Are Seeds Useful to Men


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Are Seeds Useful to Men
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
February, 19sr THE YOUNG CITIZEN 25 Are Seeds Useful to Men? For lunch last Sunday Rosa had the following: boiled rice, lumpia. chicken scew, corn-onthe-cob, and chocolate ice cream. Some of the ingredients in the lumpia are chicharo. soya bean cake, cabbage, pork. and shrimps. Her dessert was pa(itao with sugar. coconuc. and liflga. Can you make a list of the differenc 0 kinds of seeds in Rosa's meal? Think of the seeds you had for breakfast and other meals. Now, srate one use of seeds to men. Laur winged males and females come. They develop into kings and queens. These have to leave the nests for mating purposes, but chey must do so when the weather is mild and sunny. The workers who guard them decide when they should go out. Once out of the nest. the winged males and f.?males climb up some plant stalks where they can spread and try their wings. Then they fly to great heights and the males and females make love to one another. Shortly after this c11joymcnt of freedom, the males die. The females who are ready to become queens either sl art new colonies or go back to the old nest to ;idd to the population of the old colony. Rosa's father keeps chickens and ·pigwns. The family can thus have fowl meat whenev~r they need some. Their chickens are fed with corn and palay; the pigwns with mongo and rice. Give another use of seeds. How would it feel to take a bath without soap? Oil is an important. material in soapmaking. Name a few seeds from which oil is obtained. -Can 'you name other things in the making of which oil is needed? People who live in the country use plants to relieve pain or heal diseases. Have you seen oldfashioned midwives apply roasted calumbibit on babies' navel? Castor oil is made from the se-.!ds of a plant called in Tagalog taflgan-taflgan. Ask your grandmother about other seeds used as medicine. Have you seen baskets and ornamental curtains made from tigbi seeds? Fanciful necklaces have been made by girls from ipil seeds. Write down the different ways in which seed<; are useful to men.