Ant Ways


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Ant Ways
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
24 THE YOUNG CITIZEN Febnw1·y, l!J,J'l ELEMENTARY SCIENCE SECTION THIS EARTH OF OURS More About the. Behavior of the Earth There arc several factors, some of whi'h are L1nknown, that produce differences in weather. ·One of these is tht earth itself. its movements, ~·hape, and form. and its mountains. valleys, .:nd oceans. The earth has two important movements. It i urns on its axis once every twenty-four hours. This movement causes day and nighr. It is .called rotation. The other movement called f('Volution refers co the earth's travel around the ~un. It takes the earth about three hundred <;ixty-five days ro complete one revolution. The earth as it travels in its pathway through rhc sky does not stay in the same pmition with rrlarion to the sun at all times. At certain times during the year. its position is such that Lhe sun would be directly over its middle. This is true on about the twenty-first of March and twenty-first of September. At this time days .:::nd nights arc of equal length. After March twenty-first. the earth changes iLs position a little each day. The south pole tips f.7'rther and farther away from the sun while the north pole tips toward it. This movement Ant Ways Ants are experts in care of the baby. The ant nurses know exactly how co feed and cake care oi the baby ants in their various stages-as grub or larva. as pupa. and as a real baby ant. When the grub is ready co sleep. the nurses rnver it With earth which serves as a bed. The grub then weaves a silken cocoon around itself. \\'hen the co:oon is finished and the pupa is aln:ady asleep, thr nurses very carefully remove the ccvering of earth. · When the sleeping period is over and the b"by ant is ready to come out. it does not have io bit~ its way out. The nurses know exactly when the pupa should wake up. The attendant W(lrkers are called upon to rip the cocoon on one side and tenderly help the occupants to escape. These little baby ants are pale and weak o.nd their skin is very soft. They are called ca{!ows. While the rnl/ouJs arc hardening their ::;kin. they are fed and cleaned by the nurses. At first only wingless workers are produced. of che earth goes on until the twenty-first of June, when .in opposite movement starts. In J unc the sun seems to be farther north. The days are. in this part of the yea.r, longer than the nights in the northern hemisphere. After September twenty-first. the north pole tips away and che south pole tips toward the (I'leusc turn to prtge 27)