We fear the wrong things


Part of Panorama

We fear the wrong things
Sheen, Fulton
Panorama Volume XV (No.9) September 1963
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
TNI PHILIPPINE MAGAZINE OF OOOO I KA DI NO Vol. XV MANILA, PHILIPPINES No. 9 WE FEAR THE WRONG THINGS The Gospel everywhere hints that we fear the wrong things. One wonders if the same warning should not apply to our times. The majority of people today, if queried, would say that the atomic bomb was the greatest danger facing the world. But is there not something else in the world more dangerous still than nuclear warfare which can bring havoc to humanity? That one thing is hunger.’ "Hunger?” we ask. But this is because we know not its. mean­ ing. Ten thousand die of it a day. Our garbage collectors gather up in one dav from our refuse cans enough food to feed six hundred rhillion people for several days. We know little about it, but hunger is the ammunition for a future war; hunger is the arsenal in which is forged the swords which will cut down those who have full pantries, but who share not. The revolution of the 20th century will be a peasant revolution. It will not come from those who live on the land, but in slums; not from those who work with tools, but from those who have no work. It will rise out of the depths of the cities, overwhelming all who refuse to see that hunger is something that either kills self, or in the end, kills others.. "Everywhere prices rise and hunger sits at the hearth of mil­ lions of people. Here is the match to light the flames of war.” xxx The rich so often give to the rich, and it remains for those who have little to give to those who have nothing. All of us must awaken to the responsibilities that are on us toward the poor, wherever they be and be kind to them — not to prevent revolution, but to keep civil wars and strifes out of our own hearts. — Bishop Fulton Sheen.