Strange Facts


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Strange Facts
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
May, 1936 THE YOUNG CITIZEN STRANGE FACTS 129 A boat painted red will travel foster than a boat painted blue or white. The reason is that-barIn ancient Egypt a brother anJ sister mJrriage Was said to be an ideal one. An elephanc talks through its. nacles fasten themselves to the hull of boats. And boats that have In England. there are many canals and inland waterways. And on these canals and waterways. about 10.000 boats are registered. as dwellings. 40,000 persons live in these boats. The war in Ethiopia has had many strange effects on- trade. All rhinoceros in the London market ;:re now immediately shipped to China. There they are ground into powder. Then they are made into ipagir potions that will assure courage and brav~ry. From China. the powders are sent to Ethiopia and sold to the soldiers of Haile Selassie. In the Civil War of the United States. more Union soldiers died from disease than were act~alh killed in the battle. Camphor balls are not made our of camphor. They are made cf napthalcne. 13.Jt> a .. c noc blind. Most of us believe that they are blind. Bats possess very good eyes which 1r-? hid~~m U!l.dcr the fur on the face. Eskimos were free from disease before visits by white men. and in ord"r before they leave for duty. Baby contests are. held to stimulate interest and encourage better care of babies. There .can be no ~reater pride for a mother than to have her baby acclaimed as the most h<althy. Let us not (orget co pay a. visit ~o any hospical or hospitals on this pa·rricular day. We can be sure of Peing received with hospitality in all hospitals. for there. even sti'angcrs are always welcomed. nose. Ice cream is not cooling. In fact. ic makes you warmer. Ice cream contains starch and sugar. These toods arc classed as fuel foods which produce body heat. . Among the frogs--the he frogs make all the noise-while the she frogs remain mute. . Enrico Caruso, the late opera ·singer, will long be remembered in Italy. In a tiny chapel. there stands a candle sixteen feet high. which iR burned once a year in his memorv. That candle will last eighteen cenruries. Flauberc, noted. Fren(\h noveli<>t. wrote poetry when he was young with a human skull on his desk for inspiration. Georges Clemenceau. the latl' French statesman, often wo~e slippl'rs and gloves when he went to bed. Alexander.Dumas. who has written 298 books . .finished "The Thfcc Musketeers" in the middle of a page. He drew :i line underneath the end of the no\'::I. then he started "The Count of lvfontc Cristo" ·an the same page. AN ANGEL OF GOD (Confinued from page 107) h 1923 the Fontgallands made a pilgrirr:age. co Lourdes. There, his Hca.venly Mamma spoke co Guy: "My dear little Guy, I will •oon CO'.Tie co take you. I will come ro seek you on a Saturday in the ~rms of your mamma and will bear you str:iight to heaven." Again, the boy said. "Yes. yes." All these came to pass. Guy died of diotheria on a Saturday in the year 1925 .. It was only when he was about to die that His mother knew of his secret. His last words plenty of barnacles can not travel easily. Now, barnacles have no love for the color red. So that if J boat is painted red, barnacles will r.ot fasten themselves to it. Henc'!', a boat pain red "red can travel faster. Like hens, turtles dort'c have teeth. They have horny beaks which usually have $harp cutting edges. The tOrtoises have most of their bones on the outside like shell-· fish. Some fish also have beaks instead of teeth. Nowadays we know a good d·.?Jl .1bout bird .migrations. Bird-band. ing and oth:!r methods of identifi-. cation have helped our knowledge Hack in 1703 an English writer seriously suggested that British birdi; flew away for the Winter to the rT1oon! On the roof of the New York "Journal"' building in Manhattan 7 6 carrier pig :ons live. They bring pictures of in·oming celebrities from !hips at Quarantine 14 miles dqwn rhc Bay. Time averages 12 minutes --·-against two hours for the newspapers that wait until the ship docks. An aluminum capsule on the carrier's leg takes .two ounces of film negltivcs oc "copy" to be set. THE ADVENTURES OF (Contin11e.d from page 11.9) by Mr. Del Valle. Thz nzxt day Mr. Del Valle took Tonio and his Lalo to the City. The eye speci1list they consulted declared that an operation might brin~ 0 back the old man's sight. (To Be Continued) were: "Jesus I love You Mamma!" Madame de Fontgalland knew that che last word was not for her but for his Heave11ly Mammo.