Let us do somg quick thinking (combined).pdf


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Let Us Do Some Quick Thinking By R. I. Cruz (FOR GRADES V AND VI) DIRECTIONS: Read each set of exercises as care­ fully as you can. You will be given five minutes to read and answer each set. At the end of the time, you will put your pencil down. Get ready to check your answers so you will know how fast you can think. I. Write the correct word in the blank that will make the thought of each selection complete. 1. The wind blew very hard last night. The rain fell heavily. Some big trees were uprooted. Many roof-tops were blown away. There was a ------------- - last night. 2. The Jeaves on the plants do not move at all. The smoke goes up. The flag hangs limp on the flagpole. There is no---------------blowing. 3. Many people began to run out of the apart­ ment house — carrying bundles of clothing and food. Children began to cry. Billows of smoke were seen coming out of the building. At a distance was a fire engine rushing to the scene. The apartment house was on------------. 4. Mr. Reyes got his plane ready. In a few more minutes the airplane was soaring high in the sky like a big bird. Once in a while Mr. Re­ yes would make his plane dive and then go up again. Mr. Reyes was an ---------------. 5. Trees are needed to be planted along the sides of a mountain to prevent erosion. The forest rangers have some young trees taken care of in a place which they call a-------------- . 6. During the Spanish time, we traded with Aca­ pulco, Mexico. This trade was carried on by slow-moving ships called ---------------. 7. Thomas Cavendish was an Englishman. He be­ came famous for robbing ships on the high seas. He was an English ---------------. 8. One morning as the children were going to school, it began to shower. When they looked at the sky, there was a beautiful arch. It had pretty colors. The children saw a --------------in the sky. 9. The bell rang which was a signal for classes to begin. Jose was only half-way to school. As he walked hurriedly, he muttered to him­ self, “I am---------------today. I hope my teach­ er will excuse me.” 10. The river overflowed its banks. There was water all over the land. Many of the houses were under water. There was a ---------. II. Write the word on the blank near each short se­ lection which is not needed in the selection. 1. My aunt got her box where she usually kept the clothes that had been washed. She also £ot a needle, thimble, thread and soap. Then she began to mend the torn clothes.--------------2. Antonio sells newspapers everyday. He gives a part of his earning to his mother and an­ other part to his pet dog. The rest he puts in a coconut shell bank. --------------3. The chauffeur had his automobile filled with gasoline. He had it also filled with oil, water and pebbles. Then he drove away to continue his day’s work. --------------4. Luis got up early to milk their carabao. He carried with him a small, low bench, a pitcher and some water. He washed the udder and FEBRUARY, 1958 PAGE 37 then, the tail. He sat down on the bench to milk the carabao. --------------5. The postman went from house to house deliver­ ing the mail. When he came to Ricardo’s house, he put a letter and a rpilk bottle in the mailbox. --------------III. Think of some words you have rhet in your Social Studies. This exercise will test you on how well you remember them. Write on the line the word. 1. What is a hole in the ground from which hot ashes, bits of rocks; molten lava and steam are blown up? -----------------2. What is the imaginary circle around the earth which almost divides it into two?-----------------3. What is a dray, barren and very sandy region called ? -----------------4. What is an area of land almost surrounded by water called? -----------------5. What ;s a narrow channel connecting two bodies of water called? -----------------6. There is usually a small fertile piece of land in a desert. We call this place an j. 7. What do you call an arm of an ocean or sea which extends into the land? -----------------8. What is half of the earth’s surface called? 9. What is a broad piece of land usually above sea level called? -----------------10. What is the seasonal wind which comes from the Indian Ocean and Southern Asia called? IV. Identify each occupation as correctly as you can. 1. a person who specializes in the art of teaching. 2. a person who stuff animals. -----------------3. one who makes an airplane fly. -----------------4. one who makes plans for buildings. --------------d. one who is paid for collecting garbage. G. a person who digs graves for the dead. 7. a person who plays in a band. -----------------8. one who specializes in nutrition. -----------------9. one who studies and makes discoveries about nature. -----------------10. a person engaged in legal practice. -------------PAGE 38 V. This is an exercise in Elementary Science. Think of the correct word. Write the word on the line. / 1. The-------- ‘------of a butterfly used for sipping nectar from the flowers. 2. The dustlike grains of a flower. -------------3. A-------- ------ of a camote plant that is planted to grow a new plant, 4. A --------------- of pigs. 5. A simple tool with a head. ----------- ;— 6. A pair of ------------- - of an insect used for feeling its way about. 7. A --------------- of a banana plant. 8. A--------- >— is an instrument used to tell the direction from which the wind is blowing. 9. A---------------attracts things made of iron and steel. 10. A long-haired dog. --------------11. The---------------of bees. 12.. A cud-chewing animal. --------------I ASM 4UBUIUIÓJ *SI avuuapm *9 0Ajq jauiuiBq *2 'oi lauSnm *6 jouunj *g auHA-puiM -g UOROd % looqs spsoqo.id -y A joXmu[ -Qi ^spuaios *6 }siuopr.r|nu *8 JO^EIAB -g unpismu XSJUIJOpiXBX jaSSip-aAEjS *9 jaqona) •[ Al UOOSUOUI ’01 qinj^s -g nnapqd *6 puu[si ajaqdsiuiaq -g ;jasap g jo;unba g SISHO *9 ouhojoa *x . Ill <■ S9[qqad *g 9[T>oq iqiui i? ’2 3op pd ijb; t dnos *x II POO[J -01 Xjasjnu ipnqd •£ ’6 JOSIAH -f? MoquiBJ* 8 a-nj *g a^njjd puiM z suoaquS -9 uooqdA'x jo lujóos *x THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR
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