Loyalty to Your Teachers


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Loyalty to Your Teachers
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
278 THE YOUNG CJ fIZEN October, UJ.17 Loyalty to Your Teachers By MAXIMINIANO A. VELASQUEZ * Loyalty, according to the dictionary, in his subjects or when he fails to get means fidelity, faithfulness, constancy, special privileges, he is not loyal. A devotion. Loyalty should be one of the pupil cannot rate properly his own watchwords of every good boy and girl. worth. He may think that he is worth Whether at home, at school, or on the more, but his teachers who are in a betplayground, loyalty should be practised. ter position to judge him may think Loyalty is. a necessary virtue which otherwise. If a pupil thinks that he is ev(iry good pupil should possess. A pu- being misjudged, he should not stop pi! may be honest, obedient, industrious, working hard; he ··should not get disbrig~t and full of ambition, but he can- couraged and sulk: .. · H~ should keep o;n not be considered an excellent pupil un- . wo~king hard just. the same and very less he is loyal to his teachers and to the soon his teachers will find out that he rules of his school. . Loyalty should not is really worth more. be construed to mean bowing down like A loyal pupil is one who studies his a lowly servant to a haughty master. lessons willingly ·and accomplishes liis A pupil can be loyal without being ser- tasks whole-heartedly even without bevile. Loy a 1 t y means, among other "ing watched or supervised by his teachthings, giving due respect and honor to ers. A loyal pupil never seeks special everybody to whom respect and honor and unreasonable privileges from his are due. teachers. Loyalty cannot be seen, but If a pupil talks ill of his teachers and it can be felt. Your teachers can easily school when he fails to get high grades tell by your actions, speech, attitude, spirit, and by the quality of your work "' Principal, Siasi Central School, Sulu. whether you are a loyal pupil or not.