Among the Scouts - Senior Scouting


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Among the Scouts - Senior Scouting
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
.120 THE YOUNG CITIZEN Mau, 1996 A ~· AMONG THE BOY SCOUTSSEN IQR SCOUTING By l-loracio Ochangco • SENIOR SCOUTS A First Class Scout (or a First Class Achievement Scout) at the age of 15 years or over may enter Rover Scouting as a Senior Scout apprentice Rover Scout by joining the Senior Patrol or Senior Circle of his Troop or Group. MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS (I) First Class Scout or First Class Achievement Scout or in special cases and when recommended by rhe Scoutmaster, older Scouts or Scouts large for their age or Scouts with three or more years of tenure may be accepted on probation as a Senior Scouts pending their attainment of the First Class Rank. (2) The leader of the Senior Scout unit shall ascertain whether the candidate for membership is try ing to put into practice in his daily life the ideals and principles of the Scout Oath and Law and "Good Turn" and the Motto-."Be prepared" (such testimony shall not be secured by the candidate himself) and the Candidate for Senior Scout shall formally indicate to the leader his readiness and desire to carry on this effort. (3) The candidate for Senior Scout membership shall undergo a 60-day period of probation and training in prepara~ion for his acceptance and .formal admission as a full member. SENIOR SCOUT PROGRESS Following admission to full membership there arc two Progress degrees attainable before the Senior Scout eligible to prepare to graduate into the Rov<'t Scouts at 18 years, the degrees are as follows: I. Preliminary Senior Degree. 2. First Rank Senior Degree. 3. Admission to Candidacy for Graduation into Rover Unit. ROVER SCOUTS Upon reaching the age of 18, a young man m:iy seek admission into a Rov~r Circle as a Rover Scout. MEMBERSHIP To join a Rover Circle the candidate shall: (I) Affirm his desire to do his best to put into practice in his daily life the ideals and principles of th~ Scout Oath and Law and "Good Turn" and •Manager, Publicity Depai-tmcnt, Boy Scout, Manila. Motto-"Be Pr~pared". (If the candidate has not been a Scout this requirement .will involve a fuller contact with those basic items. (2) Shall have passed his 18th birthday or its equivalent in intellectual advancement and and promise of leadership--in all cases however he shall have passed 17. (3) He shall present to the Circle, not at an open meeting. his conception of the principles, aims and methods of the Scout Movement and indicating why he desires to join it. This may be either as a speech or may be read from manuscript if preferred. ( 4) Continu.mce or development of an acceptable prqgram of service upon between himself and the Rovermaster. This shall admit him to membership as a Squire and to participation in the unit activities. INVESTITURE AS A ROVER (I ) This shall be after such satisfactory period of probation as a Rover Squire-as may be agreed. upon between the Squire and the Rovermaster but shall in no case be less than three months. This period is to enable ·the Squire to orient himself and think · and talk through the applications of the Scout ideals to young manhood and adult life. ( 2) Prior to investiture. the Squire shall carry through his Vigil and counsel with his Rovermaster. ( 3) Before investiture, the Squire shalI present to his Rovermaster and fellow Rovers an ele~entarv study of the social needs of his community as th.e basis of his own Quest for a zone ~here he should serve. ( 4) He shall cieve:iop a prospective program for himself as a Rover, suited to his own time limitations and in consultation with his Rovermaster bring this t~ point of acceptance. This shall include: ( l). A plan for his own Health and Recreation and that of others. (2) A plan for his own ed1:1cationaI broadening. (3) A plan for dealing wi&h his own vocatio:ial outlook and responsibiliities. (4) His own service within the Scour Movement. ;ind also through some other of the agencies of th~ community as well. ( 5) Suggested ways other than those for exercising good citizenship and establishing active contact with the political machinery of his community. (To be continued)