The Good Reader's Corner


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The Good Reader's Corner
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE YOUNG CITIZEN Feb1'1tary, 1997 A centavo a day Makes my save-box gay Save one alway GRADE ONE Draw the picture. 1. It is round. It is made of coconut shell. 2. It is small. It is round. Father gave it to me. I put it in my pocket. I can buy a banana with it. It is a --------. GRADE TWO Pablo was reading a book. He learned many words in it. They taught him where he could keep his money. Here are the words he read: 1. save-box 2. pocket 3. handkerchief 4. bank "°Assistant Principal, G. del Pilar Elementary School, Manila, I The~~~~; ~~ 5. wardrobe 6. books Put a check after the short words. Put a cross after the long words. GRADE THREE Mother sent Paz to market. She said, "Paz, here are twenty centavos. Buy some fish and fruit with.them." Paz went to market. She bought fish for ten centavos. She paid five centavos for five big oranges and five centavos for three bananas. Write cheap or dear in the blank: 1. The fish was ' ' .{ 2. The big oranges were ~ c re,,/(! 3. The three bananas were "'--~-GRADE FOUR Pedro and Jose were friends. Pedro was a thrifty boy. Jose was not. Here are some sentences that. tell what each boy did. He gave away his pieces of clean r,aper. February, 1937 THE YOUNG CITIZEN aders' Corner iss Dolores Silos'* ~~= He used his notebooks wisely. He bought a bottle of ink for four centavos. He wanted candies better than books. Copy all the correct sentences under Pedro. Copy all the correct sentences under Jose. GRADE FIVE If you will use sometimes, never and always correctly in the blanks you will have a nice story about a thrifty boy. 1. Juan .flt)•.·"· -saves a peseta each month. 2. b· t Ji '-~;he saves more. 3. He foolishly. spends his money 4. ---- he spends some of it for the things he needs in school. 5. Juan says, "I shall ---, --save money for things I do not need." GRADE SIX Let us see how fa~t you can memorize this acrostic for your opening exercises. S-is for the, "silver" we keep within our door, A-is for some "adding" we should do to have more; V-is for the "valuable" you ani;I must spend our money for, E--is for "extravagance" all should befriend nevermore. GRADE SEVEN 1. Place these words under the correct letters below: energy, self, empire, virginity, eyes, seconds, vow, answer, speech, assignment, vision, ship, virtue, appe·arance, effort, age, enemy, art, silver, vivacity s A v E 2. Read the words in each coluinn. Close your eyes and memorize them. Now, name these things you must save. (Turn to vage 27 for the answc1·s) February, 1.937 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 27 ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS on page 5 II I. suitable 1. huge 2. cheered 2. weary 3. strong 3. appropriate 4. big 4. Mischievous 5. naughty 5. vivid 6. tired 6. response 7. clear 7. sturdy 8. terrible 8. consoled 9. reply 9. pompous 10. splendid 10. tremendous ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS on pages 6 and 7 GRAD,ETWO 1. save-box (x) 2. pocket ( Y') 3. handkerchief ( x) 4. bank (V) 5. wardrobe (x) 6. books (V) 1. cheap 2. cheap 3. dear GRADE THREE GRADE FOUR Pedro He used his notebooks wisely. He bought a bottle of ink for four crntavos. Jose He gave away his pieces of clean panight to find food. Sometimes all it needs to do is to stretch its head end of the hole and eat what it finds within reach. At other times it has to leave its hole to seek food. The earthworm eats leaves both fresh and partly decayed. For meat. ic eats broken parts of insects. There are many interesting things about the earthworm. It caii. crawl backward as well as forward. It is earless, eyeless, and footless, but it can do many wonderful feats. More About the Behavior of the Earth (Continued from 24) sun. The southern hemisphere in turn will have longer days than nights. The Philippines is not far from the equator. Ht.'nce we are near the sun throughout the year i'nd weather is warm all through the year. On which side of the equator is our country loca~ed? Oceans and high mountains influence the weather of a place. Water absorbs heat from the sun and stores it up. In the cold season when the land should be very cold the near-by sea gives off the heat it has stored up and makes the land warmer than it would be if it were far from the sea. In the hot season, the air over the land is cooled by the air from the sea. Thus lhe land near the sea does not become extremely cold or unbearably hot. Mountains affect cli,mate 'by cutting off coo}: iQg winds from large areas. Thi·._:Wind from the sea contains moisture. When it' bldws ,toward the interior, it strikes against the ~Oun­ t.ains and the moisture falls as rain. When C·he wind reaches the place beyond the mountains, it ic; already dry. Because of such conditions, desi:rts exist beyond high mountains. Baguio which is located among high moun, tains is much cooler than Manila. It is because the air grows thinner as we go upward from sea level. Air holds heat. The thinner the air. tbe less heat it holds. Hence the differ.ence be..! lween the climate on the top of the mountain and that on the valley only a few miles away. -------------·----per. He wanted candies better than books. GRADE FIVE I. always 4. sometimes 2. sometimes 5. never. never 3. never GRADE SEVEN s A v E self answer virginity energy seconds assignment vow eyes speech appearance vision effort ship age virtue enemy silver art vivacity empire