Life in year 2000


Part of Panorama

Life in year 2000
Panorama Volume XXI (No. 4) April 1969
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Scientific advances point to better world or death
■ Scientific advances point to better world or death. LIFE IN YEAR 2000 “We are living in a new age in which predicting the future not only is interesting and fun, it is a necessity,” says Henry Still, a veteran newspaperman and aerospace industry public relations exe­ cutive. You’ll read that in Still’s new book, Man: The Next Thirty Years. This is no science-fiction 90-day wonder which leaves your mind free to roam in idle speculation about what is likely to happen in the last three decades of the 20th Century. It is a realistic welldocumented account of what life probably will be in the year 2000. No self-styled prophet, Still bases his material on his long experience in the aerospace business, his work with countless scientists and engineer and good, old-fash­ ioned homework, the kind the kids used to do at night before the invention of the electronic television tube. Still examines the techno­ logical and scientific marvels of tomorrow in the light of projects and experiments al­ ready under way. After his earlier books, Will the Hu­ man Rare Survive? and The Dirty Animal, a study of pollution, Still now turns his scrutiny to the two roads he claims are available to man on his journey to the millen­ nium. The author cautions that great though the potentials may be, the year 2000 “will differ from today only ac­ cording to the amount of imagination, good will, and work exercised from year to year in the scant third of a century remaining between now and then.” Man either can direct his natural and technological re­ sources toward making a bet­ ter world or be destroyed in a self-made, mechanistic nightmare, Still warns. He describes in surprising­ ly precise detail what we can 50 Panorama reasonably expect in the ad­ vances of agriculture, food, communications, city plan­ ning, medicine, education, transportation, automation, energy and computer techno­ logy. If science and technology continue to move forward at today’s pace, Still writes, these are some glimpses of what might come to pass by the year 2000. An Iowa farmer, relaxing in his air-conditioned office, will be able to order a rain­ storm to forestall drought and ask. his computer whe­ ther he should delay or speed up the ripening of his crops. Once harvested, his produce will be distributed by float­ ing ocean pipelines to city markets all over the world, thus evening out today’s im­ balance between surplus and starvation. — Copley, from The Daily Mirror 9-IV-69 TO A YOUNG DEMONSTRATOR Sonny, it takes 60 years to grow a molave, but only 3 weeks to grow camote. — Anonymous Amul 1000 51