locality was timely as it checked the active cutting of timber, rattan and diliman and squatting inside public forest. He talked in the local dialect on the release of public land from public forests for settlement purposes to about 2,000 pe.Jple inside the auditorium on February 26, 1950. * * * * Tagbilaran, Bohol:-Dr. M. C. Cummings of the American Embassy, Manila, visited the provincial headquarters of Tagbilaran on February 20, 1950. Provincial Fcrester R. Navallasca and district personnel e,ntertained the Dr. Forestry matters in relation with the Page IS economic development of the province of Bohol were deliberated. * * * * Cagaya11, Misamis Oriental:-Ranger Domingo 0. Ramirez of the provincial headquarters gave a lecture on "Our Forest and Its Administration" to the Botany Class of the Ateneo de Cagayan Students on February 18, 1950. * * * * Provincial Forester Vicente Marababol was one of the elected del€gates of the Misamis Oriental Council of the BSP who attended the 11th National Council Meeting, BSP, in Davao City on May 6-7, 1950. In this Council, Director Tamesis garnered the highest votes am.:mg nine elected candidates as members of the National Executive Board, BSP. * * * * From a copy of a program of the town fiesta which took place at Gingoog on May 2123, 1950, the activities of the folbwing Alumni were noted:· Bernardo R. D.:>lores '28, as Chairman, Executive Committee, Gingoog Town Fiesta, with a one paged write-up entitled "Homage"; Vicente Ve.dad '26, ViceChairman; Florencio Guirnela '34, Chairman Sports Committee. Mr. Guirnela participated in tennis, double, in the athletic events. Excerpts .:>f "Homage" are quoted as follows: "Gingoog is blessed with rich fertile soil ... home of the world famous tangile, red lauan, almon etc .... unsurpassed anywhere. Industrial exploitation by the Sta. Clara Lumber ·co., Inc. and by Anahan Lumber Co. are a boom that provides opportunities for labor, enhance local prosperity and help create favorable trade here and abroad. Central Office Council of Personnel Administration: - Elected on June 29, 1950 as members of the Council of Personnel Administration for the period from July 1, 1950 to June 30, 1951, were Forester Teofila Santos and Mr. Vicente ~onor for the technical and clerical force, respectively. Votes casts were Page 16 512 and 391 respectively. Outgoing members are Dr. Vicente de la Cruz and Mr. Isidoro Francisco. Bureau of Forestry Savings and Loan ·Association, Inc. and Forestry Relief Association.-In an election on June 10, 1950, the following were elected Members of the Board of Directors and Assistant Officers: Board of Directors: -Messrs. Carlos Sulit, Isidoro Francisco, Lorenso Sison, Felix Mabbayag, Federico_ Jimenez, and Isabelo Achacoso. Assistant Officers: -Messrs. Antonio A. Quejado, Tomas N. Roque, Vicente Leonor and Jose Viado. In view, however, of the transfer of Mr. Isidoro Francisco to the Bureau of Fisheries, Mr. Demeterio Salunga who obtained the seventh highest votes qualified for board membership. From among members of the board of directors, the following were elected and constitute the Officers for the period from July 1, 1950 to June 30, 1951: President: Isabelo Achacoso; VicePresident: Carlos Sulit; Secretary: Federico Jimenez; Treasurer: Lorenzo Sison; Auditor: Demetrio Salunga; Legal Adviser: Felix Mabbayag; Assistant Secretary: Vicente Leonor; 'Assistant Treasurer: Tomas N. Roque; Assistant Auditor: Antonio Quejado; and Assistant Legal Adviser: Jose Viado. GOVERNOR ASKS MORE RANGERS FOR PROVINCE CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, July 4---In a letter addressed recently to Director of Forestry Florencio Tamesis, Governor Paciencio G. Ysalina requested the assignment of additional rangers and foresters to Misamis Oriental to help in developing its agricultural and lumber industries. Ysalina's request was prompted by his observations that the local forestry office is undermanned and cannot cope with its work specially in the allocation and inspection of forest lands. Despite their industry and desire to serve the people, the FORESTRY LEAVES present personnel is simply unable to meet the public demand for service, the governor said. Numerous requests of the provincial board for the reclassification of forest lands in the municipalities of Manticao, Claveria, Gingoog, and Salay, have not been complied with because of the lack of trained personnel it was pointed out. HERE AND THERE By·M. V. QuxsuMBING The chairmen of the different Red Cross service committees of the Misamis OrientalBukidnon chapter of the PNRC were named at the chapter board meeting held last Friday evening. They· cu-e Major Angeles Limena, Disaster Preparedness and Relief Service committee; Provincial Treasurer Ubaldo D. Laya, Fund Raising committee; Dr. Jose Zamora, Blood Program committee; Dr. Galo Franco, Nursing Service; Atty. Ernesto Tamparong, Safety Services; Vicente Marababol, Home Service Committee; Juan S. Pagttio, Junior Red Cross; Lt. Col. Anastacio de Guzman, Military Welfare Service; and Hon. Roque Chaves, Public Information Service. The chapter board also unanimously approved to recommend to PNRC national headquarters the approval of a resolution of the Bukidnon subchapter board regarding their application for an independent status. District Engineer Galo Castronuevo was designated chairman of a committee to p• ~­ pare the plans of the new RC headq11'll'ters building, with Vicente Marabab:>l and Dr. Jose Zamora as members. The newly elected offir:=rs and members of the board of director of the Dacams Cooperative Association took their oaths of ·office before City Judge Agustin Antillon in a simple but solemn ceremony held at Yee's Restaurant last Saturday. The 1950-51 directorate is composed of the following: Forester Vic R. Marababol, AUGUST, 1950 president; Dr. Greg. C. Goloyugo, vice-president; Greg. Abellera, secretary; Ranger Dalmacio Zablan, treasurer; Valentin K. Lina, auditor; Forester Conrado P. Verendia, assistant treasurer; Carlos 0. Fernandez, assistant auditor; and Proceso Balauag, Mac Cabaraban, and Justino A. Ybanez, members of the board of directors. The Dacams Cooperative Association has among its members the present and former officials and employees of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Department of Commerce and Industry, who at one time or another have been assigned in Misamis Oriental and Bukidnon. During the recent trip of Director Florencio Tamesis and Forester Porfirio San Buenaventura, Chief of the Administrative Division, to Mindanao the Dean made an appeal to the alumni to give their share to the U.P. Carillon Jfund Drive for which he had pledged 'P2,000 from the Forestry alumni. They also had the occasion to meet most of the Forestry Alumni in the province of Davao, Cotabato and Zamboanga and those no longer with the Bureau of Forestry. Among .those they met were Messrs. J. Acenas, Cl 20; N. D. Estabillo, Cl '20; D. L. Dagondon, Cl '40; C. 'L. Mercado, Cl '27; R. F. Salvilla, Cl '26; J.C. Andrada, Cl '19; G. Diego de Dios, Cl '14; A. P. Estaniel, Cl '34; E. S~, Cl '20; J. Illustrisimo, Cl '28; P. Asagra, Cl '30; L. Denoga, Cl '22; M. Etubaii.as, Cl '33 and others. At the party given by Mr.,Nazario Penas, of the Sta. Clara, t6 which alumni and personnel of the local forests station were invited, the plan for reviving the awarding of the Ahern Medal, which in pre-war years was given to the graduating student for scholarship was discussed. The board of judges of the float contest held, in· connection with the city's cele( Continued on page 39) Page 17 B.F. NOTES ... (Continued from page 17) bration of the 4th anniversary of the Republic finally released their much-awaited decision as to who were the winners of the contest with the announcement that the DACAMS float won the first place, and with it the cash prize of fifty pesos. The other winners were the float of the Cagayan W omen's Club and the Red Cross which obtained the second and third place winners. The DACAMS' float won primarily on the novel way it portrayed its message to the people---its central theme being the defense of our Republic by strengthening our economic independence and converting our country into an arsenal of food and a bastion of industrial production. DACAMS' OFFICERS SWORN BY JUDGE CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, July 4';l'he newly elected officers and members of the board of directors of the Dacams Cooperative Association took their oaths of office before City .Judge Agustin Antillon in a simple ceremony held at Yee's restaurant last Saturday. The 1950-51 directorate is composed of the following: Forester Vic R. Marababol, president; Dr. Greg C. Goloyugo, vice-president; Greg Abellera, secretary; Ranger Dalmacio Zablan, treasurer; Valentin K. Lina, auditor; Forester Conrado P. Verendia, assistant treasurer; Carlos 0. Fernandez, asssistant auditor; and Proceso Balauag, Mac Cabaraban, and Justino A. Ybanez, members of the board of directors. t - The association has among its members the present and former officials and employees of the departments of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Department of Commerce and Industry, who at one time or another, have been assigned in Misamis Oriental and Bukidnon. Fiftlz Annual Convention, PGEA (July 1-3, 1950): -As a result of the annual election for officers of the ;Association chairman Doroteo Soriano of the Bureau AUGUST, 1950 of Forestry Chapter, was elected one of the 22 members of the Legislative Council and National Treasurer vice Mr. Vicente Tagle, retiring. Mr. Baltazar J. Ber· nal, Chairman of the host chapter of Baguio City, was elected vice-president. Mr. Baltazar Cuyugan and Gregorio Aq. Limjoco, were reelected President and Secretary, of the PGEA respectively. The last two have occupied their positions since the organization of the Association after the war. Delegate Filemon Kapuno, represented the Bureau of Forestry Chapter. Delegates Jose Viado, Juan Acogido and Eugenio de la Cruz were not able to attend the convention. Bureau of Forestry. Chap:er, PGEA, Elects Officers. -A special meeting Gf the Bureau of Forestry Chapter, PGEA, took place on July 11, 1950 to deliberate on the following agenda: ( 1) report of delegates at the Fifth Annual Convention of the Philippine Government Employees' Association at Baguio City; (2) rally for increase of membership and payment of 1950 dues; and (3) election of officers. A'11ong the resolutions passed by the convention that which concerns the negotiability of back pay; inclusion of vete· rans of World War II and recognized guerrillas who were government employees before the war to the back pay law (Republic Act No. 304); and retirement privileges were stressed. Considering the fact that the Bureau of Forestry has under its pay roll 1,160 em· ployees as of June 30, 1950, actual membership of 169 in the Bureau of Forestry Chapter could easily be increased. The results of the election are as follows: President, Dorotea Soriano: Vice-Pre~ident Placido Dacanay; Secretary, Juan Daproza; Treasurer, Juan Acogido (new); and Delegates: Jose Viado, Filemon Kapuno, Juan Acogido and Eugenio de la Cruz. FIELD SERVICE Sta. 'Cruz, M arinduque.-In the celebration of the Sta. Cruz town fiesta in the province of Marinduque, from May 1 to May 3, 1950, the local personnel led by Forester Duenas participated in the Agricultural and Industrial Exposition held in that municipality. The participation was made possible through the fimmcial help extended by licensees and lumber dealers in the province. The forestry booth was the only national government participation durin!!: the exoosition. Bayombong, Nueva Piuaya.-The district personnel participated in the Carnival and Industrial Fair held at Bayombong (April 25-30, 1950). A forestry booth was displayed. Materials in the exhibit were donated by licensees and lu'Tlber dealers. Over 5,000 people visited the booth. With the display of planks of wood of nato, whit~ L:rnan, bagtikan and ir.her species of the lower groups, the aopreciation of the public in the use of these species for house construction was accelerated. Page 39