Sunshine Corner


Part of Forestry Leaves

Sunshine Corner
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
• SUNSHINE CORNER • The youngest member of an LC party was separated from his companions and wandered by himself in the great open spaces of Bukidnon. He at last came to a homesteader's house where he asked for directions. "Well, you keep right on walking south till you smoke up four cigarettes and by that time the trail will fork and you take the left one and you will pass the ruins of an old ranchhouse and another two cigarrettes later, you tum left and this will iead you to a dried up well. "There, you will find criss-crossing trail• in all directio-just take any one of them because, by that time, you're as lost as h ... anyhow! • • • • Ranger Colcol, awakened one night by a noise in the hen house, grabbed his gun, ran to the kitchen stairs and yelled: '·Who's there?" '·Nobody but us chickens, boss," came the answer. • • • • Dentist: (To talkative patient) - "Open your mouth and shut up." Dalfynitions Christ~A widely observed holiday on which ne.ther the past nor the future is of so much interest as the present. Optimism-A cheerful frame of mind that enables a tea kettle to sing though in hot water up to itl nose. Worry-A state of minti that leach llOIDe pel'llOM te fear every time the ._µde goes out that it won't come in again. Temptation--Something which when resisted gives happiness and which when yielded to gives greater happiness. • • • • There was a forest guard who remarked: "Out of each month's salary, I spend P45 for gin or whiskey and P40 on the ladies; the rest I spend foolishly." Why is a kiss like a scandal? Because it goes from mouth to mouth. • • • • To what man do men always take their hats off? The barber. • • • • When little Romy was told by Mrs. Sunico thiat she was born in Bataan, his father in Albay, his sister in Palawan and he in Lanao, the puzzled tot said: "But ma, how'd we all get together here in Los Banos?" Page 74 Christmas comes, but once a year's enough. • • • • "It looks like rain," said the landlady as she set a bowl of soup in front of one of her boarders one cloudy day. "Yes, it does,'' the boarder replied, getting a whiff of it, "but it smells a little like soup." • • • • What is the difference between a sewing machine and a kiss? One sews nice seams and the other seems nice. • • • • A farmer is a man who makes his money on the farm and spends it in town. An agriculturist is a man who makes his money in town and spends it 011 the farm. • • • • The manager of the local electric company was making a stirring speech. "Think of the good this company has done," he cried. "If I were permitted a pun I should say, "Honor the Light Brigade!" And a customer immediately shouted, "Oh, what a charge they made!" • • • • "Are there no crocodiles in this river?" asked the· city boy aS he plunged into the water. His ran1er friend replied, "No, the crocodiles don't come down here because they're afraid of the lharks.'' • • • • "I miss my husband so!" The woman cried. And so just one more plate At him she threw. A new machine has been developed that is designed to fit the power take-off of any tractor which is protected by a safety clutch that disengages itllelf when pinching in the cut or where obstructions are encountered. Queries General opinion presumes that a Ranger graduate from the College of Forestry knows scaling work, yet scaling is only taught in the Senior Year of the B.S.F. course. Why is scaling then not taught in the Sophomore year?-T.M. They say the Manual of Procedure has become obsolete and that a new one has been prepared to replace it. When is thi• re"·ised one coming out for use?-T.M. FOREST.RY LF..AVES