

Part of The Gold Ore

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tit” Official Organ of the Student Body of Tke Baguio Golleges Jose S. Florendo Ricardo A. Paraan Editor-in-Chief Guaiberto Q. Lambino Associate Editor Managing Editor Nieves Peralta CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Orlando Rimando Federico Cabato Carlos Fallarme Bantas Suanding Romeo S. Florendo DEPARTMENTS Andres A. Cosalan Bienvenida Rosal Literary News Exchange Victorina A. Paraan Bobby San Pedro Felicidad A. Williamson Society Sports Humor Alberto Blancas Ernesto G. Picart Amando Masangcay Artist Advertising Photography WELCOME by e. g. picart B—aguio Colleges welcomes you . . . new lads and lassies, A—rdent with hopes and wishes . . . that G—od bless you all for at last you’ve answered Her call. U—ntil the end pray stay I—n her open heart, your home . . . tomorrow . . . today O—n this day you come from yonder. C—all her nothing but mother . . . for 0—h you know that she will teach you. Guide you. L—ong before you came, she anticipated your coming— L—ooking beyond . . . as if for a lost child. E—nter her open, out-stretched arms . . . feeling G—ood and great . . . and why not, for at last you came E—ver to stay and hold aloft her beam. S—o again . . . Welcome, you . . . new lads and lassies.
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