Learning New Expressions


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Learning New Expressions
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
274 THE YOUNG CITIZEN October, !937 Learning New Expressions I. On the left-hand column you will find expressions which are italicized. From the words on the right-hand column select the word that has the same er nearly the same meaning as the word in italics. 1. Perished in the fire 2. The people were filled with horror 3. Killed the dreadful monster 4. Interrupt his reading 5. Cross the street cautiously 6. Caught the scent of a human being - 7. Affectionate daughter 8. K n o w n f o r h i s strength and valor 9. Heed their parents' advice 10. Very fond of jests bravery listen to jokes died frightened loving disturb carefully terrible smelled By Mrs. PAZ J. EUGENIO* 6. What phrase showed that the giant smelled a human being? 7. What kind of daughter is loved by most parents? 8. What is Bonifacio known for? III. Can you fill the blanks in.the following sentences with the expression& you used in number II? See if you can. Think before you answer. 1. I love my mother for she is very 2. There was a --- earthquake in August. 3. During the frightful earthquake people were ---. 4. Many lives --- in the flood last year. 5. The hounds --- of a deer. · 6. Do not --- your father's conversation with the guest. 7. The children crossed the busy streets ---. II. Try to answer the following ques- 8. Always ___ the teacher's countions by using the right expressions sel. from the left-hand column in number I. 9. Charlemagne was known for his --- and love of learning. 1. What happened to the mother and child? 2. How did the people feel during the earthquake? 3. In the story of "St. George and the Dragon" what did the hero do? 4. What is not proper to do when somebody is reading? 5. To avoid accidents what is the right thing to do? ,;. Teacher, Tayabas Elementary School, Manila. 10. People who are fond of --are often liked. IV. Now get your "Vocabulary Notebook" and jot down the new expressions you have learned today. Next time when your teacher asks you to tell a short story or write a theme you may try to use some of them. It would be wise also and profitable to use those expressions once in a while when conversing with your classmates ana friends. (Please turn f.o page 288) l88 THE YOUNG CITIZEN October, 19J":' ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS ON PAGES 272-273 GRADE ONE GRADE TWO GRADE SIX ~ three coffee tea three cocoa me GRADE THREE Go to bed eariy Go to bed late Go to bed early Go to bed late Go to bed early Go to bed late Go to bed early Go to bed late GRADE FOUR banana mango pineapple water-melon GRADE FIVE Eyes eyes see lands exercises water wholesome life thoughts happy GRADE SEVEN Cover your face when you cough or sneeze. Keep them out of your mouth. Eat food that is good for you. Play in the fresh air every day. KEY TO ANSWERS (Continued from page 274) I. 1. died 6. smelled 2. frightened 3. terrible 4. disturb 5. carefully . 7. loving 8. bravery 8. listen to 10. jokes IL 1. They perished in the fire. III. 2. They were filled with horror. 3. George killed the dreadful dragon. 4. It is not proper to interrupt him. 5. We should cross the streets cautiously. 6. Caught the scent. 7. An affectionate daughter. 8. He was known for his strength and valor. 1. affectionate 6. interrupt 2. dreadful 7. cautiously 3. filled with horror 8. heed 4. perished 9. valor 5. caught the scent 10. jests