

Part of The Gold Ore

extracted text
ADMINISTRATION Two Letters The President Baguio Colleges Baguio City Dear Sir: I have the honor to submit for your consideration the following request, to take effect on the first day of the second quarter. Firstly, I would like to be relieved of my adminisrtativc position as Regis­ trar of the College. I prefer to teach either on the part-time or full time basis as you may desire. Secondly, while you are looking for or training somebody to take my place, I request to he free in the afternoon so I can handle a subject or two. The foregoing request is made because my eyes cannot withstand too much pa­ per work, which I do not personally enjoy. Since it is your policy to make our employees do the work in which they fit, I am looking forward to your favorable consideration of this matter. Very respectfully yours, Fernando Bautista To: The Registrar The allegation in your letter of Au­ gust 20 that staff members ought to be assigned to tasks they personally enjoy and are best fitted for is a correct state­ ment of our policy. I find your rea­ sons in support of your request to be relieved of your duties as Registrar, ef­ fective the second quarter, hard to dis­ pute and it is with profound regret that I am compelled to approve it. The first year in the life of any or­ ganization is the hardest and the most trying. Despite the fact that I know now you do not personally enjoy paper work, which I admit is a drudgery, you have discharged your duties faithfully and efficiently. Your love for the ci ass­ room and for the students has been time and again manifested and I know I shall be committing a serious mistake if I do not accede to your request. Before doing so, it is my plan to take up in my next trip to Manila, a bonus or a salary adjustment in your case as a reward for efficient and faithful service. For the fouiteen months that I have known you and observed your work, you have displayed the interest of an owner, a quality that is rarely shown by exe­ cutives working purely on a salary basis. From my own participation, I want you to know that it is my intention that the fidelity and industry you have shown shail not go unrewarded. I do not believe in merely handing out a letter of commendation to an asso­ ciate who has proved himself entitled to such a letter. I know I can frame a letter of commendation but I realize I cannot cat it. You can be sure that I am going to do something more than commend you for services rendered. Benjamin Salvosa (The letters speak for themselves) Exuberant Statistics This is how the figures look to ope­ rate our Baguio Colleges. During the first three quarters of last year, college fixed assets had a net book value of P57,741.83; current assets P25,423.88; deferred charges P791.00 or total assets of P83,956.71. During that whole year skeptics and fence-sitters watched with glee in their eyes. A college like this cannot live for long. No college ever thrived in Baguio yet. Will it with only 150 odd students? Page 12 THE GOLD ORE
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