The Health Crusaders


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The Health Crusaders
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
i86 i'HE YOUNG CiTIZEN October, 1931 HEAL TH SECTION ANTONIO i The Health Crusaders By B. HILL CANOVA When Antonio has been digging in his garden fer an hour. or has played a hard game of sipa or ,·olleyball he likes a refreshing drink from the milk of the young co::onut. He. is so strong aitd hralthy that he thinks nothirig of climbing right up after his own S9'onut wh~,~ever he feels thirs· er. He says,if·~IJJ; is stron·g enough to climb they need neVer go i:hirsty or htingry in Negros where the coconuts .grow plentifully. "When you dimb up after a coconut yourself you feel like really enjOying it," Antonio told some of his friends o ne da{ · ~ What i.S Antonio doing? What kind o'~'<Jrink_ does:-he .get from the co· ccnut? ' . ' · ~ Only a' healthy boy is strong enough to climb a tree. Qse rhe und~tlined expression in telling what you C 'an. .do .. By TOMAS TRINIDAD * (A play presmred by the fifth grade children of the San Andres Elementary School, MQnila, during the cel<bration of Child Health Day, Sept. 7. / 9Jl) CHARACTERS Health Fairy Cleanliness Exercise Rest Boy T.B. Germ Typhoid Germ Dysentery Germ Cold Germ Cholera Germ Vegetables (As the play opens, the Boy is at the center of the stage wondering where he is. Behind the scene a h(!a/th song is being sung by a group o f p«pils.) Boy: Where am I ? Such lovely scenes! F~esh air! Tempting fruit ! This must be paradise. Health Fairy: (talking behind scene walking to the center of the stage) No, no, my dear Boy. This is not Eve's paradise. This· is healthland. Boy: (starting upon hearing the voice) Who. who is that? 0-0-0-0-a beautiful lady. Goodtij:ss me. she might be a witch! Health F.1iry: Do not be frightened. Boy: Whd are ·you ? Health Fairy: I :am the Health Fairy, queen of Heai~hland. I welcome you t() my domain. Make ·yourself a~ ho{Jle. (Buziing sound arid meows are hea.rd behind scenes)' Bey: What is that? Health Fairy: Those are our enemies. They are Cholera. Tuberculosis Typhoid;. Dysentery. and Cold. Every year they kill thousands of Filipinos. BOy: Good gtadous ! I am "afraid of them. They m-ight get me. Health Fairy: Surely, if you will be careless of your he.a1th. In a moment, they can kill you. too. But come with us and join the Jight against them. (She taps the floor with her • San Andres Elementary School, Manila. October, 1.9J1 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 287 wand and her soldiers, Cleanliness, Vegetables, Rest, Exercise, and Fresh Air, enter) Boy: (looking up to the Health Fairy) Who are they? Hral~h Fairy: They will introduce themselves to you. Cleanliness: I am Cl~anliness. The best way to keep those germ enemies of health away is by keeping clean. Everyone should be clean in body and clean in mind. If we keep clean no germs may harm us. Boy: And who are you? Exetcise: I? I'm Exercise. Exercises makes the blood strong enough to fight the germs. keep people alert. When one does not exercise at all he grows very fat but very soft likt> cotton. He becomes slow and lazy. Boy: Good! I'm glad to hear about that. I'w been drilling snappily. But why is Rest with you? Rest: All work and no play makes you dull. All exercise and no rest makes you stupid, sleepy, thin, and lazy. Most children do not rest at all. Consequently they get thin. Without rest your body has no time to build up more muscles and tissues to make you grow an1 to keep you strong. Health Fairy: Do you rest at noon. my Boy? Boy: Surely, Health Fairy. I do. After playing I feel better when I rest. ff\I Jail to do so I am sleepy in the afternoon. Who are those other two? Fresh Air: My name is Fresh Air. I keep· the lungs strong and give good food to the blood to carry about. In crowded places they do not have me, that is why many easjly fall victim to Tuberculosis. Boy: But air is present everywhere. Fresh Air: It is so, but if you cl6se your windows especially at night, I can no~ enter. Then you become pale and sickly. Fresh Vegetables: Don't you know me? I'm called Fresh Vegetables. Many children do not know me yet. They do not eat me but I am the best source of vitamins and other substances that keep you bubbling in health. 't supply you with the best nourishment. All children should learn to like vegetables. Ht>alth Fairy: Do you know all of them now~ Bor: Thank you, Health Fairy. for introducing them to me. I am happy to be acquainud with such helpful friends. Health Fairy: Be prepared then tO do baqle to our enemies, the disease germs. · Our motto is 'Health for every Filipino' All Health Friends: "H'ealth for every Filipino!" Boy: To the fight! ·(Exit all) (Please turn to page 293} October, 1937 (the longer hand); then stick it through the center of the x on the ·hour hand (the shorter hand). Now with both hands on the pin, stick it in the center of the clock face. The minute hand will be on top of the hour hand. Place both hands at XII (twelve). With both hands on XII the clock says, "Twelve o'clock." Move the hour hand just slightly passed XII (twelve). and the minute hand to I (one). The clock now says, "Twelve, five." This means five minutes after twelve. Move the hour hand slightly and the minute hand to II (two) . Now the clock says. "Twelve, ten." This means ten minutes after twelve. Sometimes we say ten passed twelve. Move the hour hand slighd y and place the minute hand on III (three). Now the clock says, "Twelve, fifteen," meaning fifteen minutes after twelve. Move the hour hand slightly and the minute hand to IV (four). The clock says. "Twelve. twenty": that is, twenty minutes after twelve. Now move the hour hand slightly and the minute hand to V (five). The clock says, ··Twelve, twenty-five." Move the hour hand half way between XII (twelve) and I (one). and place the minute hand at VI (six). The clock now says, "Twelve, thirty," or "half past twelve." Notice that the minute hand has gone half way around the face of the clock while the hour hand has gone half way between two Roman Numbers. Move the hour hand slightly THE YOUNG CITIZEN and the minute hand to VII (seven). It is now seven, thirty-five o'clock. Move the hour hand slightly and the minute hand to VIII (eight). It is now twelve. forty. Move the hour hand slightly and the minute hand to IX (nine). The clock now says. "Twelve. forty-five." Move the hour hand slightly and the minute hand to X (ten) . The clock now says, "Twelve. fifty." Notice the minute hand is almost all the way around the faa of the clock. How many times have you move it? (Ten times.) Move the hour hand slightiy. almost to I (one), and the minute hand to XI (ele>1en) .. The clock says. "Twelve, fifty-five." Move the hour hand to I (one) and the minute hand to XII (twelve) . Now the clock says, "One o'clock." Notice that the minute hand traveled all the way around the face of the clock while the hour hand traveled only from one Roman Number to another Roman Number. In other words the hour hand mad; one hour and the minute hand made sixty minutes. How many times did you move the m i n u t e hand? (Twelve times.) Count the minutes by five's again. Practice with your picture clock until you can read any clock. Try to be able to read the clock before you receive the next issue of The Young Citizen. If you need help at firs"t take the picture clock to school and perhaps your teacher will help you and your classmates to 293 THE HEALTH (Continued from page 286) (Disease germs led by the Tuberculosis Germ enter creeping about) Tuberculosis: Sh-sh-sh-sh -(beckons to the rest) No one is about. wait for them. (when all are at th.? stage, Tuberculosis addresses them) My men, the Health Fairy is working hard to stamp us out. Last year I killed only about 300,000 Filipinos. This year we must do better. Kili! Kill! All: We must do better! KILL! Cholera: I've my friends al work in Hongkong! Dysentery\'& TyPhoid: Flies are many now. We can spread faster. Cold: Yes, and I am going after the children. This weather just suits me. All of them will sneeze-Katchooooooo ! (Health Fairy and soldiers with Boy enter) H. Fairy: My helpers, let us drive diseases out of our land. We want our Philippines to be the home of A-1 Filipinos so that we will be better able to defend her. Health Helpers: Hurrah, for Al Filipinos! No quarters for Disease Germs. (They rush at the Germs with their swords) Germs: (falling one by one) Help! I a~ dying! Helpers and Health Fairy (one foot on the fallen germs and hands stretched with the sword) Hurrah for health! read the clock. Soinetimes you can save your mother some steps by running in the next room to see what time it is for her.