Speakout Bicolandia


Part of The Bicol Star

Speakout Bicolandia
Frivaldo, Juan G.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
2VEW LEATHERNECK-U.S. Marine 2nd Lieutenant Rayfel M, Bachiller (left) repeats oath of commission after Colonel Herb E. Ing, commanding officer of the Officer Candidates School at Quantico, Va., following a graduation parade and review. Witnessing the commissioning are the new Marine officer’s parent. Mr. & Mrs. Raynero Bachiller of Nabua Camarines Sur and Washington, D.C ; his sister Corrine; and his graduation date, Miss Ann Gentry of Alexandria, Va. Lt. Bachiller is a 1970 NROTO' graduate of the University of South Carolina. {Photo by Ely U. Orias) PNRC to conduct free HN classes The Philippine National Red Cross is soon to open free classes in Home Nursing in several selected places in Camarines Sur. With the arrival of Miss Concepc’on Ramos, PNRC's Field Nursing Representative from National Headquarters, the local chapter administrator has begun organizing classes at the University of Nueva Caceres, the Camarines Sur High Schoo), Trade School and is due to organize classes in schools outside the City of Naga. The Home Nursing Committee in the national level is chairmaned by Mrs. Dolores H. Sison of this City, who is simultaneously member of the Board of Governors of the Philippine National ’TRBVetyia BENGU1T AUTO UNI • LUZON BUS LINE________ TEL. 2100-11 J SCHEDULE OF PNR TRAIN (SOUTHERN LINES) SOUTHERN TRAINS: TRAIN: DEPARTURE DESTINATION ARRIVAL 511 Manila 6:05 a.m. Camalig 7:35 p.m. 515 Manila 6:30 p.m. Camalig 8:36 a m. 503 Manila 7:20 p.m. Naga 3:14 p.m. 517 (T-Ma-1) ” 5:45 p.m. Camalig 6:20 a.m. i (Mayon Ltd) 505 Manila 9:10 a.m. Naga 7:56 p.m. 535 Manila 4:00 pjn. Legazpi 10:27 p.m. NORTHBOUND TRAINS: 512 Legazpi 7:00 a.m. Manila 9:04 p.m. 516 Legazpi 6:00 p.m. Manila 8:50 a.m. 504 Naga 10:50 a.m. Manila 6:28 a.m* 1 518 T-Lg-2 Leg. 5:00 p.m. Manila 6:43 a.m. (Mayon Ltd.) 506 Naea 4:40 a.m. Manila 3:38 p.m| 536 Legazpi 4:00a.m. Naga 8:33 a.m. Red Cross and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Camarines Sur chapter. Attendance in this projected Home Nursing Course will be certificated and classes will last two weeks on a two hour-daily instruction and demonstration. Women, specially mothers, are being encouraged to take advantage of this practical course in Hume Nursing which covers lectures on Health Care in the Home. This subject matter includes care ot the sick, care of the mother and baby, and nutrition. Formal opening of said classes is expected to begin next week. Legal Notice August 29, 197q Notice is hereby given that an Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate, has been executed in accordance with Sec. 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, by the Heirs of Simeona Bonsai who died July 8, 1969 at Carolina, Naga City. The heirs are: Melitona B, Ulan, Ulbina B. Ulan, Dorotea B Ulan, Bricio B. Ulan, Victorino B. Ulan, Lucia B. Ulan, Angel B. Ulan, and Elena B Ulan, over the property in Carangkang, Magarao, Camarines Sur, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 2037. The instrument was executed August 18, 1970 before Notary Public Hilario Espano of Canaman, Camarines, under Doc. No 1174 Page No. 29 Book No. XXVIII; Series of 1970. Pub. Aug. 22, 29 and Sept. 5, 1970. Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that the estate left by the late Juan Praxidio whe died intestate at Cabusao, Cam. Sur on November 16, 1967, consisting of two (2) parcels of land situated in the Barrios of Dankalan & Camagong.both within the Mun. of Cabusao, Camarines Sur with an area of 4.1100 Has., covered by Tax Dec. No. 440, valued at P1590 and 2.456 has., covered by Tax Dec. No 304, valued at P1550, have been adjudicated by his s Je heir, OBDULIA PRAXIDIO, in an instrument ratified before Notary Pub'ic Ex-Officio Joseph L. Abante of Canaman, Cam. Sur on August 10, 1970, per Doc. No 73; Page No. 16; Book V; S. of 1970. Pub. Aug. 15, 22, 29, 1970. Notice of Extra-Judicial Partition of Estate with Sale Notice is hereby given that MAXIMA I. Vda. de CAPUCAO, PURA I. CAPUCAO, JULIO ICAPUCAO Jr., CATALINO I. CAPUCAO, JOSEFINA I. CAPUCAO, DOMINGO I. CAPUCAO, JOSE I. CAPUCAO, PEDRO I. CAPUAO, CESAR I. CAPUCAO, MANUEL I. CAPUCAO, and ESTER NELLY CAPUCAO, all of legal ages except Ester Nelly Capucao who is seventeen years of age, Filipinos and residents of the City of Naga, Philippines, they being the legal heirs of the deceased JULIO H. CAPUCAO, who died intestate on the 29th day of October 1969, have extra-judiciailly settled the intestate estate of the deceased, which consists of two (2) parcels of residential land located at Sabang, City of Naga, covered by O.C.T. No. 200, co-taining an area of 1,121 square meters, issued in name of Maxima I.de Capucao, and O.T.C. No. 211, containing an area of 681 square meters, issued in the name of Maxima I. de Capucao, both issued by th’! Office of the Register of Deeds of the City of Naga, with an assesssd value of P8, 970,and P4, 240, respectivelyThe said co-heirs have sold their corresponding shares and participations to their mother, Maxima I. Vde. Capucao* for the sum of TEN (P10. 00) PESOS, Philippines currency, the document having been executed before Notary Public, Blas P. Moral, and entered as Doc. No. 411 ; Page 74; Book IX; Series of 1970. Pub. August 22, 29, and Sep tember 5, 1970 Speakout Bicola ndia By JUAN G. FRIVALDO Very few people know it but we have a smarter and more generous Bicolano Stonehill. I refer to a certain Esteban of Legaspi City. One of his most active operations now are in coconut oil and copra. His connections are tops—Benedicto, Villatuya, Trivino, Consing, Batjak and the bankers Roschilds of Europe and America. Lu Du, the big oil mill operator of Cebu and Mindanao, was at one time shaken by our Esteban. This corner is preparing a good feature about our up and coming and wide ranging businessman Esteban whose ingenuity Bicolandia can be proud. xxx Records at the Development Bank of the Philippines shewed that onlhe need to proclaim the entire Country as a land reform area (A POSITION PAPER) (Continuation) (b) Development of Cooperative Institutions (c) Creation of Department of Agrarian Reform The need for the creation of a Department of Agrarian Reform has been motivated not only be Presidential certification, but also by the need to strengthen the present administrative control of the program. In effect, the creation is a conversion of the implementing arm of the program, the Land Reform Project Administration into a Department of Agrarian Reform by investing in the Administrator, now the Governor of the Land Authority and Chairman of the National Land Reform Council, the powers of a Department Head. The recently concluded “Joint FAO/ECAFE/ILO Seminar on Land Reform Implementation in Asia and the Far East” reported these findings: “Land reform cannot be effectively implemented in the absence of political will, leadership and drive at all levels, to The BICOL STAR ly two provinces were given fat loans a few months before the last election. The provincial government of Ilocos Sur received 1*6 million while Catanduanes got Pl million. Smart operators, the Albertos. Those familiar with local government operations can figure out what happened to those funds, what economic benefits it did to the two provinces and how the loans could be repaid. XXX In the bureau of public highways and bureau of public works in Gubat, Sorsogon, officials allegedly made cash advances totalling P700,000, our inside spies cold us. A top politician made a cash advance of P250.000. (to page 4) enforce it. This presumes political support for the programme at all levels, or sufficient political drive from the centre to overcome opposition from vested interests. Attempts to tackle such programmes with existing bureaucracies through existing ministries have not always succeeded. It is also a comprehensive programme involving the coordination of many related and supporting functions. In order to adequately meet these requirements, an adaptation of existing administrative (and judicial) organization and procedures would usually be necessary. The basic administrative needs are a line of administrative command from centre to field levels, with adequate arrangements for coordination of all related services at all levels, and an attitude sympathetic to the reforms. If these could not be adequately pio.ided within the framework of the existing administrative structure, the creation of a new administrative organization for the purpose of land reform implementation would be desirable. “In regard to coordination, the greatest need is at field level (Continued to page 4) Speakout Open Letter AUGUST 29, 1970 THE BICOL STAR 5 (From Lesser officials devoured the balance. Up to now GAO has not investigated these illegal cash advances and has remained silent. What worries some people is the report that Malacanang has started releasing some amounts to some congressional districts. There are fears that the new fund releases might be used to cover up fund shortages due to election overspending. Now where is the GAO? Where are those big PARGO ads asking the public to report government anomalies? This column has been very vocal about shennanigans in the government. But there are offices that deserve flowers. These two, in our opinion, are the National Science Development Board and the Volcanology Commission. They deserve commendation for their good research work at Tiwi geothermal works. So far P300,000 has been released from NSDB funds. Seven holes have been sunk with 4 inch casings, down to 600 feet. About 5,000 lbs per hour of steam is generated by Hole 7, enough to light the town of Tiwi The problem is that only a very small portion of that steam is utilized (to light the vicinity) while the major bulk is wasted steam blowing off into the air. NSDB is spending another 1*500,000 this fiscal year to dig Holes 8 and 9 with casings up to 9 inches. Estimates say that the entire Tiwi bed could generate 40,000 kilowatts, enough to electrify entire Bicol mainland. As far as NSDB and Convol are concerned, they have done their re* search job. They know Tiwi’s power potential, how to get power and how much. The next job is commercial utilization of that power potential. That is outside NSDB province. That is supposed to be Bideco’s job. But basing from past and present Bideco records, I doubt if Bideco is the right agency to develop Tiwi. We may just as well say Good Night. At least not with the present Do Nothing board. xxx Our good friend Congressman Fajarillo is chairman of the committee on page 3) forestry and natural resources. As such he is supposed to be the champion of forest conservation. But at present rate, forests in Camarines Norte are getting destroyed faster than those in Camarines Sur and Quezon. Last menth this columnist sent to blue ribbon committee the alleged destruction of 33,000 hectares of forests in Iwahig penal colony. We challenge Nanding Fajarillo to bring to court those forests vandals and alien dummies so well known in Daet. The destruction of the watershed in Labo is shocking. It won't be long there would not be enough water to drink for Vinzons, Daet, falisay and Mercedes. The need . . . (from page 3) where it is necessary to ensure that the farmer obtains an integrated "package” of services in order to realize the full potential of his improved tenurial status. The “project approach” which places all related services under the control of one official at project level was seen to have achieved good results. "The implementation of land reform has been impeded in many cases by an indifferent or unsympathetic bureaucracy. It was felt that this difficulty could be largely surmounted by: (I) the recruitment of new staff (II) the establishment of a new organization for implementation with a new approach and orientation (III) the training and reorientation of all staff working in the land reform programme, and (IV) the participation of beneficiaries so as to ensure that the programme and its administrators are made more receptive to their needs." (d) Land Taxation Agricultural land taxation here is considered to be a positive instrument for reform. It is designed to promote productive land utilization and to prevent tendencies to commercialize land resulting in land hoarding for speculative purposes. The resultant amount from these taxes constitute a portion of the Special Agrarian Reform Fund. (e) Special Agrarian Reform Fund To meet the tremendous requirement for capital outlays and operating costs of integrated land reform operations, the Special Agrarian Reform Fund is sought to be created. The Fund will be administered by a Department of Agrarian Reform for a given number of years based on its approved program of implementation. With the approval of this vital source of financing, the Department of Agrarian Reform can take more effective measures for implementation. Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS BUREAU OF POSTS Manila July 24, 1970 Hon. Ramon H. Felipe, Jr. House of Representatives Manila Dear Congressman Felipe, Jr.: I have your letter of July 17, 1970, requesting information whether there is a move to transfer the headquarters of Postal Region No. 5 from Naga City to Legaspi City which move is the subject of protest in the telegram to you of the Editor-Publisher of the Bicol NewsdaA. At the outset, we wish to make mention of the fact that we had tentatively chosen Naga City as the site for the headquarters of Postal Region No. 5. However, after careful study and consideration, we have to forego such plan in favor of Legaspi City as the most logical , site of the headquarters from the stand-point of effective ruail-service supervision of the provinces to be served by the headquarters,namely, Northern Samar, Masbate, Sorsogon, Catanduanes, Albay, Camarines Sur, and Camarines Norte Legaspi City is strategically located and is accessible by land, sea and/or air travel from the surrounding aforementioned provinces.lt is the southern terminal of the train service of thePhilippine National Railways connecting with bus services to Tabaco & Sorsogon. Also, under normal conditions the Philppine Air Lines has a four times-a-day flight schedule to Legaspi City. Moreover, we have many pos* tai projects that are undertaken join ly with theBureau ofTelecommunications which has its Region No.3 in Legaspi City. On the other hand, Naga City can only serve best its province of Camarines Sur and the adjoining provinces of Camarines Norte and Albay, In the light of the foregoing facts we deem it more advantageous to establish at Legaspi City the beadquarters of Postal Region No.5 and we have already taken initial steps towards it. However, Naga City shall remain as the site of one of the two mail distributing centers under the said region No. 5. Very truly yours, (SGD.) ENRICO PALOMAR Postmaster General (f) Participation of Local Governments The role of local governments units on total development schemes is recognized. Our own existing laws provide that local governments be transformed gradually into effective instruments through which the people, by way of participation and involvement, commit themselves to govern and work out their own destinies. It is the purpose of this policy now included in the agrarian reform program to involve local governments in the implementation of agrarian reforms by providing them such technical, financial and other assistance as maybe necessary to carry out the objectives of the program. DBP - the Bank that builds a Nation BY: RAMON AG. MEDINA Branches & Agencies Department Development Bank of the Philippines Makati, Rizal (Continuation) THE BUILDING In 1936-1939, the Bureau of Commerce Building was occupied by the NLIB and the AIB, along General Solano Corner Tanduay Streets. In 1947, the Bank was transferred in Regina Building. In 1948-1952, it was housed in the PNB Building. From 1952-1968, it occupied For Posterity The Office of the Municipal Board, thru its chairman and presiding officer, Vice-Mayor,Virginia F. Perez, is in the process of furnishing the City of Naga with historlcal facts and pictures for posterity. One of this undertakings, is to collect pictures of past Mayors, Vice Mayors and Councilors of the City to put thpm up in cons spicuous places at our City Hall. In connection with this project, group pictures, and other documents which would be of historical importance or interest to the city and to our future generation would be most welcomed’ Requirement: BUST PICTURES (Black and White). For Mayors and Vice-Mayors-8”x 10” For Councilors - Postal size All those concern are hereby informed to consider this as a request concerning this matter. Let us collect and preserve the priceless legacies of our glorious past. Be part of this lofty project. Should this consolidated version, H. No. 1127 (Amendment by Substitution), pass both houses this Special Session, the machinery for land reform implementation shall be simplified and financial support for the program shall have better assurance. Another bill is pending in Congress regarding the sale of Military Camps around Manila to generate funds for land reform. The first bill stipulates that 70 per cent of the proceeds will go to land reform. Unfortunately, a new bill is proposed on the same subject, but the share proposed for land reform has been greatly reduced - 28.5 per cent. This latter version is truly inimical to the program. Bold Decision and Action Needed — The time to decide and act is now. This cannot be done by the National Land Reform Council alone. Presidential imprimatur and Congressional support is needed. The proclamation of the entire country will start a chain of events which will produce favorable reaction on the part of the peasantry and take away the issues being used to stir and aggravate agrarian unrest. With His Excellency’s clearance and Congressional encouragement and support, the National Land Reform Council will declare the entire country as a land reform area within this or early next month. the RFC/DBP Building along Corner David and Muelle de la Industria Streets. The terrible earthquake of 1968, which wrought havoc to the Escolta Building necessitated the transfer to the present DBP Building at Corner Makati Avenue and Buendia Avenue Extension in Makati, Rizal. This new building accentuates the phenomenal growth that this government financing institution has achieved since its establishment in 1935. From an old 2-story structure at Genera] Solano Street in Tanduay in 1935, the Bank’s transfer to the new building vividly illustrate its bold shift to modern development banking: growth-oriented, innovative, and its approaches to its development objectives attuned to the needs of the country’s economy. The present DBP L-shaped edifice, a 15 floor structure (including basement, penthouse, and deck roof) equipped with the most modern banking facilities is located on an 8,000 sq. m. lot along Makati and Buendia Avenue; It covers a total floor area of 35,000 sq.m. (2,333 sq m./floor). Noting the worsening space problem in its former site in David Street, near the Escolta, due to its expanded services, the Bank decided to construct a modern, spacious building for the convenience of its clients. Cornerstone Laying.’ Cornerstone-laying ceremonies were held December 22, 1964 (Tuesday afternoon). The marker was unveiled by First ''Lady Evangelina Macapagal, assisted by her daughter, Gloria, and by Mesdames Pablo Lorenzo and Jovino S. Lorenzo. The scroll which was signed by the Supervising Governors, was placed inside a cylindrical brass case and then deposited by President Diosdado Macapagal in the compartment of the marker which he closed by cementing the opening, using a golden trowel. This trowel was later presented to President Macapagal as a gift from the Bank. Modern Features: The new building boasts of architectural and engineering features typical with modern structural masterpieces. Modesty aside, it can compare with the best edifices in New York, London, Paris or Tokyo. It is L-shaped from the air, and rests on a floating foundation, in accordance with modern engineering technology. The whole structure is bolstered by the building’s framework of highgrade structural steel which gives it added assurance of strength. (Continued on page 6)