The Sky and The Stars


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The Sky and The Stars
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
114 THE YOUNG CITIZEN iWrt!f, J.YJli The Sky and The Stars How Heavenly Bodies Are Observed Abovr.-Tl1 e JM-inch telescope hciiscd in this Mount Wiltion Observa f(WJI, near I'asa<lcmt, Calif., has incn.~ascd man's Jmrnvlcdgc of ustronom.y. The new JOO-inch telescope will also scan the skies i71. tl1c clca.1· Ca.fifo1-,1ia afr. You have read a great deal about the sun and moon, the stars, and the planets. You will perhaps wonder why so much. is known about the heavenly bodie~. In our stories about the stars, you learned how the ancient people regarded .the stars They told many fanciful stories about the constellations. But even among the ancient people there were some wise men who made a real study of the skies. From the word "astron" meaning a star, cam·e the word astronomy or the science of the stars. Those who practiced this science were called astronomers. The early astronomers used only their eyes in their observation. At present, as·· tronomers use powerful instruments called telescopes. Through the telescopes, the heavenly bodies can be seen as if they were much nearer. The first telescope was invented three hundred years ago by the great astronomer Galileo. It was very small and crude but it was of great help to the early astronomers. At present the largest telescope is one hundred inches in diameter. It is located at the Mount Wilson Observatory in Pasadena, California. It is so powerful that it seems to bring the heavenly bodies close to the observer. When nearest the earth, the moon is about two hundred twenty thousand miles away. Looking at it through this telescope, it seems to be only sixty miles away. This huge telescope is housed in a large building of concrete al)d steel. On top of it is a great revolving dome. The telescope and dome are moved by electricity. The machinery that operates it has delicate instruments which work as accurately as a fine watch. With the use of powerful telescopes, the sky can be studied as if it were a book. lHE HOSPITAL Have you ever thought of the hospital As a strange and friendly land, Where nurses are the fairy bright Who work with magic wands? One waves a thermometer, And right away she finds The secrets hiding far from sight, Within our hearts and minds. The doctors are the wizards Whose kindly ministration, Can chase away whatever imps Have us in their possession. Have you eve;. thought of the hospital As a simple fairyland Whose labyrinths so clean and white Lead to Health and Happy Land?