Lumber Review


Part of Forestry Leaves

Lumber Review
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Lumber Review After a very successful visit of the Director of Forestry in the States and meeting lumber and timber users, enthusiasm was created and resulted in the greater amount of order for Philippine Mahogany. The 2~d semester of the fiscal year 19491950 corroborated this statement as there were shipped 19,855,855 board feet of lumber and 20,270, 704 board feet of logs with an estimated value of ¥'2,234,586.20 and ¥'1,799,389.85, respectively. United States leads in the imports of lumber and timber constituting 55% in volume and 40% in value of the total exports of the period covered by this review. New for lumber and timber are fast· developing and orders are pouring in continuously. Japan, Formosa (new) and Hongkong (new) proves to be very good markets. South Africa, Bel. gium and Ireland are beginning to have greater interests and Canada, Guam, and Hawaii, also are importing lumber and timber from the Philippines. There is an indication that Australia may be interested again on Philippine lumber as inquiry have been received from that country. A great future is in sight if systematic propaganda with regards to the usefulness availability both in quality and quantity of the Philippine Mahogany s~ that more dependable markets may be developed to increase not only in volume but in value as well of the timber and lumber export trade from the Philippines. Export prices both for lumber and logs have shown an improvement. A track star was boasting of his achievements when a man sitting at a nearby table interrupted him. "I'll race you," said the stranger. "And you'll never pass me if you give me a tree-foot start and let me choose the course." The sta·r looked at the portly gentleman and laughed. "Bet yc-u 50 to one I will," he returned. "\Vhere's the course-" "Up a ladder," answered the challenger. -Contributed .by FRANCES RODMAN, The Reader's Digest ' Page 20 Sunshine ·Corner "What was the hardest thing you learned at college?" asked the proud father. "To _keep repeating the phrase 'I don't know, sir'." Professor (irritated): "If there are many morons in the room, please stand up." A long pause, and a lone freshman rose. Professor: "What, do you consider yourself a moron?" Freshman-"Well, not exactly that, sir: but I do hate to see ·you standing all alone by yourself." A professor of physiology was describing the organs of sense, etc., and finallly asked for a summary of his lecture. The star of the class arose and said: -'!Well, Prof, as I see it, I see with m:y eye organ, I hear with my ear organ, I smell with my nose organ, I eat with my mouth organ, and I feel with my hand organ." Professor-"Give an example of a collective noun." Stude--"Garbage can, sir." ·--Cop-"Hey, watcha doin' here?" Biologist-"Why, er, officer, I am looking for flora and fauna." Cop-"Move along, or I'll run you inand your girl friends, too." First Stude--"Give an example of Scott's works." Second Stude--"Scott's Emulsion." Professor-"If the noun is singular make it plural. If it's plural, make it singular. The word is appendices." Student (raising his hand)-"Appendicitis." FORESTRY LEAVES