Vacation and School


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Vacation and School
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
I H THI' YOUNG CIT IZP.N The Message This Month Vacation And School The two months, April and May, are the months of vacation. As I write this morning, I see from my window several children playing on the side of a small hill. I can hear them .laughing as they fly back and forth on the swings. They are very happy. They are enjoying their vacation. Almost all school children· are having their vacation. Vacation is good because it gives us the chance to play as much as we want to. It gives us time to work a little and help our pa1·ent8. During vacation, it is possible to earn a little money to help us go through school. But vacation does not last the whole year. Soon our schools will open and all of us will be going to school. What did we do during tl1e months of vacation? Has om: vacation made us ready to do om· school work beginning next June? Has it made us physically strong? Has it made us more ready to study om· lessons and more eager to learn and to study? Our vacation should do these things for us. It should prepare us for another school year. Nex month, June, schools will be opened. Let us be ready to go back to schools and be happy because of our opportunity to gain an education. During vacation days let us play and be merry; but during school days let us study as diligently as we can. / l. PANLASIGUJ - --- - , ... _-:___ ' - .... -- .. = .\}11 1 1, }~.Iii