Jackie Cooper in Tough Guy


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Jackie Cooper in Tough Guy
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
126 JACKIE COOPER in "TOUGl-l GUY" You remember Jackie .co.~p-;>r, don't you ? He was m Our Gang," "The Champ . .'. "Peck's Bad Boy," and other popular pictures. This boy is about twelve years old, yet he earns more money than many older players in Holl ywood. His latest picture is .. Tough Guy." In this pictur~. Jackie is th<! son of a millionaire who arrives home from a boys' school in Eur· cpz. He brings home with him his Co~ Duke. whom he loves very m~ch. His father did not under· .stand the boy's love for the dog ;;.nd wishes to send it away . So th~ boy ran away with the dog. Jackie and his dog stow away ir; a truck. Th2 truck is drivep by a gangster. Joseph Calleia. When the gangster steals an armored car. the boy secs th2 robbery . The gangster discovered the boy; and fearing that he might t!?ll the police about rhe robbery, he takes the boy with him. The boy was Io::ked in an atti.c while the other companions of Calleia fight over the division of th:: THE YOUNG CITIZEN 1 lfo-y, 1936 MOVIE PAGE .fffd.,ic Cooper de11wr1sfl"atcs how /tis fricncl, Rin-Tin-Tin .Junior gels 1C!Uly jor work before 1t cnmcra. Both UJJpear in tli e picture "Tongh Guy." stolen goods. Th:? dog tries to help the boy escape, b~t Calleia saw them both and shoots to frighten the boy. The shot hie the dog. The gangster put the boy and the hurt dog in his car and goes to the mountains. But first, the b:iy begged thai a veterinarian cure thl dog. Later. the gangster. the boy and the dog transfer from one stolen car to another until they get to the mountains. In the woods, th.:: three become great friends and everything was going on well. but the other gangsters came to capture th;! bey. The go\•ernment men who had followed the three came in time t') arrest Calleia. They thought he had hidden the boy. But C:alleia pleaded for help in getting back th.: boy. He was refused. So he prztcndcd co be sick and when he W 3S put in an ambulance, he escape:-. The dog followed. In the end. Calleia rescues thz boy and gets shot. When he WJ.S dying, he asks the boy's father to be · good to the boy and the dog. Herc is lo11 dy Mcwrr.r.n O'S11lliv11n with five J•Uppie.o; born ctt t-hc Metro-Goldwyn Studios d11-rittg the filminf/ of a picture. Wlifolt p11ppy do yoll like llcst? You can see this thrilling pictnn~ ;.t the Ideal Theatre. The actior.. fine acting and good story in the;