Study Help


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Study Help
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THE YOUNG CITIZEN Febrnary, 1937 MEMORIZE A POEM A MONTH The Violet ·By Jane Taylor Down in a green and shady bed, A modest violet grew, Ite stalk was bent, it hung its head, As if to hide from view. And yet it was a lovely flower, Its color bright and fair; It might have graced a rosy bower, Instead of hiding there. Y ft thus it was content to bloom, In modest tints anayed; And there diffused a sweet perfume Within the silent shade. Then let me to the valley go This pretty flower to see; That I may also learn to grow In sweet humility. Study Help The big, bright red gumamela flowers seem to call to you as you pass by. You cannot help seeing the attractive yellow bells that lean against walls or cover gates and roofs of cottages. Name ·some more flowers that expose themselves to gazers. Name some flowers that are pretty and sweet but do not attempt to attract people's attention. Read "The Violet" through silently. What picture do you see in your mind after one reading? Read each stanza over again. What does each stanza tell about the violet? Give one word used by the poet that describes the violet. What word in the last stanza names th" character trait that a child can develop if she imitates the violet? Read the poem aloud to your mothe1· 01· to a friend. Read it over and over again, remembering the pictures in orrler and remembering the words that describe them. Now, try to recite the poem from memory. When you come to a place where you cannot go on, look at the part and read. Repeat until you memorized the whole poem. After an hour, recite it. The next day repeat it. Let two day·s pass and recite it again.