The place of a college organ in our college life.pdf


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Winning Article: The Place of A College Organ In Our College Life By Andres A. Cosalan History records the vitally import­ ant role that the press pi ays in the lives of all civilized people. Freedom of the press has always been one of the four fundamental freedoms cherished in every democratic country. That any democratic organization functions in ac­ cordance with this principle is now an undisputed fact. Similarly, our student government patterned after these or­ ganizations must function with this freedom exercised for the benefit and welfare of the student body as a whole. We are college students and as such, we face for the first time a broader horizon of the cultural field. At no other stage in our life have we been given a better chance to develop our in­ tellectual capacities. Our college organ off( rs us that means by which we may avail ourselves of this rare opportunity. Through our college organ, our liter­ ary endeavors, ideas and contentions will appear in print. Virtually, we make our­ selves an active member of a civilization that iives on literary symbiosis. Through its humble pages, we can revere the memories of our great men. The democratic way of our country will undoubtedly find expression in the writ­ ings we shall produce. And in so doing, we shall have contributed our share in the moulding of our nation’s destiny. Through it we wish to bring our­ selves closer to each other; hoping there­ by to foster the spirit of brotherhood amongst us. It will be a means to pro­ mote understanding and cooperation, their essence of which must guide us in our dealings with one another. Though how slow and painstaking the process may be, undoubtedly, it will help to oblite­ rate the inter-Filipino prejudice which tends to undermine our national unity. In the light of these and many other transcending aims, we can see for our­ selves the place of our college organ in our college life. c J N A GREAT DEMOCRACY such as ours the outstanding need of the hour is greater information and greater tolerance. Sincere efforts at enlightenment and education by the press are more important than self-appointed leadership.—Roy W. Howard. August, 1947 Page 3
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