What, Dencio


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

What, Dencio
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
October, 193i THE YOUNG CITIZEN 295 What! Dencio? ··Pick that up," ordered Domingo. "Once I heard him scolding a boy who was "What! Dencio?" retorted Cirilo. "I will report you to the principal." ·'What do I care, I am not Dencio, · · sneered Cirilo. Clarita, who was passing by heard the argument. She gf:'ntly pickec..i the piece of paper up ;md threw it in the garbage can. She was on ht'l' way to bet room when a group of mischievous children began annoying her. They began calling her Dencia, and Dencio mockingly. The teacher who was looking out of the window admired the calmness Clarita showed in taking in the jokes and insults of her classmates·. He was wonduing why it did not anger her a bit when everybody hated to be called by that name. He fully knew that to call someone by · that name was the easiest way to make enemies in that school. or in any other school in Tonda. Clarita's attitude wa~ 'indeed ·unusual. The teacher called her aside. "The children were mocking you this morning, weren't they?" playing with fire near a nipa house. He was threatening to give the boy to a policeman if he would not stop playing with fire: Wo1:1ld a bad man, sir, think of that?" "I never knew he was as thoughtful as that. Really, fire hazards would be lessen if all the citizens would do their share·. Was· that all why you admire him?'' "A truck load of furniture was being unloaded near our house. It happened that this man, whom everybody seems to hate, was gayly passing by. Someone joking! y invited him to help. Without further coaxing he. was there carrying the heaviest piece of furniture. This he did without expecting anything in return. "'Indeed, if only all the people are as helpful "But, sir, I like him more because he is very cntertammg. Just see him carry the lantern at the head of a band. The way he walksthc manner he sways his arm to the tune of the "Yes, sir. and they did that because I threw . music-the sway of his body when he makes a in the garbage can a piece of pape~ one of them turn are all very amusing. And what is more. rl.'fused to pick up." hear him declaim in the dialect. Even the best "Were you not in anyway hurt when they Tc::galog declaimer has nothing on him. I really called you Dencio and Dencia?" admire this man, sir. It does not matter a bit "Why should I be hurt, sir. Most people may not like that man, but if they know him the way I do perhaps they will be more sensible. There were incidents that made me admire him." whether they call me by that name or not." The teacher was very much amused to hear Clarita speak well of Dencio. He .was so impressed that he brought the matter to the class and taught his pupils a lesson they never forgot. "What, for example." Satisfied with the explanation, the Chief ordered to take the man to the municipal jail. When father and mother came, the Chief of Police told them what had happened. He praised the two boys for their cleverness in outwitting the burglar. (Next month: JOE AT THE MAGIC POOL) HELPS FOR STUDY AND ENJOYMENT Why did Joe stop on the way one afternoon? What lesson did Joe learn from the man whose money was stolen? Did that lesson do Joe any good? How? How did tbe two boys prevent the burglar from entering the house?