B.F. Notes


Part of Forestry Leaves

B.F. Notes
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
--B. F. CENTRAL OFFICE Vice President Fernando Lopez visits Bureau ol Forestry.-Vice President Fernando Lopez, concurrently Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, on April 6, 1951, paid his first official visit to thP Bureau of Forestry. Accompanied by Undersecretary Jose Camus, the Secretary was shown around the premises of the forestry building and noticed the crowded condition of the personnel, office equipment and records of the various divisions and of the library. Important documents and maps, particularly the cadastral maps of the Bureau of Lands, which were salvaged from the vault, are now placed on stands leaning against the wall of the Division of Forest Engineering. These and other valuable records and books are exposed to fire risk. From this visit, reconstruction at least of a portion of the second story is anticipated. Forestry Section, National Research Council of the Philippines elects Ollicers.-In a special meeting of the Forestry Section, Division of Agriculture and Forestry, National Research Council of the Philippines, held on April 13, 1951. in the Bureau of Forestry Office, Foresters Placido Dacanay and Valentin Sa.ior were elected chairman and secretary respectively for the fiscal year 1951-52, vice Foresters Tamesis and Sulit, outgoing chairman and secretarv of the Forestry Section, ·respectively. In the meeting, the annual report of the Chairman was read by the Secretary, and in the business meet· ing, the Eighth Pacific Science Congress, Research Projects and new candidates to replace old ass_ociatea were deliberated. Since the Eighth Pacific Science Congress originally scheduled to be held in the Philippines in 1952 is postponed to 1953, there is ample time to undertake individual projects in which each member was enjoined to prepare at least one paper in order to put up a membership of good standing in the Section. May 2 Monthly Convocation.-As guest speaker during the 5th monthly (May) convocation of the Bureau of Forestry, Zosimo Leonar, formerly supervisor of the Cooperatives in Northern Mindanao and at present representative of the Stamps and Philatelic Division of the Bureau of Posts, briefly enumerated the advantages in stamp collecting and endeaSEPTEMBER, 1951 Notes-vored to make forestry employees "stamp-collectingconsciou11J". In line with the policy of the Director of Forestry to give every employee opportunity to be heard, Mrs. Gertrudes B. Fernandez was called upon to speak on the role played by lady employees in the Bureau. She stressed on maintainine; the cleanliness of the ladies' room. Director Tamesis read and commented on a number of letters from the Efficiency Box, all of which aimed at improving the efficiency of employees. Among those read were the suggestions to recite "I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag" every first working day of the month and to re-adjust lunch time in consonance with the half day session currently observed. Buteau congratulated.-In his letter of April 16. 1951, to Forester San Buenaventura of the Bureau of Forestry. Dean Samuel T. Dana of the College of Natural Resources, University of Michigan, Ann Harbor, Michigan, acknowledged with many thanks receipt of the Forestry Golden Book Supplement and congratulated the Bure>au of Forestry for the remarkable progress that forestry has made in the Philippines during the last fifty years, and on the fine way in which that progress was commemoratedEx-President S. Osmeiia Rel,ards The Forestry Golden Book a Beautiful Souvenir.-In his letter to Director Tamesis, dated March 27, 1951, Ex-President Sergio Osmefia acknowledged receipt of a copy of The Forestry Golden Book Supplement, which was sent to him with the compliments of the Bureau of Forestry. The supplement, according to the former Chief Executive, is a beautiful souvenir recording the proceedings and events that marked the midcenturv celebrations of forestry in the PhilippinesFrom the Society of American Foresters.-In his letter, of March 28, 1951, to Forester Porfirio San Buenaventura, Chief, Administrative Division of the Bureau of Forestry, Henry Clepper, Executive Secretary of the Society of American Foresters expressed thanks for the copy of The· Forestry Golden Book Supplement, saying that the account therein of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Bureau of Forestry was of particular interest to him because the Society of American Foresters recently observed the fiftieth anniversary of its founding. Page 31 A 385 paged book entitled "Fifty Years of Forestry In The United States of America", is a monumental work of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Society of American Foresters. Edited by Robert K. Winters. chairman, committee on History of Forestry, and published by the Society of American Foresters, Washington, D.C., 1950, the book contains 19 chapters. The first chapter summarizes very briefly the principal professional developments to date, chapters 2 through 8 give in more detail the development of several of the important phases of forestry, and chapters 9 through 19 trace the growth of the several important agencies and activities that have advanced professional forestry. Each chapter author has assured full personal responsibility for the facts and point-of-view contained in his chapter. Many persons other than the chapter authors and committee members have contributed substantially to the accomplishment of the book. For putting out this splendid book which deals comprehensively on various problems of forestry and which provides an insight into the activities of American foresters and forestry, credit goes to Dean Henry Schmitz, Henry Clepper and Albert G. Hall, editor, of the Society of American Foresters and a number of associates. Costing P4.00 postpaid a copy, the book can be had by any professional forester in our country by writing to the Society of American Foresters, Mills Building. Washington 6, D.C., U. S. A. SANTOS, LEONOR RE-ELECTED TO C.P.A. POSTS The incumbent personnel representatives to the Council of Personnel Administration of the Bureau of Forestry, Forester Teofilo A. Santos and Mr. Vi· cente Leonor representing the technical and clerical personnel, respectively were reelected for another term as a result of the election conducted in the Bureau of Forestry on June 28, -'1951 in accordance with Forestry Memorandum No. 42 dated August 6, 1948. Both were elated as a result of the confidence shown to them by the employees of the Bureau. Forester Santos remarked, "I wish to express my thanks to everybody and further wish to say that anyone who needs my services insofar as it relates to my duties in the Council should never hesitate to do so."-S. Fernandez. FLASH Aug. 17-Forester Tiburcio S. Serevo has been designated as the Philippines' representative to the Forest Fire-Fighting Study Conference in the United States, sponsored by die FAO and the U. S. Forest Service. Thirteen other countries will be represented. The delegates will observe the most recent methods of fighting forest fires in vai:ious parts of the United States. for forty days beginning September 4. Forester Serevo will leave by a PAL Skymaster Page 32 on August '.!!9 to San Francisco and from there the U. S. Forest Service will take him to the conference in the East Coast. FIELD SERVICE Vigan, !locos Sur.-Forest plantation destroyed by fire.-A forest fire of unknown origin occured in this project last January 27, 1951, destroying more than eight hectares of forest plantations. Despite rugged topography of the area and the strong wind, t.he labor force headed by the Officer in Charge was able to put the fire under control. ORDEN LECTURES TO STUDENTS About 70 Botany students of the College of Immaculate Concepcion, Vigan, Ilocos Sur, headed by their instructor, Miss Dionicia Florendo heard Forester Tranquilino Orden, Jr., last February 11, 1951, at the Caniaw Office, lecture on "Arboriculture." SEC. BALUYOT PLANTS TREE IN PARK Memorial tree planting of Ipil (Intsia bijuga) was made by Secretary of Public Works and Communications, Sotero Baluyot, in the picnic grove of the Victoria Park last February 28, 1951, on the occasion of a luncheon tendered by the personnel of tho District Engineer of Ilocos Sur. KAINGIN LAW EXPLAINED Lagangilang, Abra.-Jr. Forester Roman B. Valera, on March 26, 1951, took advantage of the crowd collected in connection with the distribution of relief articles by Dra. Erotida Valera, Social Worker, Abni Branch, by delivering an informal talk on the provisions of the kaingin law and the effects of forest fires. His audience consisting mostly of 30 heads of indigent families came from the Municipal Districts of Lacub, Buneg and Licuan, at Lagangilang Reforestation Project. * * * * Officer in Charge Juan Balbuena of the Forest Station in Lagangilang, Abra, delivered five speeche~ in three occasions to a crowd of 225 people in various 'Places within the sub-district. The speeches dealt on the cooperation that should be manifested by · the people in the protection of the project from fire and enemies during the dry season. DACAMS, MODEL COOPERATIVE, ELECTS OFFICERS Cagayan de Oro City-Aug. 1.-City Judge Agustin Antillon swore in the newly elected officers and memb~r& of the Board of Directors of the Dacams Cooperative Association for the year 1951-52 in the City Restaurant last July 22. The directorate for this year is composed of Vic R. Marababol, President; Dr. Greg Goloyogo, Vice President; Grev Ab~ilera, Secrt·tary; Anselmo S. Ga~FORESTRY LEAVES cia, Treasurer; Primo Santiago, Auditor; C. P. Verendia, Asst. Treasurer; and Mac Cabaraban, Eulogic Tagudar, Valentin Lina, M. Ch. Guitarte and Ramon Tamparong as members of the Board of Directors. The Dacams Cooperative Association is credited as a successful and progressive association because it has been able to declare dividends every year, and has the distinction of being called the model cooperative of Northern Mindanao. At present the Da· cams Cooperative Association is serving its members by supplying them with rice purchased from the LASEDECO at nominal prices. The Association has definitely planned to continue serving the members so as to free them from the prohibitive prices of prime commodities in the local market. FLORAL OFFERINGS TO HEROES BY DISTRICT PERSONNEL Cagayan de Oro City-The District personnel took an active participation in the July 4th celebration and in the Achievement Week. Floral offerings to honor our fallen heroes were offered by the city government, civic organizations, different insular Bureaus, including the local forest district personnel which presented a beautiful bouquet bearing the following inscriptions: "TO OUR REPUBLIC ON HER FIFTH ANNIVERSARY." During the Achievement Week, various wood samples and plywood boards exposing their beautiful grains and textures were displayed in the District Office. Different kinds of resins, rattan, hagnaya and other minor forest products as well as graphs showing the statement of income and expenses of the District from 1946 to 19SO, graphs showing lumber produced from the public forest of the province of Misamb Oriental from 1946 to 19SO with corresponding forest charges and reforestation fund, tables showing the general collection of the District from 1946 to 19SO and tables showing the certification of land classification projects of the province as of June 19SO were also displayed to the public to show the achievement of the local Bureau in . the past S years. BEST FLAG CEREMONY IN NUEVA ECIJA The personnel of the District Headquarters of Forest District No. 9 sponsored a flag raising ceremony program on May 28, 19Sl in Colonel Garcia Park in the city of Cabanatuan. The occasion was made very significant by the inauguration of a SS-foot guijo flagpole donated by the local Bureau of Forestry Office to the Provincial Capitol of Nueva Ecija. Among the speakers of the program were the Hon. tributed much to the success of the program by singing songs to the heart's content of the audience while the Seoul Orchestra continued playing sweet and sentimental music after tuning up the Philippine National Hymn as the flag was raised by Governor and Mrs. Chioco. The program was easily the most successful one of all the flag raising ceremony programs which have been sponsored by different provincial and national Offices in this city.-Jose V. Bersamira FORESTRY OFFICE PARTICIPATES IN FAIR Iba, Zambales.-The local forestry offices participated in the fair and exposition held in connection with the barrio fiesta of Sta. Fe, San Marcelino and town fiesta of Iba on March 17-18 and March 27-29, respectively. In the former, various species of forestry seedlings and other forestry products were dis· played in the forestry booth. Activities, accomplishments and draw-backs of reforestation work in Zambales weTP. explained to the public. CLEANING IN DAET NEW P.R. JOB Daet, Camarines Norte.-Personnel of the District Headquarters at Daet and of Bahi Station devoted their full day's time on April 21 and 28, 19Sl, to the sanitary cleaning of the capital town of Daet in cooperation with the Daei Sporting Club whose projects include not only the development of sound and intelligent sportsmanship but also the eventual appreciation by the common "tao" of the value of public sanitation in the continuous fight against communicable diseases. This feat of work, in the opinion of Provincial Forester Severino U. Nablo, is one of the most important public relations work the field personnel of Camarines Norte can aspire to achieve. FORESTER A. DE LOS REYES SPEAKER BEFORE TWO AUDIENCES Roras City.-As speaker to the graduates of the First Provincial Emergency Service Training School in San Juan, Dumalag, Capiz, on March lS, 19Sl, Provincial Forester Alfredo de los Reyes pointed out past experiences in the role forests played in the protection and survival of our people during the last war, and briefly discussed the various medicinal and edible plants, fungi and animal food resources found in the forests. According to the Regional Boy Scouts Executive of the Visayas, the above mentioned training school was the first of its kind in the Philippines. Those that were trained in this school were teachers Provincial Governor of Nueva Ecija, Juan O. Chioco; representing all municipalities of Capiz. Provincial Provincial Forester Catalino Q. Ferreria; Rangers Maximo C. Felix and Regalado Benavidez. Administrative Officer Jose V. Bersamira was the master of ceremonies. Beauties of Papaya, Nueva Ecija, conSEPTEMBER, 19Sl Forester De los Reyes is at present a member of the Provincial Boy Scouts Council of the province of Capiz and Vice Chairman on Activities and Camping Committee of the Boy Scouts. Page 33 Provincial Forester Alfredo de los Reyes, for the first time, spoke before the 1951 graduating class and student body of the Capiz High School. Ten other professional men were also requested to talk on this vocational guidance day program of the school and among the subjects discussed deal with law, mechanics, engineering, teaching, medicine, agriculture, banking, business, pharmacy, military and forestry. After the program which was also held in connection with the high school day, all speakers including Provincial Forester De los Reyes were invited to a lunch offered by the students. His address entitled "Forestry as a Prolesswn" introduced to the graduates the relatively unknown forestry course-its significance to the life and progress of the people, the opportunities awaiting forestry graduates, and he cited the character and vitality possessed by forestry men in the performance of their duties; he described the College of Forestry and its beautiful scenery at the foot of Mount Makiling. GO BUY AN USES THE PRESS lloilo City.-In a press-release under the caption "Illegal Kaingins" which Provincial Forester Vicente G. Gobuyan sent to the Editor, "The Times", Iloilo City, for publication, the question of illegal kaingin, a pernicious habit of depleting the forests every yeac, notwithstanding severe penalty and destruction, and remedial measures for the mitigation of the evil, were discussed. Due to the rough and limited terrain ·of the province and a dense population, a policy to di11tribute the excess population to other places where there is ample room is advocated. BIG CROWD AT BUILDING INAUGURATION Dumaguete City.-:-In connection with the inauguration of the new building on February 15, 1951, in Bogo, Maria, where Congressman Medina and prominent persons in the island were guest speakers, Ranger Agripina M. Lomongo of Siquijor Reforestation Project traced in a speech before a crowd of about 11 000 people the history of the Siquijor Reforestation Project. RANGER VINOY A PLEADS FOR COOPERATION Bacuit, Palawan.-Speaking before a big crowd on the subject "Cooperation of People with Forest Officers in Enforcing Forestry Laws" during the barrio fiesta of Barrio Barotoan, Bacuit, Ranger Aristoteles Vinoya urged his audience to cooperate with the authorities in the detection of illegal kaingin activities and reminded his listeners that the municipality gets 112 of the fines and penalties imposed upon law malefactors. Page 34 DIRECTOR PRAISES PERSONNEL INITIATIVE Cagayan de Oro City-During a short conference with district personnel on March 9, Director Tamesis commended the district staff for their initiative in providing themselves with office equipment and facilities snd urged them to keep up the good work especially at this time when fund for sundry expenses is insufficient. Forester Marabab:>l was kept active during March, being one of the four speakers in the Nepa Program on March 12 and the toastmaster at a luncheon party on March 17 at the Majestic Hotel in honor of Atty. Vicente Villamin, leading Filipino economist. FORESTER LOPEZ, SPEAKER D-28, Negros Occidental.-On March 27, 1951, Provincial Forester Melecio Lopez was one of the principal speakers at the inauguration ceremonies of the opening of the 30-kilometer Bulata-Sipalay Road which makes the forest and agricultural resources of the southern region more exploitable. He enjoined the people to preserve the trees for commercial purposes and to make kaingins only in vacant public forest lands, with of course the necessary permits from the Bureau of Forestry. Governor Rafael Lacson endorsed in his speech the advice of the Provincial Forester. All Municipal Mayors of the Province, Congressmen A. Abeto, C. Hilado and F. Ferrer, Army Officers, provincial officials, forestry licensees, businessmen and farmers participated in the inauguration. CITY OF ROXAS INAUGURATED Vice President Fernando Lopez, concurrently Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and Ur; dersecretary Jose S. Camus, were met at the airport on May 12, 1951, by forestry personnel headed by Provincial Forester Alfredo de los Reyes and representatives of the various bureaus under the DANR The party proceeded to the plaza of the City of Roxas to hear the speeches of the President and other speakers in connection with the inauguration of the new city. During the luncheon ;,t the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ford, the top brass of the DANR conferred with their men on important problems affecting the administration of each of the bureaus. Conference was resumed in the afternoon at the Office of the Provincial Agricultural Supervisor at Loctugan, Capiz. DIRECTOR AND MR. GOOCH AT BASILAN Forest District No. 14.-The personnel of Basilan Reforestation Project tendered a lechonada lunch to Mr. Wfoslow L. Gooch of the E.C.A. and Director Tamesis at the new office building of the project at Lonot. With the visiting party were the representatives of the different lumber companies in the island city. Prominent among them were Forester Penas manager of the Sta. Clara Lumber Co. and Mr. FORESTRY LEAVES Donald Ireton of the Basilan Lumber Company, Provincial Forester Miguel Pato was also with the party representing the forestry personnel of Zamboanga City. After the lunch the distinguished visitors planted memorial trees. Honorees in planting were Mr. Tamesis who planted a (Narra tree) 1tamed Tamesis Tree, Mr. Gooch planted a (Mahogany) named after him in the grounds of the project. The preparation of the tree planting was done by Forester L. Diaz and Junior Forester Banzuela. Accompanied by the managers of the lumber companies the party visited the logging operations and logged-over areas of the Basilan Lumber and Western Mindanao Lumber Co. respectively. In the evening Mr. Tamesis and party were entertained at the popular night club of the city under the auspices oi the Basilan Lumbermen. The next day they proceeded to Zamboanga and enplaned for Cagayan de Oro City. The success of the party was thru the initiative and energetic activities of the young officer in charge, Junior Forester Nestor Banzuela.-D. L. Cezo. BEDANRA RUBS ELBOWS WITH THE BOSS * The Bohol Employees of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources known for short as BEDANRA staged a rousing welcome to Vice President and concurrently Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources Fernando Lopez in his visit on April 18 last. Tue visit gave the Vice-President the opporturuty to hear the problems of the various bureaus und•T his department. Highlight of the occasion was the trte pianting ceremony whertdn the Vice-Presiderit planted a tindalo tree fittingly named "Vice-President Lopez Tree." The Vice-President Lope~ 'rree CQmpletes, in U.e words of Provincial Fo;es~er Rafael Navallasca, "the symmetrical arrangement ~f the memorial trees planted along the lane on the town plaza of Tae;bilaran leading to the cathedral." The provincial forester also revealed that the trees thus planted, which are J:\OW vigorously growing under the care ~f the provincial warden are: Pres. Quirino Tree (Prickly Narra-Sept. 10, 1949, Arbor D.iy); Gov. Borja Tree (Kamagon-Sept. 10, 1949, Arbor Day); Speaker Perez Tree (lpi1-Ju1'e 22, 1950) and Vice-Pre!> Lopez Tree ( Tindalo-April 18, 195 U. * See pictorial section. FORESTER MARABABOL HONORED Cagayan de Oro City.-P:·!lvincial Forester Vicente R. Marababol attended the Military Review at the Misamis Oriental High Schaal ground held in hot.or of the Chiefs of Offices in th.i locality; under Special Order>i No. 76 of the IV Milit.;.ry Area, he was made on April 9, a member of the Military Board of InqniSEPTEMBER, 1951 ry. On the same day, Director oi Lands Jose P. Dan~, in the course of his visit in tqis City, held an infor· mal conference, wherein the D..\CAMS Directorate was in attendance, at the Office of Provincial Forester Marababol; on April 27, he accJmpanied the members of the Senate Committee on Public Wbrks headed by Senator Pablo Angeles David to Claveria, Misamis Oriental and back in their survey of road conditions and the propored Claveria-Gingoog road. He attended, on April 28, the Reception and Ball at the City Hall given by the City officials in honor of the IV Military Area officers. RANGER TAKES TIME TO INFORM PEOPLE In an informal community assembly on April 22 at Tumpagon, Lumbia, Misamis Oriental, Sr. Ranger Dalmacio Zal>lan, in connection with his Land Clas· sification work thereat, talked on forestry laws and regulation with special emphasis on the provisions of Commonwealth Act Nos. 100 and 447 as well as on Section 1838 of the Revised Administrative Code. The assembly constituted no less than 300 people of this locality, including local government officials. TUGUEGARAO PETIT CARNIVAL FORESTRY EXHIBIT A SUCCESS Exhibit played up two contrasting kinds of forest. -The exhibit displayed in the forestry booth during the Tuguegarao Petit Carnival held on April 16-22, 1951, left in the minds of those who saw it somethine; to ponder upon. The forestry exhibit aimed at making the people see the corresponding effects of wellcared-for-forest and uncared-for-forest. Pictured in the exhibit are two contrasting scenes: One is a forest silhouetted against a mountain which is covered with big trees and other luxuriant vegetation. There are agricultural lands inhabited by prosperous and educated people with houses made of strong mater· ials. This is suggestive of a properly managed forest. In contrast is. a mountain denuded of trees, with thin layer of poor soil as a result of caingin making; people extremely poor, houses dilapidated, and animals unhealthy for lack of food. This exhibit aroused favorable forestry consciousness among the people. Credit for this exhibit belongs to the personnel of Tuguegarao Forest Station headed by Officer in Charge Esperidion B. Viste, and licensees under the· territorial jurisdiction of the Station. HONORS THE EXECUTIVE BOARD of the NEGROS OCCIDENTAL COUNCIL Boy Scouts of the Philippines Confers this CERTIFICATE Upon Mr. BARTOLOME TEMANA representing the District of Mambucal Summer Resort for ServicPage 35 es rendered during the 1951 PROVINCIAL SUMMER CAMP held at Mambucal, Negros Occidental from April 28-30, 1951. Given at Mambucal this 1st day of May in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifty one. (Sgd.) PABLO MAKILAN Chairman Camping & Activities ( Sgd.) SALVADOR ADLE Prov. Scout Executive (Sgd.) DOMINADOR LOPEZ 1st Vice-President (Sgd.) ALFREDO AGUILAR Camping Director TWO LUMBER COMPANIES TO EMBARK IN NEW PROJECTS The Nasipit Lumber Company and the Anakan Lumber Company will install a P3,000,000.00 plant for the manufacture of various products, such as, hardboards, softboards, etc., from sawmilling and logging wastes, according to Mr. Juan S. Versoza, General Manager of both companies. These companies have also applied to the Bureau of Forestry for reforesting their logged-over areas with forestry crops, such as, lumbang for oil, gubas and other suitable tree species for pulp and matchwood. DIVISION OF FOREST INVESTIGATION SENDING OUT EXCESS TREES FROM PARK During August, the Division of Forest Investigation has disposed 785 balled trees and shrubs to the U. S. Army, Philippine Army, and Bureau of Public Works for the beautification of their grounds. Thousands of balled trees had been given out to other entities since liberation, such as, to the Bureau of Prisons and the City of.· Manila. At present, the U.S. Navy Yard at Cavite are getting big balled trees from the Makiling National Park nurseries. TREE PLANTING MARKS OFFICIAL VISIT OF VICE-PRESIDENT August 7.-Cagayan de Oro City.-A mango tree which has the inherent ability to thrive in all parts of the ·archipelago was planted ~y Hon. Vicente Lopez, Vice-President of the Philippines and Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, in the plaza of this City to mark his first visit here and the initial step in the beautification of the Capitol grounds. This was part of the program prepared for him by the Province. U. S. NAVY YARD GETS TECHNICAL ADVICE OF B.F. Professor Eugenio de la Cruz of the College of Forestry, and Chief, Division of Forestry InvestigaPage 36 tion, was lately designated Consultant in the beautification planting within the U. S. Naval Station at Sangley Point, Cavite. Planting materials are being procured from the B. F. nurseries in the Makiling National Park, Los Banos. Four balled Narra trees already in the pole stage had been hau_led by giant navy trucks from the park to the naval station. The planting there has just started; more holed trees are being prepared. GREEN LEAVES CLUB Forestry Campus residents were given a rousing entertainment by the Green Leaves Club (composed of vacationing students from various colleges) at th1> Forestry Pavilion on May 6, 1951, with one humorous play, "Romancers" and a serious one, "The Lord's Prayer". Magnificent and colorful were the dancemusical numbers-"Fantasia", the "Gypsy's Sin", etc. Success . of the presentation are due to their able President, Marcelino Capito, the splendid teamwork of the members, and the untiring efforts of their advi~er, Mr. Apolinario Marquez. I would rather be a mere spectator than be one of those unceasingly moving activity which, after all, ends in death, and I hope you don't agree with me. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. TO OUR READERS The "Forestry Leaves" wiJJ have a QUESTION BOX SECTION m the next issue. Questions pertaining to forestry, particularly Philippine forestry, may be sent to: Question Box, Forestry Leaves, College, Laguna. Questions of general interest with their answers will be published from time to time. (Ed.) Compliments of Honorato Tablizo Firewood Licensee Davao City FORESTRY LEAVES