Studying A Living Fish


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Studying A Living Fish
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
122 THE YOUNG CITIZEN Mn:J, 19J6 • Aunt Julia's True Stories Tl-IE LILY On many pictures of saints you find the white lily. The lily has been used as a symbol of purity. Po-::':':!: have been wrinm about it from earliest time.i. How many kinds of lilies do you know? How do ch~y differ? The lily is easily grown. le grows best in cool places with wet soil. It grows from an underground stem. 1-Iow do the leaves of the lily differ from tho::: of th: kamantigui? How are they like the lcavl!s of the canna in shape~ How do the veins run? The flowers are not only beautiful but have a delicately sweet odor. They arc very much used at processions and weddings and in churches on Eastir Sunday. MORE COMMON l-IERB FLOWERS The Touch-me-not The touch-m~-not is a small herb usually about two feet in height. Because it does not require much care and b~ars .u tractive flowers, it is found in mO!>t;. The Tagalog name is ""kamantigui. ·· Then:' are many varieties of kamantigui. The flow· c:·s differ only in color~ Some are pure white. som•: 1. helld; 2. scales: J. do1·sal fin; .t eriudal fin; 5. mouth; 6. eyes,· 7. gills; 8. ppclcmil fin; 9. 11tn'ral; 10. aM.l fi-n,. STUDYING A LIVING FISl-I You have studied the most" common food fishes in the Philippines. You have read something about their flesh and how they are prepared for food. Let us now study how the fish lives. Note how it moves. how it breathes, how it eats. Watch a fish in a glass container. The body of the fish is shaped in such a way that it can ·move swiftly through the water. What de you do with your arms and legs in swimming; Now watch the fish. It uses the pectoral fins, which are 'paired, as you use your arms. The ventral fins do the work of your legs. Watch how the fish turns. Which fin helps it in turning? By observing the fish closely. yoU will be able to tell the use of each fin. Look at each fin. It is composed of the hard pointed parts called spines and the soft fan-like parts called rays. · Try to catch a fish. Is it easy to catch one? Because the body is slimy, the fish can slip out ot your hand easily. A fish docs not breathe through the nose as you do. On each side of the head is a hard covering. Under it you will find feathery things called gills. As the fish moves its mouth. water enters it and passes over the gills and out of the. opening. The fish gers its air from this current of water. WhJt docs the milkfish c·t~ Other fishes do not cat water plants. Thev feed upon the eggs .md young of other small fish. Some fishes have small teeth while others have big and sharp ones that work like a saw. pure pink or red. others white with pink spars. Th~ pecals arc not arranged like those of ordinary flowers. The divisions of the petals arc irregular. Look at a kamantigui flower. Compare it with a sampaguita. How do they differ in petal arrangement? The fruit is a small oval-shaped pod filled with linle seeds. When ripe. the pod bursts open at the slighcest touch. The little scl·ds Jre scattered in all directions and soon grow into plants.