As I See It


Part of The Bicol Star

As I See It
Dumaguin, B. M.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
2 THE BICOL STAR AUGUST 29, 1970 Stye JSBurnI JBtar ENTERED, AS SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER AT THE POST OFFIQE, CITY OF NAGA. PHILIPPINES ON MAY 20. Ig33. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY jBntningo A. Escalante g e n e r a l man ag e r ,' p u b l is h er a e d it o r Anbres ®. Sier ASSOCIATE EDITC ©afaagow ^tlberio ^Irala Jlal. (dfflL Jhwsguia 3)aiate be Ins J^aatca ADVERTISING & PROMOTION Jlnmen jB. ^sralaate CIRCULATION a SUBSCRIPTION SUBSCRIPTION RATES; P5.00 PER YEAR; P3.00 6 MONTHS P. O. BOX 123, CITY OF NAGA. PHILIPPINES MANILA BUREAU, 1067 WASHINGTON ST. SAMPALOC TEL. 60-66-55 ^Beraarbian JKagelea ©afaagon—Manager Editorial The UNC must Reciprocate Who now forgets how the UNC started its business venture in a private school two decades ago? Who now forgets that it started its business in a small rented building owned by the late Don Tomas Flordeliza? Who now forgets that from its humble beginning, it now owns several spacious school buildings, the wide spread on which they were built and many other school properties now worth millions of pesos? Where did all that money come from? If this wealth came from the parents of the UNC’s school population, do the owners of the^ school business feel that the source of their wealth is entitled to their gratitude? Is it the policy of this school to reject and disregard any other consideration, especially the human side of the question in the pursuit of the owners for the acquisition of more wealth and more wealth? If magnanimity, benevolence and charity are the basic foundation of human happiness and must be essentially taught in school, were they taught in the UNC? And if the owners of the UNC do believe in these virtues, how can they afford to con. tinue violating them? How about the doctrine and Live and Let Live, is it the owners of the UNC? Our final advice to the UNC owners and facuity is to always keep in mind that the school s wealth came from the school population The school population is, therefore en titled to a small amount of reciprocity’every now and then as a bonus highly deservedA. G. Diez NOTICE The ESTATE of the late Simeon Moscoso of Naga City, consisting of 106 square meters situated at Balintawak, Naga City, and declared under Tax No. 1211, has been extra judicially settled among the heirs of said deceased, excluding the share appertaining to heir Fermina Moscoso, 'the same was sold to Benjamin Mateus for the sum of TWO THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED pesos (P2.600.) per instrument bearing Doc. No. 576, page 15, Bk. 27, S. of 1970 of the notarial register of Notary Public Hilario Espano of Naga City dated April 4, 1970. Pub. Aug. 29, Sept. 5, 11, 1970. of Give and Take no longer true to Burolagdan-Duka exchange vows TABACO, Albay—Miss Salome Burolagdan of this town exchange nuptial vows with Delfin E. Duka solemnized at the Tabaco parish church recently. After the wedding ceremonies reception was tendered at the bride’s residence in Tabaco, Albay. As I See It BY: B. M. DUMAGUIN Senator Aytona was reported as having contradicted, F.M.’s claim that Congress did not appropriate funds for the C. C. If F.M. was wrong why did not Sen. Aytona just call the President and explain the whole thing to clear up the matter instead of vitually calling the President a liar. Is Senator Aytona now trying to find his way out from the circle of the President. Or is it because election 1971 is just around the corner and that as a politician he has to shout every now and then to let the people know that he is still available? But will his line of strategy help him at all, especially from the sector that are with the President? I doubt it. Some sectors think that the BSDU must go. Hurray to the Huks. But will that move really stop the Huk depredations in Central Luzon? Wanted: sober opinion on the matter. Former Senator Raul Manglapus went to the site of arson in ORA Centro and ORA Este, presumably to give moral strength to the ORA people. Why, don’t those people have any more morals? Or are we back to our political game again? At any rate Raul is maybe related to some of the Bantay people. Raul got plenty of relatives from Tagudin Ilocos Sur. He can get authoritative information from his kins there. Manglapus was quoted as having shouted that Ilocos Sur leadership is vacuum. That it is psuedo. Why don’t the good tx-Senator go to Ilocos Sur and offer his services by launching his bid for the governorship if only to give the people of Ilocos Sur the leadership that he thinks is good for the Ilocos people. Or better still, he can pick up his personal ticket to fight the ticket that will be under the Crisologos and their supporters. If the Senator can do that he will really be a hero of the north. But if he thinks he can be a hero by just appearing in pictures and issuing statements for public consumption, his goal is far from realization. The two days First Regional Seminar of transportation held at the Ateneo de Naga with the theme: Towards an Integrated Transport System in the Bicol Region has been just concluded. The Seminar was well represented but not well attended. The PNR came with a big delegation; the PAL sent its Regional Vice President; ALATCO sent Atty. Crisanto, Manager of the Bus firm; GMTFM sent Mr. Joselito Asentero, its System Engineer; Mr. Semeon Bendana, Jr., Chairman-Conference of Interisland Shipowners & Operators; Bideco sent Atty. Vitoy Ojeda; Office of the Governor sent Atty. Fred Cledera; Bicol Development Planning Board sent Felix lea men. The City was represented by Vice Mayor Virginia F. Perez and I represented myself, althought I joined the PNR group for effect. Position papers of each of the big companies were read. They were well prepared and each position papers was prepared ready to give good results but the personal motive was not hidden. All professed public interest. Except maybe for the PNR the public welfare motive of each was only secondary. I stand to be corrected. Group discussions were held after reading each position paper. I Partial Review By ANDRES G. DIEZ First District Supports F. Cledera for Delegate to Constitutional Convention Last Sunday afternoon, two male teachers visited me at my residence to inquire from me if it was true that Fred Cledera is no longer running for Delegate to the Constitutional Convention. They further told me that the reason of Fred’s withdrawal was that Governor Cledera does not approve of any Cledera running for any government elective position while he (the Governor) is still the incumbent. As an answer to their inquiry, I told the two male teachers that the information was not true. And for the information and guidance of all voters of the First District, let it be known that Fred Cledera has already made the decision and will continue with a determined earnestness to carry out to the end his vigorous and ceaseless campaign for the people's support to his candidacy for Delegate to the Constitutional Convention. It'is not right at all for any person or group of persons to hold Governor Cledera responsible for the candidacy of his nephew. Nor for the Governor to feel accountable for any decision made by another. Fred Cledera has his own personality being already the head of his own family. By his own efforts, he is building a world out of his own ideas and thinking. It would be unfair and unjust for anyone to put up obstacles on his way as long as the execution of his ideas and thinking causes no damages against the interest, well-being, honor and dignity of of another person or group of persons. Fred Cledera has his own friends who like and love him because he also likes and loves them. The people will vote for or against him not because and in spite of Governor Cledera bpt because of a simple, unassuming and unpretentious Attorney Fred Cledera. So, there you are. A recipient of Nature’s kindness,. Fred Cledera was born to this world a helpful loving man freed from the human frailties of pride and bragadocio.Alt hough his scholastic achievements more tnan quilify him for any position in government service, Fred Cledara has never been known to his friends serving notice of how better he is than anyone of them. He believes that the unfailing sign of man’s greatness is his humility, his unbounded love for his fellowmen. If the people of the First District now believe that besides his intellectual capacity Fred Cledera can be trusted as an honest and upright public servant, nobody can stop them sending him to represent them in the coming Constitutional Convention. Those who have come to know Fred Cledera intimately are unanimous that he is one of the rare human specimen endowed by nature the virtues of thoughtfulness, nf understanding, of humility and the splendor of an exemplary moral behaviour. If these are not the necessary qualities for a Delegate, we simply do not know what other qualities are better. joined group VI discussion. It turned out that answers to the questions passed brought out answer like inadequate transportation facilities in some area because of lack of good roads. Solution: Ask Congressman Fuentebella to help put up good road network. Almost all groups have indentical answers to questions passed for study. Comment: The Bicol Region is lagging in road facilities. Calling our public officials! Col. Nick Jimenez was guest of the Cam. Sur Press and Radio Club last Sunday, Aug. 16th, immediately after the Transport Seminar. True to form, the group asked the PNR Boss such questions as overloading, constant derailment, why on the Red, delayed schedules and many others. The PNR Manager, a man who really knows the problems of the PNR, was all ready with satisfactory answers to the satisfaction of the Pressmen, I too was impressed. As usual, after the interview at the Radio studio of the DZDR, Naga, the Pressmen were treated with a dinner and some drinks at the Oyster Restaurant. The PNR group left after the affair. Those who came were Atty. Manny Palafox, PRO; Chief Accountant Isip; Engineer Nuguid; Inspector Greg Sarrato; Chief Station Agent Cedo and many others.