Chief Justice against reelection


Part of Panorama

Chief Justice against reelection
Panorama Volume XX (No. 10) October 1968
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
■ Proposals for a new constitution. CHIEF JUSTICE AGAINST REELECTION Incumbent elective of­ ficials, who are running for reelection, should be made to resign one year before elec­ tion day. This was proposed by Chief Justice Roberto Con­ cepcion of the Supreme Court as an alternative to his earlier proposal to ban immediate reelection for the President and all other elective officials. In an interview, Concep­ cion further amplified his noimmediate reelection plan which, he said, would mini­ mize the “corroding effects of too much politics” in this country. Concepcion made his . no­ reelection proposal in a speech before the Philippine Bar Association in observance of World Law Day. Concepcion had said that a public officer who seeks a second term of office is un­ der a terrific handicap in the performance of his functions. Often, he said, reelectionists use the powers and in­ fluence of their offices to advance their candidacy, in­ stead of promoting public welfare. If the proposed prohibition on immediate reelection can­ not be pushed through, the Chief Justice said, the next best alternative is to amend existing provisions of law or the Constitution to require reelectionists to resign from of­ fice a year before election day. The alternative plan, Con­ cepcion hoped, would like­ wise achieve the objective of minimizing too much politic­ king among elective officials. This is so, Concepcion ex­ plained, because it is usually during the last few months before elections that the of­ ficials play politics. The reelection of officials is also to blame for expen­ sive poll expenses, he said. A reelectionist is likely to spend more to keep himself in power, while his opponents will try to offset the advan­ tages of the incumbent by excessive spending, Concep­ cion said. — Manila Times, Oct., 1968. Panorama