A Bambusetum is born


Part of Forestry Leaves

A Bambusetum is born
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
A BAMBUSETUM IS BORN By FRANCISCO N. TAMOLANG Forester, Bureau of Forestry Because of its popularity and common use, the bamboo has proven to be a profitable business as in the sawali industry of Tarlac and Pampanga both of which provinces have discovered that the humble and commonplace bamboo can be made to pay very rich dividends in business and a boon to those who cannot afford the costlier construction materials for their homes and public buildings. In one of the issues of the Forestry Leaves, much was said about the "king bamboo", its current uses and commercial possibilities. However, with the recent establishment of the Forest Products Laboratory it becomes a certainty that further studies on its strength, pulp quality, economic aspect, etc. will be explored. Then, too, when definite favorable results are obtainable, the Central Forest Experiment Station may be harnessed to find means of propagating the same. In anticipation of these forthcoming needs there is a necessity for planning out the means for supplying the materials which may be called for by the laboratory and pe~haps by some of the reforestation projects. What may be the answer to these needs is a bambusetum or bambodal (as called in Spanish) which can supply the materials at any time. WHAT IS A BAMBUSETUM? A collection of living bamboos, either native or exotic, raised and cultivated either for scientific, educational, or aesthetic pur· poses or any combination thereof is called a bambusetum. This unfamiliar term which is new to a good many of us, came from the lips of one of the world's specialists on bamboos who, with. Dr. J. V. Santos of the University of the Philippines, visited * thE' Makiling National Park on December 9, 1953, a week after the closing Plenary Sesi.sion of the Eighth Pacific Science Congress. Dr. McClure upon noticing a number of our bamboos which are scattered on the Forestry Campus, enthusiastically suggested the establishment of a bambusetum similar to the 10-hectare lot he established in China. It is said that a bambusetum affords one the opportunity to observe and study closely the growth habit of the plants and their field characters which may be more practicable and preferable clues to their identification than their floral characters because it is said that some bamboos have their seed years ranging from 10-50 years. Besides this, it becomes a handy source of materials for studies which will be conducted by the forest products laboratory or of entities engaged in research· or investigation. ESTABLISHMENT AND DEVELOPMENT The bambusetum of the Bureau of Forestry and the College of Forestry, U.P. is. the "brain child" of Forester Felix Franco, Chief, Division of Forest Investigation and Professor Calixto Mabesa, Forester-inCharge of the College of Forestry, University of the Philippines. On December 17, 1953 a nursery was established for conducting studies on the propagation and raising of planting materials for this bambusetum. To start with, there are about ten different kinds ot bamboos being raised· in the nursery which will soon be transplanted in their proper places in the proposed site fa hec*The first visit of Dr. McClure was on November 23, 1953 together with Dr. Walker of the Smith.anian Institute, Washington, D.C. and Dr. J. V. Santos of U.P. GRADUATION ISSUE-APRIL, 1954 Page 21 tares 6c-d and 7c-d about 400 mE'ters from the College of Forestry building. It is hoped that from time to time more bamboos from all parts of the islands and also from abroad will be added to the present collection in the Makiling National Park and planted systematically in the bambusetum which will soon be improved. The idea is to render it accessible not only t() scientists, excursionists, and other interested groups but particularly to the students of the College of Forestry, who after their graduation may be interested in the business possibilities of the bamboo. COLLECTION OF MATERIAIB To date there are about 18 species of bamboos collected for the bambusetum. They are: (1) Spiny bamboo (Bambusa blumeana (spinosa Roxb.); (2) Indian bamboo (Bambusa arundinacea Willd.) * (3) Kauayan-kiling (Bambusa vulgaris Schrad.); (4) Yellow or golden bamboo (B. vulgaris var. striata (Lod.) Gamble);• (5) Bambusa nana; (6) Chinese bamboo (B. multiplex glaucescens (Willd.) Seib.);* (7) Bayog (Dendrocalamus merrilianus Elm.); (8) Striate bayog (Dendrocalamus sp.); (9) Bekki-bekking (D. sp. ?) ; (10)" Botong or Male bamboo (D. strictus Nees); (11) Bolo (Gigantochloa levis (Blco.) Merr.); (12) Gigantochloa aspera.: (13) Boho Schizotachyum lumampao (Blco.-) Merr.); (14) Yellow boho (S. brachycladum (cinera) ;* (15) Tagkauayan boho (S. sp. ?) ; (16) Anos (S. Zima (Blco.) Merr.); (17) Pole vault bamboo (Phyllostachys sp.) ;• and (18) Fishing rod bamboo (Phyllostachys sp.) •. Of particular interest are the following bamboos: (1) Bekki-bekking whose identification is still unknown was collected by A. Sison from Aguilar, Pangasinan and is used for walking sticks and balusters; (2) Striate bayog also collected by A. Sison from Labrador, Pangasinan is considered by herbolarios as a cure for T.B.; (3) Striate spiny bamboo which is believed to exist in San * Means introduced species. Page 22 Carlos, Pangasinan; ( 4) Gigantochloa sp. noted for the biggest culm so far (a diameter of 1 foot) is believed to exist in Impalutao, Bukidnon; (5) Multi-colored bamboo one time mentioned in "Where in the Philippines" of the Manila Times can be found in San Juan, Abra; (6) Dendrocalamus curranii of SampaloC' and Polilio. Quezon;. (7) Cephalostachyum mindorense Gamble of Mindoro; (8) Gadua philippinensis Gamble is a rare species believed . to be found only in Davao; (9) a species of bamboo in Japan whose rhizomes are prolific producers of young edible shoots; and (10) a species of bamboo in China noted as good fodder for animals is recommended as .a prospective control for cogon and other grasses. Dr. McClure promised to send ~ the last-named bamboo. The entire nation would be very grateful if he could send to us in addition the species of edible Japanese bamboo. This will certainly supplement the Filipino diet and help bolster the food production campaign in the Philippines. · Observations in the Makiling National Park show that most of the bamboos which were planted by Forester H. M. Curran are thriving very well and have been turning in dividends in the form of human benefits. From all indications, they may serve as natural dams along gulleys and levees in cogonal lands, particularly in reforestation projects by minimizing the rate of flow of run-off water; thus reducing to the minimum the ravages of soil erosion. If quite a number of bamboo clumps can be maintained in reforestation projects, it becomes ~ertain that they will be an invaluable source of construction materials, fence posts, potting tubes, seed baskets, viandas, forage, nursery implements, etc. The bambusetum is not conceived to be a "whale of a project"; but it is one which deserves due attention and consideration by all men in the Forest Servic~ especially those in. the field upon whom depend its (Continued on page 40) FORESTRY LEAVES