Campus notes


Part of Forestry Leaves

Campus notes
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Carnpus Notes MAKILING LITERARY CLUB REVIVED Literary-minded alumni of the old School of Forestry particularly the former members of the defunct Order of Pterocarpus of the School will probably be interested to know that the Makiling Literary Club has been reorganized in the college. Through the initiative of Senior Ranger Martin R. Reyes who was a member of the pre-war organization and now a Belo Boy, a small group of students met in one of the dimly-lit rooms of the college building late in the afternoon of August 9, 1950, and discussed the possible revival of the club. After hearing Prof. Blando talk about the history and former activities of the prewar organization, the body acted on and ratified a previously framed constitution and held an election for officers. The following were elected for the year 1950-51: President -------------------- Edgardo Mabesa Vice-President __________ Martin R. Reyes Secretary -------------------- Ben Almonte Treasurer -------------------· Jose Calip Auditor --------------~·:______ Domingo de Leon Business Manager ____ Primo Andres Adviser ---------------------- Prof. Jose ·B. Blando With the revival of this organization, it is expected that among other things, dramatics, writing, and public speaking in the College will receive a much-needed shot in the arm. The new members are eager to live up to the worthy name of the prewar club and hope to accomplish as much as their predecessors. The Makiling Literary Club was first organized in 1932 as a branch of the old Order of Pterocarpus, an affiliation of the brightest students in . the school, during that time. Then, as now, the club was under the guidance of Prof. Blando. Page 18 It presented plays to raise funds for various purposes, promoted literary activites in general; and published an organ called the N arra Chips which appeared from 1934 up to 1938 when it ceased to be published for some reason or another. However the club itself carried on its other activities and lasted till the outbreak of the war in 1941. Since then it was forgotten and only when somebody happened to dig up an old and dusty copy of the N arra Chips from Prof. Blando's files were memories of the Makiling Literary Club rekindled, although about 3 years ago, the present president Ed Mabesa, made moves to revive the organi.Zation. Not till the arrival of an old member, Ranger Reyes, did the dreams of the revival of the club "materialize. The young blooded Makiling Literary Club plans to take up the work started by the old organization in breaking the ·monotony of campus life and in training its members in the field of literary endeavors. As a new feature, the club will hold regular monthly luncheons or dinners at the new Mess Hall to which notables and writers who have made names for themselves will be invited as ·guest lecturers.-'-B. Almonte. This year the Forestry students . are using for. the first time the new Mess Hall. It is a low, spacious building, completely screened and well ventilated, constructed at the site where the old pre-war mess hall used to be. Like the new dormitories, its construction was made possible through ·the aid of' the U.S. Philippine War Damage Commission. Food is supplied by a private caterer at ?'45.00 a month. All students living in the new dormitories are required to have (Continued on page 35) FORESTRY LEA YES CAMPUS NOTES ... . (Continued from page 18) their meals there, having been previously required to pay a mess deposit of 1l'40.00 upon registration. CLASS OFFICERS Shortly after the opening of classes, the student organizations of the college held elections of their respective officers. The following officers were elected: FRESHMEN CLASS President, Julio Orantia; Vice-President, Alfonso Lucero; Secretary, Napoleon Vergara; Treasurer, Cornelio Ferrer; Adviser, Dr. A. V. Manza. Sophomore Class: Pres., Ciriaco Galutira; Vice-Pres., B. Almonte; Sec.-Treas., J. Meniado~ Auditor, R. Ardieta; Sgts.-atArms, M. Le:proso and F. Mabanag; Adviser, Dr. A. Manza. Junior Class: Pres., E. Malacoco; Vice-Pres., M. Eusebio; Sec., J. Meimban, Jr.; Treas., J. Ballesteros; PRO, Martin Reyes; Sgt.-at-Arms, I. Sario; Advise~-, Dr. A. Manza. SENIOR C~ASS President, Primo Andres; Vice-President, Deogracias Estrada; Secretary, Victorino Corpuz; Treasurer, Osiris Valderama; PRO, Cornelio Luczon; Athl. Mgr., Tito Santos; Representatives , to Senior Student Councii, Domingo Lantican, Eulogio Tagudar; Adviser, Prof. Jose B. Blando. Student Body Organization: Pres., D. Juni; Vice-Pres., J.· Tadena; Sec., B. Almonte; Tres., A. Sard.ifia; Auditor, 0. Valderrama. Ath. Manager, G. Santos, Sgts.-atArms, J. Cruz, I. Sario; Adviser, Prof. · Eugenio de la Cruz. U.P. Representatives: P. Salvador (Senior); J. Meimban, Jr. (Junior). M. R. Reyes (Rep. to Brd. of Management, Phil. Collegian). SETA SIGMA FRAT, LOS BA:titOS The U.P. Beta Sigma Fraternity, Los AUGUST, 1950 Banos chapter elected the following officers: President: Rudy Ylarde. Vice-Pres.: Eddie Mabesa. Sec.: Andy Goseco. Asst. Sec.: Vic Corpus. Treas.: Lourdio Clamahoy. Asst. Treas.: Jes Tadena. P.R.0.: Ben Garcia and Ben Almonte. Business Manager: Manuel Inigo. Sgt.-at-Arms: Nare Maligaya and Ping Cruz. Adviser: Dr. D. Umali. Formal initiation ceremonies of the fraternity was held on August 13, ·1950 at the Molawin Hall, College of Agriculture. SMOKERS' RALLIES The student body held a smokers' rally last July 11, 1950 under the auspices of° the Lumberjack Fraternity of the College. In another smokers' rally, Dr. Williams of the Chicago Field Museum was the guest speaker. The student smokers' rally, held in the new mess hall on August 6 was a successful affair .. Each class presented. stunts and the seniors obtained the hard earned first prize for the best stunt. Compared with other previous smokers' rallies, this had been the liveliest and th~ stunts were well prepared. The seniors presented, in the form of tableau, a resume of the struggle of our nation for freedom since the days of Lapulapu to the culminating day when our independence was graciously granted by the United States. -C. Reyes THIS YEAR'S BATCH OF FORESTRY BELO BOYS The increasing urgency for systematic and intensive management of the country's forest resources impels the Bureau of Forestry to better equip its forestrymen every year. This year's batch sent to this College to finish the B.S.F. degree course: Martin R. Reyes, Senior Ranger-from station Bacolod City. Page 35 Evangelino Malacoco, Supervising Rangerfrom Manila Office. · Domingo A. de Leon, Ranger-scaler-from Masinloc, Zambales. Alfredo L. Genio, Ranger-scaler-from Cagayan, Misamis Oriental. Conra~o B. Tadeo, T. Ranger-from Manila Office. (To finish Ranger Course) : Alfonso I. Tiam, T. Ranger-from Baguio City. Julio G. Orantia, Forest Guard-from lnfanta, Quezon. Alfonso A. Lucero, Forest Guard-from Cuyo, Palawan. The U.P. Los Bafios intramurals has started and the Forestry Basketball Team is once more on the go. Veteran players like Ping Cruz, Tito Santos, Jesse Tadena and Pete Salvador are the mainstays of the team. New finds from the freshmen like Lino '.Bandala bolster the team's strength and shooting prowess. Last year our team finished third in the series but this year we have high hopes of bringing home thP ~on­ falon. -B. Agaloos FORESTRY NURSERY The Nursery of the Maquiling National park has sold a variety of ornamental plants and trees, and has also given free balled the College of Forestry lawn tennis court (August 6), was highlighted by an exhibition game of Philippines' No. 4 racket wielder. Amado Sanchez and Los Bafios' No. 1 Bet, Jesus Sison. Sanchez won over Sison; score, 8-6, 6-0. The other matches were: SINGLES College, Los Banos Malabon Score Dr. Tan vs. Mr. F. Santos .............. ______ 6-8 Dr. Cendafia vs. Mr. Cayco ---------------- 6-8 Mr. Bernardo vs. Mr. Lazaro Mr. D. Juni vs. Mr. Lazaro DOUBLES 8-4 6-8 Tan & Sison vs. A. Lazaro & F. Santos, 3-6,2-6 J uni & Galano vs. A. & G. Lazaro 7-5, 4-6 G. Santos & de Mesa vs. Lazaro & Huat 6-4~ 6-0 Cendafia & Bernardo vs. de Luna & Lazaro 9-11, 9-7 C. Sulit & Yniguez vs. Camus & Rodriguez In the Intramural Basketball league, the College of Forestry basketball team is "making history repeat itself." With the exception of a lone victory over the Juniors, it has lost all the games, but not without a fight. As it has always been said of the Foresters, they are the gamiest and fightingest team that ever played at Baker Hall. But just the same we wish to throw orchids to Foresters Rola and Cortez. plants to private \md government entities. A beautiful trophy was donated by GenAmong the balled species in demand are eral Claro Lizardo of the PGF for the basNarra, Royal Palm, Caballero, Balitbitan and ketball championship league in connection bunga de china. Ornamental plants most with the fortieth anniversary of the College in demand are rosal, Dona Aurora, papua, of Forestry. The Forestry Youth Circle (not and San Francisco. The total number of the College of Forestry team but a composite balled species sold within the period of grot.ip composed of players from the College January 1, 1950 to July 31, 1950 amounts · of Agriculture, U.P. Rural High and a to 437 plants. member of the College of Forestry team) WHOLE DAY TENNIS FEST WITH SANCHEZ AT FORESTRY LAWN COURT The return match of the Malabon tennis players against the U.P. Los Bafios faculty players, a whole-day affair held in Page 36 won the trophy after beating all the formidable teams coming from different towns of Laguna. The second prize went to the Calamba lnstitute.-VRF Mr. Domingo Abarro Cl '18, one of the prominent alumni who went out of his way FORESTRY LEAVES to meet old friends and relive old memories on tha campus, donated one hundred pesos to the Forestry Leaves in response to the appeal of Dean Tamesis. The old cenotaph was replaced by the Class '50 with a more beautiful cenotaph (see pictorial section), which was unveiled by Mrs. Bienvenido Ma. Gonzales and Mrs. Florencio Tamesis at the celebration of the Fortieth Anniversary on the College of Forestry Campus on April 19, 1950. Secretary Pio Pedrosa and President Bienvenido Ma. Gonzales laid a wreath on the cenotaph, followed by a long line of representatives of different classes of the College of Forestry who took turns in laying the wreaths of their respective classes in honor of their dead classmates.-VRF Dean of Men Isidro Panlasigue, was the principal speaker at the Seniors' convocation on August 15, 1950. Dean Tamesis before introducing the guest speaker made mention of the fact that the Cellege graduates should not be so concerned with their employment after graduation as there are many jobs available in private lumber companies for the right kind of men, men who can deliver the goods. He stressed the necessity of the students' specializing in such c:ourses as may be of use to them when they go out to join lumber companies.VRF The Belo _Boys' Day was celebrated on !\.ugust 20th on the Forestry Campus. Main eature of the day was the basketball game >etween the Belo Boys, Juniors and Seniors. :here were other games played between the ampus basketeers, (midget, juniors, and se,iors) with outside teams. All the games rere won by the local teams with the exeption of the Forestry Youth Circle vs. ~ollege of Forestry game which was interllpted by a heavy downpour. The penant for it was not awarded. . UGUST, 1950 Since the rehablitation of the Forestry basketball court, the interest in the game was greatly increased specially among the younger set, who, as shown in last Sunday's game, played true to form.-VRF The Club Cervantino of the Los Ba1ios Colleges successfully held a dance on August 18 at the U.P. Rural High Auditorium. This newly organized club is composed of students who had taken Spanish during the summer in the College of Agriculture. The aim of the club is to foster greater interest in the Spanish language and fine opportunity for the members to practice the language among themselves at their meetings. The club plans to hold a declamation contest at the end of the first semester and unlike in previous years, the Spanish declamation contest this year will be for both College of Agriculture and Forestry students.-VRF WORLD FAMOUS BOTANISTS VISITS COLLEGE OF FORESTRY young but already world famous botanist, Dr. Llewellyn Williams of the Field Museum of Chicago, now on a botanical mission, honored the faculty, research division of Bureau of Forestry officials, and forestry students with an engaging travelogue on -July 21, 1950 in a SMOKERS' RALLY program sponsored by the Lumberjacks' Fraternity. He told of his thrilling and fruitful adventures in his international surveys of the plant world. He spent long months and even years in the jungles of Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Uruguay, Paraguay and almost all of South America in search of much needed materials from plants for the U.S.A. during World War II. Chicago and New York sent him also to other parts of the world for important surveys for the botanical needs of their universities. He has written several useful books a number of which are now used as references and textbooks by universitie:; and some Latin American countries. Forester and concurrently Professor de la Cruz introduced Dr. Williams. M.R.R . Page 37