Forest resources of Lanao province


Part of Forestry Leaves

Forest resources of Lanao province
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Forest Resources of Lanao Province By GREGORIO L. SANTOS Junior Forester & Lumber Inspector The actual forest resources of the province of Lanao as of July, 1948 turns annually to our national coffers no less than P92,614.50. Its commercial forest comprises 101,560 hectares of potential agricultural land; 116,786 hectares of production forest and 98,509 hectares of protection forest. The timber stand available for commercial exploitation inside potential agricultural land is approximately 12.187,200 cubic meters; 14,015,520 cubic meters in production forest and 11,821,080 cubic meters in protection forest. There are approximately 1,520,952 cubic meters of first group timber; 12,928.092 cubic meters of the second group; 17,110,710 cubic meters of the third group and 6,464,046 cubic- meters of the fourth group. The forest revenue that may be derived PLANT SUCCESSION ... (Continued from page 8) areas retrogressive measures are essential. By directing the silvicultural operations properly, the vali.lable species can be increased which is the main aim of management of any forest. Site maintenance: With the evolution of species, evolution of site follows. But conifers are exception to this rule as they degrade the soil conditions. In other words conifers bring about their own destruction. Thus it is essential that a proper under-story of broad leaved species be kept to prevent the wholesale extinction of the vegetation. In Mundali where such a stage has been reached an under-storey is essential otherwise spruce will perish from its own home. Inter-relation ·of animals and vegetation: Fauna is equally helpful for the propagation Page 20 from forest charges alone will amount to f>5,323,286 for first group; '¥-25,856,184 for second group; 21,388,387 for third group and P3,876,428 for fourth group with corresponding Reforestation Fund (Rep. Act 115) of P760,476 for first group; ~6,464,046 for second group; 1"6,844,284 for third group and ¥'2,585,618 for fourth group. There were 9,837,648 board feet of lum· ber sawed by the Misamis Lumber Company, Inc., Kiwalan Lumber Company, Inc., and Iligan Lumber Company, Inc. during the period. The lumber industry in the province of Lanao affords labor to about one thousand families and helps in the opening up of new regions with roads for landless people. of species. Certain species are dependent on insect pollinators such as Bombax, Anthocephalous, etc.' Dispersal of seeds and fruits for µiany species by squirrels and birds is of importance, eg. Mulberry seeds are carried by birds. Trampling and other .disturbances of forest soil by pigs, elephants, antelopes, ground birds, etc., is frequently beneficial as they provide increased aeration and improved soil permeability for germinating seeds. Thus the relation of animals and plants would teach the forester the necessity of looking whether that particular animal should be protected, reduced or destroyed. Study and assessment of the correct ecological status of the forests is, therefore, an essential preliminary to the pra ctice of sound silviculture in the forests. In fact modern forestry may be regarded as applied ecology. FORESTRY LEAVES