

Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Ma11, 19.16 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 125 CHARACTER BUILDING SIMPLICITY Fernando Maria Guerrero is rightly called "th;? poet of the revolution." Most of his verses were written during the revolution. They were dictated while guns were roaring. They were recited on the countrysides an.d in the battlefields. The Filipino soldiers who fought in the trenches knew his poems by heart. With the help of his beautiful words. they felt strong enough to face the powerful guns of their enemies. . At heart, this great poet was a very simple man His simplicity was shown in· his manners and hi'i habits. He always dressed in white. His hats w..?re either felt or straw. His neck ties were of the quiet~ est colors. He never wore red neck ties. Som:!· times he wore violets on the· lapel of his coat. Hz liked brown shoes because they looked like the earth. The cigarettes and cigars that he smoked were Philippine products. He drank very Jittle wine. He was a very shy man. Whenever young men visited his daughters. he ran upstairs and quietly stayed there until these visitors had gone. And yet. when h~ had a just cause, he did not hesitate to fight. His work in the battlefield was to print encouragini verses and articles about his country. He worked like an ant who was not frightened by the noisl! and the fire. To him is given the honor of seeking more freedom for the p~ess. He believed th<it the pen is as mighty as the sword in getting recognition.for his country. Sampaguita Words from OUR SCHOOLS Music by ANTONIO MUFIOZ Tanjag, Negros Oriental i@jJ 1 Id g !, j d I 3. I ~ 1 I ~ 1~ Id d I 3:] JJ I The fair ones }o our Vir_.:._9in, Wilh m .. _ their hom-a~e. fay-- Ajlj:1 1 a1~91~ ~1tn2 1 1 -round the neck of beau- ty 1 throw 8 charm d; -vine.. Of 1@ J ~ 1 J: 1 J 1 1 a a .1 i ' f 1 , J ~ 1 atti , )' 1n -no-cenc.e. Un-spoiled .Whal luck IS m;ne. l