

Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

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i86 i'HE YOUNG CiTIZEN October, 1931 HEAL TH SECTION ANTONIO i The Health Crusaders By B. HILL CANOVA When Antonio has been digging in his garden fer an hour. or has played a hard game of sipa or ,·olleyball he likes a refreshing drink from the milk of the young co::onut. He. is so strong aitd hralthy that he thinks nothirig of climbing right up after his own S9'onut wh~,~ever he feels thirs· er. He says,if·~IJJ; is stron·g enough to climb they need neVer go i:hirsty or htingry in Negros where the coconuts .grow plentifully. "When you dimb up after a coconut yourself you feel like really enjOying it," Antonio told some of his friends o ne da{ · ~ What i.S Antonio doing? What kind o'~'<Jrink_ does:-he .get from the co· ccnut? ' . ' · ~ Only a' healthy boy is strong enough to climb a tree. Qse rhe und~tlined expression in telling what you C 'an. .do .. By TOMAS TRINIDAD * (A play presmred by the fifth grade children of the San Andres Elementary School, MQnila, during the cel<bration of Child Health Day, Sept. 7. / 9Jl) CHARACTERS Health Fairy Cleanliness Exercise Rest Boy T.B. Germ Typhoid Germ Dysentery Germ Cold Germ Cholera Germ Vegetables (As the play opens, the Boy is at the center of the stage wondering where he is. Behind the scene a h(!a/th song is being sung by a group o f p«pils.) Boy: Where am I ? Such lovely scenes! F~esh air! Tempting fruit ! This must be paradise. Health Fairy: (talking behind scene walking to the center of the stage) No, no, my dear Boy. This is not Eve's paradise. This· is healthland. Boy: (starting upon hearing the voice) Who. who is that? 0-0-0-0-a beautiful lady. Goodtij:ss me. she might be a witch! Health F.1iry: Do not be frightened. Boy: Whd are ·you ? Health Fairy: I :am the Health Fairy, queen of Heai~hland. I welcome you t() my domain. Make ·yourself a~ ho{Jle. (Buziing sound arid meows are hea.rd behind scenes)' Bey: What is that? Health Fairy: Those are our enemies. They are Cholera. Tuberculosis Typhoid;. Dysentery. and Cold. Every year they kill thousands of Filipinos. BOy: Good gtadous ! I am "afraid of them. They m-ight get me. Health Fairy: Surely, if you will be careless of your he.a1th. In a moment, they can kill you. too. But come with us and join the Jight against them. (She taps the floor with her • San Andres Elementary School, Manila.