This quarter's diary activities, Bull Session.pdf


Part of The Gold Ore

extracted text
This QUARTER’S DIARY: activities Bull Session Spark-p u.f»-ged l:y our ad-libbing Ed-in-Ghi-. f. 1 he great and near-great oí' the Baguio Coileo-o^’ writing talent md in an after-c ass caucus which turned out to bo a “bull session”. Denuded thus of the formality and uncomfortable stiff­ necked poses of more formal parliament­ ary procedure, the main business of the day was done in record time and in or­ der. A Board of Management to concern itself chiefly with the business end of the publication of the “Gold Ore” w’as elect­ ed viva voce from among the staff mem­ bers : Jose S. Florendo—Chairman Nieves Peralta—Sec. -Treasurer Amando Masangcay—Bun'ness Mgr. Romeo S. Florendo—Member Orlando Rimando—Member Also, a definite editorial poiicy was arrived at. (Readers are enjoined to ferret it out for themselves—Ed.) Acting with the appointive power vested him, the Ed then filleel up the existing vacancies in the staff by ap­ pointing: Victorina A. Paraan—Society Editor Andres Cosalan—News Editor Bobby San Pedro—Sports* Carlos M. Fallarme—Contributing Editor Felicidad Williamson—Humor Section Ernesto Picart—Advertising Manager Bienvenida Rosal—Exchange Amando Masangcay—Photographer All business done, the staff mem­ bers broke up after exactly 40 minutes of business talk. They proceeded to Pros. Saivosa’s sprawling bungalow as per his appointment with them. FRESH COKE, PRES. TALK—Poorer by a few pesos (they sardined themselves into a cab) they were met by the Pre­ sident, youngish-looking in baby-blue pa­ jamas for all his 35 years. Outside, it was cold and raining. Inside, the at­ mosphere* was warm. While N. Pe­ ralta, F. Williamson, B. Rosal sipped their coke, the President, R. Paraan and the* rest, of his “Golel Ore” gang talke el talk and pored over “Golel Orc” stuff in-between drinks of some exhilarating’ light wine. While cigarette smoke hung in the air, so was comfortable informality. The President, himself an active student leader in his UP days, was a good sport bv coming down to the crowd anel talkeel to them on college papers, pub­ lications etc...“Give what your readers want. Even if you hate the stuff but you’re} sure they’ll like it, dish it out to them. After all, it’s their money which keeps the paper going. That’s the secret of a gooel editorial policy”... All rolled into one, the night turned out to be a literary soiree, fireside chat and ‘stomach progress’ buffet style writh an obliging Mrs. Salvosa and the high school’s Tagalog editor Valentin Ma»asigan doing the serving. When the crowd broke up, altho’ they were to be poorer again by a few more pesos (they still had to sardine themselves into another cab) they were richer by so many lessons learned from the President and his publishing ex­ periences. Moral'.—Franklin Roosevelt diet not have a monopoly of fireside chats. Page 4 THE GOLD ORE
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