Of Philippine tourist spots


Part of Panorama

Of Philippine tourist spots
Atsumi Ikeno
Philippines -- Description and travel.
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some particular form of heresy we may encounter. In a debate in the House of Commons, Gladstone re­ viewed the history of Ox­ ford and spoke of the la­ mentable condition of that institution during th® reign of Queen Mary. Quoting a historian of that period he continued: “The cause of the failure is easy to dis­ cover. The Universities had everything, except the most necessary element of all — Freedom: which by the im­ mutable laws of nature, is always an indispensable con­ dition of real and permanent prosperity in the higher in­ tellectual cultivation and its organs.” With this conclu­ sion all who cherish our he­ ritage must agree: without freedom the prosperity most important for this country cannot be achieved — the prosperity of our cultural life. — By James Bryant Co­ nant in Vital Speeches of the Day, July, 1936. OF PHILIPPINE TOURIST SPOTS Filipinos should be thankful for the wonderful scenery and tourist spots that your country offers. We don’t have those beautiful sceneries in Japan. If properly developed, the tourist spots in the Phil­ ippines will greatly enhance your tourist industry. — Atsumi Ikeno, Miss Japan of 1968 20 Panorama