News of the Week
Part of Estudio
- Title
- News of the Week
- Language
- English
- Year
- 1924
- Fulltext
- Agosto LONDON, August 19.-Reports from southeat Africa today state that officials have discovered 50 white m~n and women, held in subjection by t1rn blacks, who exercise complete mastery. The white are believed to be th~ descendents of an old party of pioneers who having become lost in the desert, flung themselves on the merey of the natives. The whites do not have the power to own land and have no privileges of any kind, it is declared. PARIS, August 19.-The cabinet today unanimously approved the work of the premier and the French delegates to the London conference and thanked them for the important results. SANSEBASTIAN, August 19. - Senate President Quezon and Senator Osmeña were royally entertaines in Madrid, Spain. Mrs. Carrion, assisted by the Marques of Guerra personally took charge of the entertainment of the Filipino leaders. At San Sebastian similar courtesies were extended by the Marques of Aranda and the Dulce of Hernani. The distinguished Spanish nobles who had occasion to meet the visitor from the Philippines expressed great admiration for their courtesy and amability. LINCOLN, Neb. August. 18.-Charles W. Bryan, governor of Nebraska, in accepting the nomination for vicepresident on the Democratic ticket, today praised the party platform as broad, strong and progresive enough to satisfy the principie "of equality before the law". .ASUNCION, PARAGUAY, August 16.-Dr. Eligie Ayala was inaugurated president of Paraguay today. WASHINGTON, August 15.-The state department was advised today that General Gregorio Ferrara is enESTUDIO trenched at Sta. Maria, Honduras, with a force of 1,200 armed men anJ that General J ermial Fonseca, another revolutionary is therty miles from Tegucigalpa, with the object of joining General Ferrara. DUBLIN, August 13.-Foreign Minister Fitzgerald today told the Dail Eireann of the Irish Free State that the government has received notification that Prof. Timothy A. Smiddy was acceptable to the United States as the Irish: representative to Washington. MANILA, August 22.-The Philippine Scout soldiers, who were led to revolt against organized government of the United States, yesterday were sentenced to five years imprisonment at hard labor by the court-martial jusged, after two and one half hours deIiberation. 203 of the 208 accused were found guilty. Five roen were acquitted EV ANSTON, ILL., August 19.The national campaign of 1924 was declared by Charles G. Dawes in accepting the republican nomination for vice-president today to be a contest. between "progressive conservatism" and "untried and dangerous radica1ism". f·EKING, August 19.-M. Karakban, Russian ambassador to China, toaay refused to accept the United States conditions relative to they delivery of the Russian legation to him. SHANGHAI, August 21.-Rumors prevalent here tonight regarding possibilities of armed conflict between military forced of the provinces of Kiangsu and Chekiang following action of the Chinese telegraph administration in holding up all commercial messages. 30, 1924 PEKING, August 22.-Nine Pekinr\" and four Shanghai banks have failed in the last two days, the result of spcculation in government bonds. The entire flurry was due to reports of prospective fighting between Chekiang and Kiangsu provinces. Rumors were started apparently by speculators as there are no real signs of troublc. CHICAGO, III. August. 20.-Thomas Marshall, legal expert for the state, argued today that Rechard Loeb and Nathan Leopold co.mmitted two of the three crimes that are punished with death in Illinois, namely, murder, rape and kindnapping. PARIS, August 21.-The violent Ccmmunist demostration to d a y overshadcwed the Dawes plan and the steps taken in London to make it effective when Premier Herriot went before the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate and read a long declaration embodying the government's case. BRUSSELS. August 20.-The ca· binet today approved the findings of the London conference. BERLIN. August 21.-The Reichs·· rat today adopted ali the legislative bilis dealing with the Dawes report. KHARTUM, Aug·ust. 20.-Several British warships have arrived at Port Sudan to aid the troops in mantaining order. Martial law is in effect following further disturbances at Port Sudan. LONDON. August 20.-A dispatch to the "Evening News" today from Allahabad, India, says an earth-quake near Osk, province of Semiryechensk, Russian Turkestan, killed forty-one persons and made homeless 8,000. .t:•••11•11•0 .. t1••1•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•10•11•11•11•11•11•00•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11 11o 11.' 111'11'•1'U'11 1•t' 11••1•11•11•11•11•11•u•1r•11•11•H•11•11 111•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11 111•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•1••11•u•u•11•11•11•11• . A.M. OPISSO ABOGADO 501-502 Filipinas Bldg. Tel. 802 •u•u•u•u•u•u!11•11•u•u•u•u•u•u•u•u•u•u•u•11•11•11•u•u•11111•u•u•u•11•u•11•11•11•11•1t•11•11•11•11•11•11•u•11•u•u• Dr. Miguel de la Concepcion DENTISTA 25 •r. Pinpin Tel. 3532 11•11•11•u•u•u•11•u•u•u•11111•11•11•11•11•u•11•u•11•u•11•u•11•11•11•11•u•u•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11•11:1••11•1t•11•11•11•u•1 .Vol. LV -15- Núm. 87