

Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

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Ma'iJ, 1936 THE YOUNG CITIZEN I 31 NEWSETTES house when the fire started. Thc1r parents had gone away. so the littll;' rirls were f a.:ed with the necessity of saving whatever they could. T11c litLlc girls rose bravely to the occa · sion. They bundled their clothes ·and those of their parents. they i;Jthen•d their few prop~·rries togl'· thcr. and they took these to a place which the fire could not reach. For· runatcly. rhe fir~ was stopped ·b..:· fore it could burn tht>ir house. so 1 he girls had to carry b.1ck their be longings. Successful Rally BJcolod became a scepe of a spectacular Boy Scout affair last March 7 and 8. Originally planned by the IJte Mr. E. Schaffner. former Divi· sion Superintrndcnr Jnd Field Scout Commissioner. Mr. Williams. the !'luccessor to the post. carried it our successfully. Forty-two out of the fifty-tw•.J troops in this province participat rd in what is considerl'd the bi~ggcsi number of troops ever gathered to· gcthcr in the most successful ully ever held in this province. T..-11 troops could not particip<i~e for lilck of funds. The rally opened with Jn imposing parade in the streets of Bacolod. featuring troops and officer:.. ,oJors and music. yet before a vast audienCe of 700 people or more. they gave a splendid demonstration. · As an opening troop-entries of the Jamboree, the troops paraded ;.IOund the town at 2 o'clock in thi aftl'rnoon. Immediately after the parade a passing review and inspect ion of the troops followed. Mr. Hipolito · Tamesis. Field Scout Commissioner. made the oprning 1-""Cremony. Thi! winners of the Gf.ner.11 ChampiOnship in the Jamboree ~re as follows: 1st place. Troop 81. P.1ombong Catholic School: 2nd place, Troop '141, Annunciata Academy; third place, Troop 91,. Bocaue Central School. Prizes in the form of medals. bars and other Scout prizes w-ere giVl'n to troops as w~ll as ihdividu.11 winners. During the first day of the af· The success of the ~amboree W·lS fair. Mr. Williams suggested th'at . the result of the undivided a.ttenFor three marks and a half. m about P2.RO, people can talk and sec each other through the telephone lor three minutes between Berl~n ;ond Leipzig. A commercial telephone with television bas just been opened in th~t place. Leipzig and Bulin arc aboiit 110 miles apart. l"ut the light and sound waves tr.i\"CI mo~e thJn 110 miles because the cables go quite roundabout between the two places at J total distance ot 186 miles. one minute of meditation be dedi· cJted in memory of the· death of Mr. Schaffner on December· i, 1935. and which. by coincidence, happened to be exactly three months ago on the date of the Rally. Th.: suggestion was tJken. and at 11 :00 A. !'vi. Saturday, March 7. th< cwnts were stopped. the B~y Scout.'i 5-tood at attention when the tap call was given. le wa·s .1 very solemn Juccasion. This gave every Scout a chance to dedicate a solemn thought to ~he deparred Boy Scout leader. BULACAN JAMBOREE A REAL SUCCESS For the first time in sc~uc hisrory, a provincial Jamboree W<\~ held at Boc.aue, Bulacan, March 29. I 9J6. Sever.ii Troops of Bulacan a,; well as neighboring provinc~s joined in the Jamboree. Though ·some of the Troops that competed arc fresh-green. like rhose of Troop 141. Annunciata Academy, and Troop CJ I. Bocaue Central School. tion of thl' Scoutmasters. Scouter'>. • ·md the able leadership of Commissioner Hipolito Tamesis. In San Fernando. 0 Pampanga. a big fire destroyed 27 homes and burned four people. The four arc n'ported seriously ill. Thirty families were left homeless because of this fire. Many little stories were ·told ,1bout the fin.'. Perhaps the most inh•rcscing of these is the story of two I it tie girls who were alone in thl·ir Col..Lindbcrgh. the famous flier . h;:s rcnred Long Barn. four cottJgcs wi1h a barn·built. into one of them, ar Weald. in Kent, England. Great meadows thJt surround the cotcag(s make a fine landing field for planes. The house is said co be haunted hy the ghost of William Caxton. lhe first printer in England, who may ha\'e been born chere abouc 514 y~ars ago. ·an moonlight nights. the printer .is said to return rhen· and sets up his hand press. SAMPAGUITA By Lulu de la Paz I love the gumamelas red, The ~'ellow bells and roses pink. I love the calachuchis sweet Aclelfas tall, Champakas bright. Still when'er I have all these The1·e·s one. flow'r that I often missThe Sampaguita-pale and white~ Much sweeter than all the flowers b1·ight.