Why Should You Read Panorama


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Why Should You Read Panorama
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
F~~(?{~~~~~~.(i""(~if="'.~1 .~~ :~:,<A:~:u~~h:~~dva~::dof ~~:~~~~d:l- ! mg on education, poht1cs, economics, scumce, hte1atu1e, bwg1aphy, humo1, t1ave1, and othe1 subjects of mterest, gleaned hom the woild's leadmg magazmes, books, and 1te\\~pape1s and eondensed fo1 qmck and easy 1eaamg. 1he 011g111als a1e by the g1eatest wr1te1s of Eu1ope. America, and Asia. The materials selected are those that are most likely to be of intm·est to Filipinos. PANORAMA 1s the very thing for those who have no tune to read, and are therefore missing some of the best things in life. One to three minutes will complete the reading of the ave1·age article. PANORAMA is' read by businessmen, professionals, public ollicials, teachers, students, clerks, etc. PANOJLOIA costs only one IJl!SO a year. Every issue is of permanent value. You will read it and reread it, and then keep it as a valuable part of your library for your whole family. ApproYed by the Bureau of Education-A. B. No. 6, s. 1937. Community Publishers, Inc. -I05 P. Faura, Manila