Naga Police Summer Athletic League opens
Part of The Bicol Star
- Title
- Naga Police Summer Athletic League opens
- Language
- English
- Year
- 1966
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- »»»«»» ♦ SOUTHERN ARMS | ♦ & EQUIPMENT CO. Ttl. 21-11 P.O. Box 136 82o Renacimiento St. Naga City * ' EUTECTIC'’ low-heat welding Z solders for cast iron, stainless ♦ steel, copper bronze, aluminum, 2 zinc. A nickel. t“BUKH" and ’ SOUTHERN o CROSS” diesel engines; Various 2 water pumps; Lathes;. Drills: lories. “ “MESMA” machi* | Year 34—Vol. 31. No. 12-City of Naga. May 14, 1966—10 Ctvos. 12 Pages Founded In 1333 The Oldest Regional Weekly Newspaper • ••••••••••••• ★★★★★ •••••••••••••• j WANTED IMMEDIATELY: | Route Driver-Salesman t ♦ For ESSO GASUL LPG ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Apply by letter only c/o ESSO SUPER SERVICE STATION Panganiban Ave., Naga City Felipe Protests NAMARCO Transfer LTC Collections k"1* R‘f<,rm lnfo™a,i»n Projected Trawler Ij IVi liOllcCUOIlb A , .J . Hl NiMfipPR Pomonal Offirp To LeaaZDl Cltv • • • • • • Edu Smells Rat in 1--------------He Orders To Audit Agencies • • • 'Drive I. J S Of NAMARCO Regional Office To Legazpi City In The Bicol Region Immediately after learning that there is a plan since March 1966, the Land Re- to transfer the regional office of the National MarActing Land Transportation Commissioner Ro- form information Drive has been keting Corporation of the government in Naga City meo F. Edu ordered yesterday the audit of collections bay^n^CamariAes sur' whTr/two' l.o the City of Legazpi, Congressman Ramon FI. Femeo r.Edu ordered yesterday me auditoi collections bay and camarinesSur, where two l.° ine u-liy 01 L;egazP*» v-uugicsauiau iu u u v u x v by LTC agencies which have not yet been deposited Land Reform information Teams lipe, Jr. of the first district of Camarmes Sur made with the National Treasurer in an aggregate amount £eAiba!d'sd^ his strong protest of the projected transfer to NAr _ -n:__ I",1 . l J? . 7?. T - MADrn Mnnoonr Tnxrpnal A mMirras. FftllWilli vile ncwmv. 1.1 an aSSiv8aLv ai.iuuuv jn Albav is composed of Atty. Al- V , , , * /---------. i c-ol; of Pl million. fredo Abundo. of a c a . Atty Jose MARCO General Manager Jovenal Almendras. heliThe LTC commissioner said that cpn Awfnna fVcmkcflC °fcl^oti7’ Pe reasoned out that Naga City is bigger than Lethe unaudited collections^whjch ^11. AyiOlia UJSffllSSeS ^APc^ud^oi^, .g commercial and trade center of the Naga Police Summer National Treasurer through local CdStlllO S ChST^SS S.ur £ K?mPr°nTAt C*jP‘ B1CO1 region, depositories like the Philippine ® cion Noble of OTA C, Miss Teresita Followin^ is t National Bank for an unreason- LEGAZPI CITY - The local Almoneda of APC. Adnel Palma ol _ * ‘be spokesman ol Senator Dominador ACTh« team i^Alh^v has airea- Almendras last Thursday, May 12: flitl-l,’- T Rnano " ---- ------- ---- 4,’X^S*.S t. ‘X. <.’ L."o. Athletic League Opens and part of Polangui while the Camarmes Sur Naga City and teaVin Camannfs Sur ha. al; National Bank lor an unreason- LEGAZPI CITY — The local pfuhnblhwn 1(LA Congressman Felipe io Manager able lenght of time can be t h e spokesman of Senator Dominador AC* and ®" uf„T*|r__ Almendras last Thursday, Mav 12: subject of certain anomalies. B. nytona yesterday declared that . Th# t*“.m tobpr;n_„f T [u® “My constituents in p=— Edu also issued a warning to the Albay lawmaker belittled the dy «overed the barrios of Libon c... M__. collection officers, under pam of charge of Central Bank Governor ’nf' nart nf PnlnnO1" whl,p the administrative and criminal penal- Andrea V. Castillo that Aytona was ties to submit to the head office resorting to vindictiveness in thin Quezon City the reports or current probe of CB irregularities, abstracts of collections in support Tfoe joea| spokesman of t b -of deposits made with the National Bicol soion quoted Aytona «Treasurer amounting to Mjnillion. saving that “if to expose irreguLEGAZPI CITY | The Naga Police 1966 Summer i,eague in basketball will opening ceremonies toafternoon at 4 o’clock ..... PNB Quadrangle near Plate. ... _ Rizal, here. The series of bassider projected transfer. Regards ketball games w ill run up to June Thanks. 22, 1966. "Congressman Ramon Felipe” There are 18 teams participating; Last April 28, Congressman Fe- 7 teams in the senior group; 8 ..pc, ales cent a telegram to Pre- teams ia the junior division; 9 in sident Ferdinand E. Marcos re- the midgets and 4 intergovernporting the alleged rampant cattle ment offices. rustling in the first district of Tomorrow's opening program is _______ ___________ ____ -.........................™ ^X7„vere#dmapiliSandr nart oi i“ted tVansfe^ur^ ties to submit to the head office resorting to vindictiveness in the £a.dy thetelms ’ice from Naga to Legaspi City, have the openn in Quezon City the reports or current probe of C B irregularities. . Bu,a- J*«,d V- Naga City bigger than Legaspi morrow afternm abstracts of collections >n support The loea| spokesman of t h . l? "h b have Sbd 6 aad « commercial and tradecen- at the PNB Qua of deposits made with the National Bicol soion quoted Aytona as 11 with the farmers in each tet in Bico1 Region: Please recon- za Rizal, here. Treasurer amounting to P3 million. saying that “if to expose irregu- [erence with the farmers jn each sif)pr nrn;pntp^ transfer. Renards ketball names v LTC internal auditors "smell a larilies, particularly of the mag- barrio < — .----------- .. ef those committed by CB ce™{£’ farmers' are" ’very”"enthusiastic 1Jn^a5!AprjL?{ lhue_inforr?A' silent Ferdinand e7 Marcos re- the midget. ... porting the alleged rampant cattle ment offices, rustling in the first district of Tomorrow's c^........ a ---- — Cam, Sur particularly in towns as follows; National Anthem; inof Sipecot Lupi, Ragay and Del vocation by Rt. Rev. Msgr. Ni(Continued on page 6) ference with the farmers iu cow barrio of the municipality con“ The teamshave discovered that Old RCA Retailers ' >» ~ •»■<>»■■ vileaed sneerh that at least five tlon they received about Land J CBfim.^eCirretJdtaraL.Mactiones J^7>ay* ±7=" „ kean had been consumated during the !nteor5®! '"‘V,‘"K™ 1 JL si- Macapagal administration. b d Jfnrm»tionHdHv m/v e. The Bicot senator who hails ,“,a"y. ^auego, me so.on requ««u u.v cauur Vsa duiiuau wi k^avcivs* wpensn from Libon, Albay. termed those ^leasehold Severaf da vs after the President to instruct the PC ing remarks by CouncilorE.Gehere-to conduct an intensive cam- neral; musical number by rondalla; farmer, nf «nia Paign against cattle rustlers, short talk by City Mayor V. Sihave aouaht assistance of the Of- ./elipe’s telegram, to President bulo; musical number; closing reMay Register Again Tn view of the immediate necessiry for distribution of RCA rice, . -» oc.,«, Director E. V. Mendoza has written from Libon, Albay. termed those . ,.<•• »«-------- Osmundo Mondo- transactions? which involved hun■neao ma. iu. purposes of ap- dreds of millions of pesos, as .h. Kv.Sot current investigation of CB opera- f!«L °J .the Agranan Counsel in tions by the banks and franchise shifting to voluntary leasehold. {Continued on yogs 4-E) {Continued on sage 4-F) So the People May Know ... • by k a ber t o CB major irregular transactions Reform. .They have shown keen .. due to -j .... ___ _ Gallego, The soion requested the canor C. Belleza of Caceresf open10 voiun- .. p.-.m-nt <o instruct the PC inc remarks bv Councilor E. Gety for distribution^ of RCA rice, to RCA Manager ----------fiedo that^Jor purposes may" use the 1964 RICOB list of registered retailers. In 1964 the amendment to the RCA Law provides that only RICOB registered retailers shall distribute RCA rice but in places where there are no registered RICOB retailers, the RCA can appoint the lbKii£Issn,;/,7si^5.s» New Strains Replace sarastt Susceptible Tjere Mas work and coordination by the RCA •• w tnd fasSributiinlf RCA^in Tjere mas, a rice variety grown by farmers in 196-1, avoiding the "piia" system. Camarmes Sur and other places in the country is Under the new^RC^Law^itis easijy backed by rice blast. The disease destroys ,. ___ ill be considered the leaves, flowers, panicles and grains of the plant. ‘ameXint ofrsihinRPCA°Law’ Furthermore, it damages the crop from seedling to .. j -------- ev maturity stage. In serious cases, the infected plants either die or produce very low yields. Research Institute at Bafios. These are lines 61; 71; 80 and 254 Ordinary Tjere mas tures early, gives more r.„ --------------------------------------ductive tillers, grows tall construction period, what was Mr. • ’ •• ’ ______ vEabavo doinc? Wherp was he? Mr. Felipe’s telegram to President bulo; musical number; closing reMarcos was as follows: marks by Chief of Police. Maj. "President Ferdinand Marcos Elias Pama; raising of team coMalacafiang lors; aath amateurism. Det. Elias “Rampant cattle rustling in Compuesto, master of ceremonies Exhibition games will be played (Continued on page 4-F) after the program; Labayo’s Story Arouses Inquiry From T.T. A. Prexy May 9, 1966 provided, that onh censed retailers shall ’TTlv" as RCa disrributors.^Inspite of this ^(Continued on page 6) PNB Athletic Ass n. Holds However Dr Pedro B Es. Meet, Reception & Ball >^4^ The Philippine National Bank ^is co-workers found four Athletic Association (Philnabank) regjstant strains of Tjeremas ILS to .replace the susceptible today PNB branches in Bicol are variety. These are at prehaving their teams for the different sent being grown atthe Coltournaments like softball, basket- je£,e*s experimental farm for Ml; =4 ntoltiplicstiou. Dear Mr. Editor, Thank you for your story in your April 23 issue about alleged anomalies in the construction of tour~ ism projects in Sorsogon and Gubat, according to Mr. Ramon Labayo, BTTI Regional Coordinator. May we inquire from Mr. Labayo the following: 1, All throughout the construe»Xh?Uh.'.htuXlE..^T»1 CSHS Team Runner-up B2 The Rizal Bead, balbhuuiels In Shell Traffic Game ma- in Gubat. The mayor there is Mr. r:__|. pro- Labayo’s brother-iri law. During the HailUllul lindlS iodcesCeasHv:,anrl%urciiTnbs Labayo doing? Where was he? Mr. .......... .... .................... readily to rice blast. The L83ba>-?he >^88®“Lake resthouse ^a's adyldg^d" runner-up^n* new strains possess the same was designed and its construction Second National Finals of seeu zuuinpiivawvM. qualities except that they »”P«rvjs('d hy a" architect-engineer SHELL TRAFFIC GAME wmen b The3 N?g™ &y PNB branch is The four resistant strains are resistant to rice blast industry0"M°rf T°Rene“"asuVcIou Lwan • at I; ^?n'e^ Elementary thlhost to the other Bicol branch- of Tjere mas were selected and yield more than the old while Mr. Asuncion was there telebrat ion ^“"he’ Traffic" Safety | L. ______ Turns Down Petition PARTIAL REVIEW ! The Naga City, represented by t h e ........ ................. . ........ -i t h e SHELL TRAFFIC GAME which *«The star Witness” I by Elix Abejero y -.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Those Unhappy Situations Our witness confessed that he was unduly em- uuio ui barrassed during the commencement program at appointing <.aU.«vu«,. .. , Naea Central School when he found nimseli butors and retailers of NAl*1 . • _i___mpmliArc nf thp MARCO unods. The nefiOf Old Distributors J Atty. Jacobo Briones, regional manager of the NAMARCO in Ricol with an office in Naga City, turned down the petition of the Old N6marco retailers and distributors of Legazpi City to stop appointing additional distrit i by Andres G. Diez India's Nationalism Crashes India, which has a population of over 450,000,000 «Mted in a place intended for the members of the MARCO goods. The peti- people is now facing the frightening specter of facultv. There seems nothing wrong with it, un- Bihar’ Indi£>>food shortage til the arrival of the teachers who easily outnum- Samarco goods in Legazpi ls worsened by drought. Men and women by the bered the seats. At least a dozen ol them, all la- are already sufficient in num- thousands have to walk miles to fetch their drinkdies including one American, a Peace Corps vo- ber without authorizing ad- ing water. u ’ (Continued on oage 3-E) (Cont’d. on page 4-F) (Continued on page 2)