

Part of The Gold Ore

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ANYTHING BUT. . I attended one of the meetings of the Board of Management of the “Gold Orc”. From what I gathered the mem­ bers of the staff are trying to arrive at some definite pattern for the paper. Naturally, it is difficult to arrive at such a thing. A paper, to be progressive and dif­ ferent from other college publications, must acquire a soul of its own. It must not imitate what other colleges have set. It must conform with the prac­ tical needs of the school and of the times. In short, it can be anything but a regimented and limited agent, of free thought. Carlos M. Fallarme THE PRESIDENT WRITES I have no intentions of muzzling studen opinion. Get your facts straight and do not waste students’ money on poison and vituperation. To be criticized is one of the pains of being a leader. Student leaders and Gold Ore staff members, if able to dish it out, must be able to take it. Benjamin Salvosa TOO MUCH? Don’t you think the P3.00 per quar­ ter that is charged per student is a lit­ tle too much to start with? Telesforo N. Boquiren MORE NEWS Can’t we put more news items to keep the students abreast of the times? Anonymous NO ADS Examining the back cover of the pa­ per, I noticed an advertisement—two columns. I am sure a school paper should not put an advertisement section. Anonymous Again A NEOPHYTE SPEAKS I am a neophyte in this college and the first thing that caught my fancy was your summer issue of the “Gold Ore”. As one of the students who pay for its existence, I want to have a say on its set-up. In the first place a college organ must be a college organ and nothing more. It must not be utilized as a prospectus. As a college mouthpiece it has to live up to a certain degree of standard. However, I believe your editorials were par excellent. Orlando Rimando FOR A LESSER FEE I believe that the fee should be les­ sened by this time in as much as there is enough enrolnu nt to finance the cause. In view of the fact that the P3.00 was le­ vied upon us, the old students, only as a start because the enrolment then was very limited, I request that you consider the plight of the students under the hea­ vy pressure of the said amount. A Pro-Law Student IMPROVES WITH EVERY ISSUE? Every college has its own standards and ideals. The “Gold Ore” has its own standards and ideals too. A fact it is that it improves with every issue. It has interested me very much to see the “Gold Ore” spring up to a solid and reliable organ, more forceful, more commanding, and more inspiring... F. W. Page 28 THE GOLD ORE
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