

Part of Forestry Leaves

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On The Campus THE FORESTRY STUDENT BODY AND FACULTY- 1951-1952 Front row, 1-r: G. Fal/oran ( Pres., Fresh. Cl.), N. Verllara (Pres., Soph. CJ.) , M . R . Reyea (Pree., Student Body), M iss G. Caneda; Members of the Faculty : Forester T . Delizo, Prolesaors J. B. Blando, G. Zamuco, H . Cusner (Forester in Char/le ) and C . Mabesa, Mr. F. ROSC,ueta, Foresters C . Recto and R . Cortes, Dr. A. V . Manza and Mr. R. Valbuena; A. Juinio ( Pres., Jun. Cl) ; and E. Malacoco ( Pres., Sen. CJ.) THE STUDENT BODY COUNCIL, FIRST SEMESTER I I Seated 1-r: Benjamin Almonte (Rep. to U.P. Jun Council), l>omin/lO de 1- .(Rep. to U.P. s.n. Comldfl), --- ~ nardo Allaloos (Rep. to Brd. Mllmt., Phil. Colle~an) Bri;ido Balcit:,. (Secretary), Tnapiilino 0.-. (Sen. . - .Rep. to U.P. Student Council) , Miss Generosa Caiieda'(Trea., Fteeli." Cf.), Marrin R. Reyee (Pre.ident, Stvtllat ·,Boil, • Council) , Prof. ·E1J4enio de la Cruz (Advi11er), Mia Ramona Gille ( Sec., Fretllt. Cl.), Ciriaco Galafira J (V.IJie.~ ident) , AlionlfO .l . Tiam (Jun. Rep. to U.P. Student Cotincil) , 'Matlo E-"io (Rep. to U.P . .!clft. Council}, "Jl*"'Sallrado aiid Jose Gonzales (Sllt.-at-arms); Standital 1-t: H . Esten• (S6f.-at-anm, Jun. Cl.) Joee Alop (T.-., Soplt. CJ.) , Geronimo Falloran (Pres., Fretth. CJ. )ll.JEvanfelino Malacoco (P,..., Sen. Cl.), Napoleon v_,.,.. (I'-., Soplt. CJ.), Feliciano Banet (Vice-Pres., Soph. Cl.) ·Melecio Lo;»11 .(Auditor, F-11. Cl.) Aurelio Mejia (TtHl.1 Sen. Cl.), Ambrosto ]uinio (Pres., Jun. Cl.), Francisco Milan (Sft.-at-anna, Soph. ci.), and Bi.,..,.,.;.fo £anlti,_.. (.Vice-"-., Fresh. C/.) Not in pictur~Jose Meniedo, Treaurer, and Jore A. CN-. Athlefic 'ftl_,.t, b«h ol tite Stwdeat Body~. lKJ i/lp1qno l"lf1A1Nit (Sff.-qt-_ q_ .. m &, hes/1. Ci) · . I j The bureau directors with the Vice-President and r.oncurrently Secretary ol the Dept. on his birthdav. April 13. 1111 } ·TM Premdent at the openinll of Achievement ; -. Week E zhibits in the Dept. of Allri. and Natural Resources Bld/l. on July 5. '51: • * ' r111u POPULARITY CONTEST CANDIDATES OF THE PENSIONADO CLUB. U.P . COLLEGE OF FORESTRY L. to R .:· Misses Ramona Gille, Josephine Calma, Felicitas Palis, Luz Caran,al and Natividad Malacoro. · View No. l ·--At the ·backQround is tht< buildina where the selected fibers of the baia8se are brouQht for processing into pulp. L . to R .-]r. For. M. Genove, Sup. For. M. Lopez, Co.'s Superimendent, Mr. Miguel Roules, Mr. W . L . Gooch ot the E .C.A. and Director Tamesis. QUEEN EMMA I, BUTUAN CITY FAIR. MAY 16-21, 1951 < Daua:hter 'Of Provincial Forester Angel C. "- Bureau of Forestry E xhibits in the DAJllR durinQ Achievement Week Mallonga) .L·:: :.:· .... ! ::: :.::: .:~ ::: . :_:.: -• .:!. -- :-~-- -:-::::-= ·--t:.U - = ~ ~ :::· 8 ;:::_:. ·:.;,. :! . . ·:::::: ~;:':::::;~~:~:l'.''~i:~T::.:;2 ::;: :< .. ~:-· :'! i:c i ! ·1::··-r::: ! 1 1 I 1 I .J i j ! ... -- =:~ ~ ~ ,:;: :~~~ : ::.: :::: :::: 1 " ~ ::J ~:' :J, ; : , T . l -:::: 1 • ··t l. :· -~~- .E ·::j, . t : • :: -= ;':!~ I . _1: .j l .. :! ':· . ..:.r. ... c-::, :: ::: : l:.: ,:.= ··,,: .~ ~ =::! - - - - ·-- --· ·:- :::..-::=::::f~ :.:.:?. -=~ ·-- ·:: __ .... ::·~~ ··- ~ ·- -- ·· -· · :: F: . T:~ : ,:f::: ~t;: .::· :=:: ::: ·· ·· -+= - - ··;· ;:: . ::'i =: . ~ .. . .... . . . : ,'j: i!E: : .: .. c::; ::i: ~:' '.:::t:: ... :: =:,:::.;: ~ :"T=~'::· IE~ ,:-~ c::. :::, ::· -- -. -- ;_-=-~ --§ .; .=.::-=-=.. :~:: ~-~ ~~-: ~~~ ~ ;; ~ :~:-:- :~~-~:~~ ~~-:.: :~·. -~t:,:-':; ?~=?~· .... ··-: -=~:': a::::='~J=:c: ::~~-r::::.,,~ L .. ;' :r. ::.~::: ==;;i -~ :::£: ~·:;::::- :~~C: .. , · 13};:. . : :: : :;' :,.~~ C:-J:::.: :XLL. . - -~~:~-:::::~~~~ -:::f::: :-=~#_:;> ~~- .::-: .= .. :;;. --~~-~- ·::._:• .. ·:_" ::::.:~~;·;_;~~ ~ ·~ ---- --·- - . :~ ~ EJ.:::: ::~~L • J :. :~:: • ;. ':.:. -::, :::-- . . _,:. == ~- .... :=; :::~r~=:r::1 : i -1 ::::~:: ·- ::=·1:;~ ~- ·· ·· .·.::.. --- ·· ...... ~ =;: :::=:t:,:: ~':L: '"J;:,,;_ ~:t.:::~ :i: ~ ~ ".:'.. ::· ~ .. · · .. . · "'.::f.:.: ::0 · ,:= =~::-::r~ -:.::f::.~.:::P:== . .. . ,, .. ~ ,::.: :'l